№ 3 (69) February 2001 |
THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS (project) continuation, beginning in №2
9. Regional and Minsk municipal Councils
of the deputies should in a month's term establish the rates of the single
tax outgoing from the base rates of the single tax indicated in the List
appended to this Decree and also from local conditions and features of
realising of activity. 10. Regional executive committees,
Minsk municipal committee should in 3-month's term develop and approve the
appropriate programs in which, in particular, the questions concerning
problems of development of the markets, organisation of trade places for the
personal businessmen and their step by step transformation into comfortable
rooms with granting of a full complex of services and first of all on rated -
cash service should be foreseen. 11. To give the Ministry of trade of the
Republic of Belarus the right to explain questions connected
with the reference of trade objects to points of trade and with the reference
of the some goods to production groups foreseen in the List appended to this
Decree. 12. To recognise as lost force: The decree of the President of the
Republic of Belarus from January 20, 1997 № 70 «About order of collection of the
fixed sums of the profit tax and fixed sums of the income tax» (Caucus of the
decrees, orders of the President and decisions of the Government of the
Republic of Belarus, 1997, № 2, article 71; № 13, article 438; №20, article
674; the national registry of the legal acts of the Republic of Belarus,
1999, № 44, 1/406); The Decree of the President of the
Republic of Belarus from February 16, 2000 № 7 «About some problems of collection
of the value added tax from the personal businessmen» (National registry of
the legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2000, № 20, 1 1009). 13. The goods made in the third
countries and put in the free circulation in Russian Federation (exception
for the goods which should be excised, are the
subject to be marked by the excise marks), are not the subject to the customs
registration at import to the territory of the Republic of Belarus by the
personal businessmen at realisation of the activity indicated in the second
paragraph of point 1 of this Decree. 14. The Council of Ministers of the
Republic of Belarus should ensure in six-month term the
reduction of the legislation according to the present Decree and acceptance
of other measures directed to realise this project. 15. This Decree has its force from April
1, 2001, except for points 9, 10, 12, 13 which have their force from the date
of its official publication, it is temporary and according to the third of
article 101 of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus
is presented for consideration to the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus. The
president of the Republic of
Belarus. The rule (is
February 5, 2001 № 57)
the order of displacement of
the goods which have been not intended for manufacturing or other commercial
activity through the customs border of the Republic of
Belarus by the physical persons 1. This Rule determines a simplified,
preferential order of displacement of the goods which have been
not intended for manufacturing or other commercial activity through the customs border of the
Republic of Belarus by the physical persons (further
- the goods not for commercial activity). 2. In this Rule the main concepts are
used in the following meanings: “The unified rate” – a rate in which
customs duties and taxes paid for the goods displaced through customs border
of the Republic of Belarus which have been not intended for
manufacturing or other commercial activity and foreseen by the legislation are included; “The goods which have been not intended
for manufacturing or other commercial activity” – belong to a physical person
on the right of possession, use, order, the personal property or other goods
displacement of which through the customs border of the Republic of Belarus
is not connected with realisation of manufacturing or other commercial
activity and according to their nature are not intended for realisation of
such an activity; “Personal property” – new or second-hand
goods which are in possession or property of a physical person and intended
for personal usage or consumption by a physical person and members of his
family or for disposal to other persons as a gift; “Diverse goods” - new or second-hand
goods which are in the property or possession of a physical person and which
are not related to the personal property because of the sphere where they are
used; “Agricultural products” - included in a
structure of the goods not for commercial purposes, goods of animal and
vegetable nature assorted in production groups 02 - 04, 07, 08, 10, 11, 15 of
Production nomenclature of foreign trade activity of the Commonwealth of
Independent States “Transport means” - motorcycles and cars
related to the goods for non-commercial purposes and assorted in production
stands 8702, 8703, 8704 21, 8704 31, 8711 of the above mentioned Commodity
nomenclature. 3. The goods for non-commercial purposes
displaced by physical persons through customs border of the Republic of
Belarus are the subject to customs registration in the
order established by the State customs committee. The purpose of the goods is established
