Informational bulletin of trade unions of businessmen

of the Republic of Belarus

10 (76)




May 18 the one-day political strike of the businessmen!

Dear businessmen, colleagues! We have long and patiently waited when the government and president begin to listen to the opinion of the businessmen. Unfortunately, it has not happened, both government and president have not accepted other ideas, other representations about the society, about economics, about the state device, about democracy. In spite of the fact that everywhere in economics and in the society of Belarus the crisis deepens, the government and president are persistently continuing to drag Belarus on Stalin ways. 
To command over everybody, to distribute everything, to control everything, to make objectionable and not consent people disappear are the basic principles of the Stalin system. In this system business and initiative people (businessmen) are not necessary. In this system obedient quiet "rifles" - the poor defenceless citizens - are necessary. 
We have done all possible to let the leaders of the country know that it is a deadlock way, we have offered to use experience of reforming of the neighbouring countries but neither our efforts nor positive experience of the neighbouring countries could not convince the president and government that the way chosen by them is a mistake. The president and his nearest environment continue thinking that the stronger their authority is, the better life would be for the people. Actually, last years he has only been engaged in strengthening personal authority and in strengthening "vertical". Judging by his speeches at the forthcoming presidential elections he will use any breaches of the elective legislation to save the authority. 
May 18 he is going to organise the congress of people gathered by him and those who depend on him. At this congress there will be absent those people who disagree with the policy of A. G. Lukashenko. Probably, this "pocket" congress called magnificently The Congress of the Belorussian People will proclaim A. G. Lukashenko the eternal president, then he will continue the variant of the Stalin experiment. 
We should prevent this. We shall remind to our citizens in what the policy of A. G. has resulted.
The result of his policy is vivid, it is seen on the prices at the counters of shops, it is seen on the size of wages, on what our citizens can buy. Being unable to cope with any serious state problem, the leaders of the country having monopolised the mass media has chosen the way of frank lie. 
On TV we hear the flows of lie, our poor people are inspired the idea that they live well, they constantly report about any imaginary successes, about economic growth. There is an impression that even if our citizens die of hunger, they will be "inspired" that they are full and happy. East saying says: You can say the word halva as many times as you like, it wont be sweet in a mouth because of it. The Belorussian radio and TV probably do not know about it and daily hang up noodles to our citizens about "halva" which has ostensibly been given to them by A. G. 
Businessmen, the time has come when we should tell the weighty word what we think about the president and government.
May 18 2001 we announce the political strike. This day A. G. will collect the supporters ready to support his any decision. He wants to show that the people (people picked up by him) support him. We should show that it is not so.
We are tired to wait when the president and government will learn to rule the country not in the Stalin way. We are tired to wait for those decrees which could change the conditions of the businessmens activity to the best. We do not trust them more, we were convinced that these people understand anything neither in policy nor in economics. We are tired of their lie!
Well live in this country! We can not indifferently look how the country is being destroyed, people are growing poor! We can not indifferently look how the Bolsheviks experiment in the scale of Belarus is continuing! For 7 years which A. G. Lukashenko has spent as the president he has not executed any pre-election promise. And we remember what boons he promised to people. The European salary! In 7 years it is found out that the president, maybe, will lift the salary up to 100 dollars by the end of 2001 if the foreign investors give money!? And if will they not give? Where will he take it? Daily crowds "inspectors" visit markets and according to the order of A. G. search for money on the promised salary in 100 dollars. They think that they search - we think that they rob. A way of the robbery is very simple - confiscation of the goods on any pretext. For example, they have confiscated the goods because there is no certificate and they immediately sent it to a shop where the certificate is not so necessary to sell. They need the certificate just as a reason to take the goods away. They take care about the health of the citizens, dont they? In shops of Belarus there are plenty of is vodka on sale which was made up from the confiscated spirit and the half of it is the aceton at least its steady smell. They take care about the health of the nation! How many people have been sent and still will be sent to the other world by this beverage! And, you see, the cloth from abroad (pure cotton) can, in their opinion, damage the health of a buyer. According to information we have, in Belarus it was not fixed any case when a businessman damages the health of a buyer by the poor-quality goods. 
Colleagues, we have been finally convinced that with this president and government there is no use for all people of Belarus and businessmen to wait for good things!
We declare that A. G. Lukashenko has not coped with the duties! As the official employed by people of Belarus to execute the duties foreseen by the constitution of the of Belarus he has not executed a condition of the contract, namely according to article 83 of the Constitution he accepting the oath, declared: Entering to the post of the President of the Republic of Belarus, I solemnly swear to serve correctly to the people of the Republic of Belarus, to respect and to protect the rights and freedom of man and citizen, to observe and to protect the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, to execute the high duties assigned to me piously and honesty.
We think that A. G. Lukashenko has not executed the oath given by them, he has forgotten about the promise to serve to people of the Republic of Belarus. During his activity he broke tens time the Constitution on which he swore before people. We demand his resignation and we offer him:
1.To address to people of Belarus with the message in which he admits that he has not coped with the duties, has not executed the pre-election promises. To ask pardons for people. The project of such message is made by us and is offered to A. G. Lukashenko to sign. 
2.To form temporary government from the representatives of public organisations, workers of state service, representatives of the opposition parties and movements and its task will include the organisation and realisation of free democratic elections of the president.
3.To prove the non-participation in disappearance of the outstanding figures of the opposition: Zakharenko, Gonchar, Zavadsky etc.
4.To transfer into the budget all public funds he has got, including from the fund controlled by him personally.
5.To resign from the post of the president, duty of the president according to article 89 of the Constitution will be executed by the prime Minister. 
In this case, people of Belarus, probably, will believe, that A. G. was mistaken as every man. He wanted to make the best things, but he was mistaken. Otherwise he as well as Miloshevich wouldnt be able to avoid the criminal trial.
Businessmen, colleagues, we live already in the 21st- century! The time of the dictators and totalitarian modes has gone away. We can, we are obliged to prevent the slipping of Belarus to autocracy. We should openly declare: In Belarus a casual man is at the authority and he should leave! While he is at the authority, any our problem will not be solved, A. G. for this purpose has neither knowledge, nor political will. On all norms of the international democracy we do not break the law, we require that facts in validity of which we are sure.

