Personal site of Valery Levonevski

Russian version

ARTICLES Archive. Updating

03.06.2001 What do we want?

01.06.2001 the businessmen and policy, beginning of discussion in the newspaper " National will "...

10.05.2001 What is the sense of the political strike of the businessmen of May 18, 2001.

18.04.2001 Rats. Who has begun to buy "independent" press? How much is conscience today?

14.04.2001 Speech (project) of Valery Levonevski with the message to parliament of the Republic of Belarus.

13.04.2001 From a hall of court

08.03.2001 The answer to the article of MP in BN

05.02.2001 I ask you to support me.

27.10.2000 To the Deputies of the State Duma of Russian Federation

17.10.2000 Know-how of the fraud. About the admission of the election of the deputies of the National Assembly from October 15, 2000 invalid.

30.09.2000 The reference to the quoters of executive bodies and quoters of power structures

24.09.2000 "LIQUIDATORS"

22.09.2000 Does the Central Commission really exist?

18.09.2000 "Scholars"

17.09.2000 Again about "dirty" technologies.

15.09.2000 "The smoothing out"

13.09.2000 "Grey" weekdays of the future candidates in the deputies.

09.09.2000 POS, democratic parasites …. or once again about "the boycott" of election.

30.08.2000 The Grodno officials boycott the election.

12.08.2000 In the afternoon sit commission; nights are the prostitutes and gangsters (pre-election passions)

01.08.2000 Once again about the results of the All-Belorussian congress for the independence of Belarus.

29.07.2000 About the congress, about the forthcoming choices and not only about these events.

19.07.2000 "The clown"

17.06.2000 Guest - performers. Almost play.

15.04.2000 We have to stop rascals from opposition.

12.03.2000 Has Sasha forgot to read? …. or from me of half-litre.

09.03.2000 Has hurried to bury!

07.03.2000 Negotiation came into impasse? Is not present! They did not begin at all.

16.02.2000 The open letter

21.01.2000 Cautiously, Gangsters!

27.10.1999 About history of development of trade unions of the businessmen and people working on hiring.

19.10.1999 Appeal to the deputies of the State Duma of Russian Federation. 

18.10.1999 Anonymous authors.

09.10.1999 The Telegram

22.09.1999 The information message.

25.07.1999 «The Grodno initiative» - myths and realities.

22.07.1999 The holidays have passed, what shall we do farther?

19.07.1999 To have a good time so to have a good time!

19.07.1999 In Grodno they have begun to put the handcuffs on.

08.07.1999 Not to appear in prison tomorrow, struggle for freedom today.

27.06.1999 The all-republican strike of the businessmen planned for 1.07.99 is delayed.


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