by the customs bodies according to their nature and quantity, frequency of
displacement of the goods taking into the account all circumstances of the
trip of a physical person and if the basis are absent to suppose that the
goods are displaced through the customs border of the Republic of Belarus
not with the purposes of personal usage or consumption by a physical person
or members of his family or disposal as a gift. 4. The order of displacement of
currency of the Republic of
Belarus, financial credit instruments in the currency of the Republic of Belarus,
foreign currency and other currency and cultural values, weapon, ammunition
to it, pharmaceuticals, radio electronic means with radio emission and high
frequency installations by
the physical persons through the customs border of the Republic of Belarus
is determined by other acts of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus. 5. The displacement of animal and plants, their parts and derivatives, food
of animal and vegetable origin except for products which are going to be used
all along the line and which are the part of the personal property through
the customs by the physical persons boundary is allowed only if the customs
bodies are represented the sanctions of bodies of the phyto-sanitary and
veterinary control. What concerns the goods imported as
the goods for non-commercial purposes and which are the subject to
certification to the customs
territory of the Republic of Belarus the certificate of
conformity of such goods should not be represented to the customs bodies
according to the requirements of the statutory acts of the Republic of Belarus
on standardisation. 6. The export of scrap
and wastes of ferrous and non-ferrous metals for technical use including
half-finished product and blanks by the physical persons from the Republic of Belarus
is forbidden. 7. Are prohibited to the displacement
through the customs border of the Republic of Belarus: 7.1. By physical persons: 7.1.1. if the appropriate sanction
foreseen by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus
is absent: Fire-arms and ammunition to it of any
kind of military model, military equipment; Drug, psychotropic, toxicant, toxic,
strong, radioactive substances and explosives; 7.1.2. Printed and audio-visual
materials, other information carriers which can cause harm to political and
economical interests of the Republic of Belarus, its
state security, health and morals of the citizens; 7.1.3. Other goods import and export of
which is prohibited according to the legislation of the Republic of Belarus; 7.2. In the international mail messages: The goods for non-commercial purposes
forbidden to be sent according to the international treaties or legislation
of the Republic of Belarus; Alcoholic and tobacco articles sent to
the Republic of Belarus; The goods indicated in point 6 and
sub-item 7.1 of point 7 of this Rule. 8. The customs cost of the imported or
exported goods for non-commercial purposes which are taxed with customs payments
on the unified bet is determined summarily in the order established by the
State customs committee. 9. When the
personal property with the excess of cost and (or) quantitative restrictions
established by sub-items 12.1 and 12.2 of point 12, sub-items 14.2 and 14.3
of point 14 of this Rule and also goods which are not related to the goods
for non-commercial purposes on their nature and inherited or displaced by
persons who are moving to the constant place of residence are displaced by physical persons through the customs
border of the Republic of Belarus the general order and
conditions of tariff regulation and taxation foreseen for juridical persons
executing foreign trade activity are applied. 10. The general order and conditions of
tariff and non-tariff regulation (the measures of the economic policy),
taxation and customs registration foreseen for juridical persons executing
foreign trade activities are applied when the physical persons move through
the customs border of the Republic of Belarus: the goods with the excess of quantitative
restrictions established by the sub-items 11.6 and 11.7 of point 11 of this
Rule; The goods for non-commercial purposes
with the excess of cost and (or) quantitative restrictions established by
sub-items 14.4 - 14.6 of point 14 of this Rule, and also in all other cases
not foreseen by this Rule. The state customs committee has the
right to establish the special rules of customs registration of such goods. Conditions
of displacement of the goods for non-commercial purposes with full dismissal
from payment of customs payments 11. Are completely free from payment of
customs payments at import into the Republic of Belarus:
11.1. The personal property (except for
furniture assorted in production positions 9401 and 9403 of the Commodity
nomenclature of the foreign trade activity of the Commonwealth of Independent
States, agricultural production) acquired outside the customs territory of
the the Republic of Belarus the customs cost of which does not
exceed the sum which is equivalent to 1 thousand dollars of the USA taking
into account quantitative restrictions established by sub-items 11.6 and 11.7
of point 11 and also point 13 of this Rule; 11.2. The personal property sent in the
international mail messages the customs cost of which is equivalent to the
sum up to 100 dollars of the USA inclusively (taking into account point 13 of