Yours faithfully. Valery Levonevski. 
3.05.2001. Grodno.


The appeal of Alexander Grigorievich Lukashenkom the president of Belarus to the people of Belarus (the project)

Dear compatriots, citizens of the Republic of Belarus!

In 1994 when you elected me as the president of the Republic of Belarus, I sincerely believed that I would be able to do a lot for the people. In that time, it really seemed that having formed a team of the adherents, having put business and requiring leaders on managing posts we would be really able to start factories, develop an agriculture, make the average salary equal to European, improve life of our people. 7 years has passed. For these years I have made every effort to change life of our people, however to tell the truth, I should recognise that in 1994 I did not imagine all complexity of tasks which should be solved by me. Having undertaken the responsibility for all processes that take place in Belarus, I have gradually found out that the slow bureaucratic vertical created by me became a brake in the development itself. It seemed that actively interfering in all spheres of life I would manage to correct them with the advantage for business, in reality everything has resulted in that the officials on places finished to do everything without my instructions being feared to lose a post.
I sincerely hoped that having restored a socialist planned economics I would manage to solve increasing as a now ball problems of the industry and agriculture. Everything was not so as I imagined. The broken connections between former republics of the USSR, absence of raw resources did not allow this system to function effectively enough as it was very prodigal and non-thrifty. I thought that I would be able a lot of good things for people but I was mistaken on many aspects. I am sorry before the people for the mistakes! I am sorry for the time missed by our country on my fault, for the pre-election promises which did not come true!
Understanding, that my further stay in the rank of the President of Belarus leads to the confrontation in the society, taking care about the interests of the people of Belarus, I leave this post. Lets new leaders come with new fresh ideas which probably will be more effective than mine. My powers according to the Constitution will be executed by the prime minister. I have prepare the documents to form a temporary government of the national concordance which main task will be operative management of the country and preparation and realisation of democratic elections appropriate to the international norms of democracy and the elective legislation.
I sincerely wished and I wish goods to the people.
Yours faithfully.
The president of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. 
(It is offered to A. G. Lukashenko to read at the 18.05.2001congress)

It is prepared by Valery Levonevski
230005, Republic of Belarus,
Grodno - 5, subscriber box 63,
Tel./fax (0152) 31-30-62,
Pager (0152) 730-000, subscriber 95200


Question - answer

Question: We are given the leaflets signed by Sergei Bychkovsky who is said that he is the leader of the trade-union and businessmens movement in Minsk. I also know a Sergei Buchkovsky, connected with the drugs, sentenced by the court of October district of Minsk on article 219 part 1-2 of CC of RB (illegal manufacturing, purchase, storage, transportation, transfer of drugs to sell them) in summer, 1999 to three years of CWC of general mode with confiscation of property. He left punishment in CWC-1 of Minsk.


He served less than half of a term of imprisonment, In November, 2000 was conditionally earlier released (CER). Isnt he a sent Cossack to break our actions of the protest?


Is he a businessman in general and where is he registered?


Answer: This question was tried to be cleared at its leader Gennady Bukov (chairman of UBB). Gennady Bukov answered with humour inherent to him: I (Gennady Bukov) have two previous convictions, and what. Therefore it is better to specify questions connected with the presence of previous convictions, presence of the certificate of the businessman etc. at Buchkovsky and Bukov personally on tel. 284-31-82 (Minsk) or in CWC-1 of Minsk, we havent got an opportunity to check up this information. As to article 219-1, it provided the responsibility till 10-15 years, so your familiar has got rid by an easy fright. About the Cossack you, possibly, are right as your familiar is an ideal figure for recruitment. The man who is on CER can again get in prison only for bad behaviour. Active actions to break the businessmen movement began just in December, 2000. In the 10.04.2001 message to Parliament A. Lukashenko thanked the employees of CSS for good work.


Question: Why are the 26.04.2001 one-day strike of the businessmen and 1.05.2001 monthly cancelled?


Answer: Planned national strikes of the businessmen: one-day - 26.04.2001 and without time limits since 1.05.2001 are transferred on 18.05.2001 and 1.06.2001 accordingly, for the following reasons.


A lot of businessmen are not ready to strike these days, many of them trade successfully.

We do not have means to prepare these actions. Without means a good action it useless.

Many chairmen of the businessmens structures occupied a position of waiting and do nothing to prepare the strikes.

Some of our former colleagues on trade-union movement together with the state bodies counteract to realise the strikes.


Businessmen need time to understand: with what purpose do such people undermine the strike movement, not offering and not organising anything in exchange?


Under these conditions the strike committee of the businessmen does not think that it is sensible to spend the national actions of the protest before that time while the businessmen and businessmens actives are ready to them.


Not paying attention to the fact that the national strikes are transferred, we are ready to support any local actions of the protest of the businessmen in April - May 2001.


Question: Why do we irregularly receive the bulletin "Businessman"? We want to help you financially. How can we do it? The trade-union fees have not been collected at us for a long time.


Answer: Against our trade unions the real war has been started and this war is joint - state and structures supporting BPF. Temporarily we can not collect trade-union fees (details about it in one of the nearest bulletins "Businessman"). Is there a way out from this situation? It is. We offer you a new form of co-operation. To release bulletins, realise actions of the protest and other our joint purposes we shall borrow regularly money from you according to articles 760-761 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus (CC of RB). Everyone who will lend money will be given a receipt. An owner of the receipt can receive the free-of-charge legal help, receive the bulletins, etc. Moreover, according to CC of RB you can receive your money back if you think it is necessary (trade-union fees are not the subject to be returned). On the receipt there will be a personal signature of Valery Levonevsky, signature and seal of the bulletin "Businessman". Now Levonevsky owes to you. The loan will be of 4 kinds - 1.000 roubles, 10.000 roubles, 50.000 roubles, 100.000 roubles. The persons who collect extra means will have the power of attorney signed by Levonevsky at themselves. If you have any doubts, call (0152) 31-30-62 (Grodno), 260-97-75 (Minsk).


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