this Rule); 11.3. Goods for non-commercial purposes
irrespectively of their customs cost including furniture and one transport
means imported by a person who moves to the Republic of Belarus
to live there constantly if they are imported by a person who imports such
goods to the customs territory of the Republic of Belarus from the country of the
previous residing within six months from the date of arrival to the constant
place of residence. The state customs committee has the
right to solve the problem to prolong the called term of import of these
goods by the physical persons if its non-observance was conditioned by the
reasonable excuses (i.e. reasons which do not permit to execute actual import
of such goods in the indicated term); 11.4. Goods for non-commercial purposes
irrespectively of their customs cost including furniture and one transport
means inherited by a resident of the Republic of Belarus
outside the Republic of
Belarus; 11.5. Agricultural products for one man:
If their total weight is up to 50
kilograms irrespectively of a country of genesis and import; If their total weight is to 100 kilograms
made and imported from countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States Intended for the use on all the line. 11.6. No more than 3 litres of alcoholic
beverages, 200 pieces of cigarettes or 200 grams of tobacco or other tobacco
articles for one man who is 18; 11.7. No more than 5 units of jewellery,
3 subjects of clothes from the natural skin and (or) fur, 1 unit of
video-recording or video-reproducing apparatus for one
man the cost of which does not exceed 1 thousand of dollars of the USA; 11.8. Transport means: 11.8.1. Temporarily imported by the
non-residents of the Republic of Belarus who
temporarily work in the
Republic of Belarus or by members of their families
accredited (registered) by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or National bank
for the term of such accreditation (registration); 11.8.2. Registered in the foreign states
and temporarily imported: By the non-residents of the Republic of
Belarus who are temporarily trained in the Republic of Belarus
for the term of their training in the Republic of Belarus but no more than for three
years at maintenance of payment of customs payments; By other non-residents of the Republic
of Belarus for the term of their stay in the Republic of Belarus
but no more than for three months; By residents of the Republic of Belarus
who temporarily live, work or are trained outside the Republic of Belarus for the
term of their stay in the
Republic of Belarus but no more than for three months; 11.9. Goods for non-commercial purposes irrespectively
of their customs cost temporarily imported by the non-residents of the
Republic of Belarus who temporarily: Work in the Republic of Belarus
or by members of their families accredited (registered) by the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs or National bank for the term of such accreditation
(registration); Are trained in Republic Беларусь
for the term of their training in the Republic of Belarus but no more than for three
years at maintenance of payment of customs payments; 11.10. Goods for non-commercial purposes
imported back by residents of the Republic of Belarus in the
condition which has not changed (except for natural wearing out and decrease)
after temporary export of such goods abroad irrespectively of their customs cost. 12. If other is not established by the
legislation of the Republic of Belarus are
completely freed from taxation by customs payments at export from the Republic of Belarus: 12.1. The personal property customs cost
of which does not exceed the sum which is equivalent to 10 thousand dollars
of the USA (taking into account point 13 of this Rule); 12.2. The personal property transferred
in the international mail message the customs cost of which does not exceed
the sum which is equivalent to 2 thousand dollars of the USA (taking into
account point 13 of this Rule); 12.3. Goods for non-commercial purposes
irrespectively of their customs cost at export by a person who moves from the
Republic of Belarus to the constant place of residence
abroad. These goods (including transport means) exported by the indicated
person should be in possession or should be used by this person or by members
of his family in the Republic of
Belarus. The right to displace such goods with full
redemption of payment of customs payments through the customs border of the Republic of Belarus
is saved if they are exported from the customs territory of the Republic of Belarus
within six months from the date of departure of a person who exported such
goods to the constant place of residence abroad. The state customs committee has the
right to solve the problem to prolong the term of export of these goods by
physical persons if its non-observance was conditioned by the reasonable
excuses (i.e. reasons which do not permit to execute actual exportation of
such goods in the indicated term); 12.4. Personal property (including
transport means) irrespectively of its customs cost which is temporarily
exported by residents of the Republic of Belarus for the
term of their stay outside the
Republic of Belarus. 13. The personal property the customs
cost of which exceeds the restrictions indicated in sub-items 11.1 and 11.2
of point 11, sub-items 12.1 and 12.2 of point 12 of this Rule but no more
than on 20 percents and which consists from 1 unit of goods or 1 complete set
(set, service etc) is completely freed from the taxation by customs payments
at import (export). Conditions
of displacement of the goods for non-commercial purposes with the payment of
customs duties and taxes on the unified bet 14. With payment of customs duties and
taxes are imported to the Republic of Belarus: 14.1. Transport means acquired outside
the customs territory of the Republic of Belarus and
imported both by owners (by residents of the Republic of Belarus or by
non-residents who temporarily work or are trained in the Republic of Belarus) and by
other persons on the instruction of the indicated owners who do not leave
abroad the Republic of
Belarus for their acquisition: 14.1.1. On the unified rate 0,5 euro
for 1 cube centimetre of the volume of the engine concerning transport means: From the moment of issue of which less
than 3 years (inclusively) have passed irrespectively of the run; If the volume of the engine is 2500 cube
centimetres (inclusively) and more; From the moment of issue of which more
than 10 years have passed; 14.1.2. On the unified rate 0,35 euro
for 1 cube centimetre of the volume of the engine concerning other transport
means. These rates are distributed and to
transport means which are in the customs territory of the Republic of Belarus
under the customs control, the property right on which has passed to the
physical person according to the decision of the court, or if they were
inherited and in other cases according to the decision of the State customs
committee; 14.2. The personal property the customs
cost of which exceeds the norms established in sub-items 11.1 and 11.2 of
point 11 of this Rule and makes the sum which is equivalent to no more than
10 thousand dollars of the USA (taking into the account point 13 of this
Rule) in a part of such excess on the unified rate of 30 percents from its
customs cost; 14.3. The furniture assorted in
production positions 9401 and 9403 of the Commodity nomenclature of the
foreign trade activities of the Commonwealth of Independent States the
customs cost of which does not exceed the sum which is equivalent to 10
thousand dollars of the USA on the unified rate of 50 percents from the
customs cost. This bet is distributed on furniture
which consist from 1 production unit or 1 complete set (set, collection,
etc.) and the customs cost of which exceeds the restriction indicated in the
first paragraph of this point but no more than on 20 percents; 14.4. The goods which are not related to
the personal property according to their nature with the customs cost which
is equivalent to the sum no more than 10 thousand dollars of the USA and if
their weight is no more than 200 kilograms on the unified rate: 30 percents from their customs cost but
not less than 2 euro for 1 kilogram of total weight
concerning the goods imported by their owner in an accompanied baggage; 50 percents from their customs cost but
not less than 4 euro for 1 kilogram of total weight
concerning the goods imported to the customs territory of the Republic of Belarus
in an unaccompanied baggage; 14.5. Agricultural products with the
customs cost which is equivalent to the sum which is no more than 5 thousand
dollars of the USA and if their weight is no more than 10 thousand kilograms
except for indicated in sub-item 11.5 of point 11 of this Rule on the unified
rate of 30 percents from their customs cost; 14.6 The personal property imported in a
different way than the international mail communication to the address of a
physical person who has not left the boards of the customs territory of the
Republic of Belarus and the customs cost of which does not
exceed the sum which is equivalent to 10 thousand dollars of the USA
(inclusively) and the weight is no more than 200 kilograms on the unified
rate of 30 percents from its customs cost. 15. For the personal property which
exceeds the restrictions established in sub-item 11.1 of point 11 of this
Rule, for furniture assorted in commodity stands 9401 and 9403 of the
Commodity nomenclature of the foreign trade activity of the Commonwealth of
Independent States and also for the transport means registered in the foreign
states temporarily imported by non-residents of the Republic of Belarus
for the term of their stay in the Republic of Belarus which exceeds three months
(taking into account sub-items 11.8 and 11.9 of point 11 of this Rule),
monthly customs payments at the rate of 3 percents from the sum of customs
payments calculated concerning the personal property on the unified rate of
30 percents from its customs cost, furniture - on the unified rate of 50
percents from its customs cost, transport means – on the unified rate
according to sub-item 14.1 of point 14 of this Rule are paid if other is not
established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus. 16. For transport means registered in
the foreign states, Republics which are temporarily imported by residents of
the Republic of Belarus who temporarily live, work or are
trained abroad for the term of their stay in the Republic of Belarus which
exceeds three months the monthly customs payments at the rate of 3 percents
from the sum of customs payments calculated on the unified rate according to
sub-item 14.1 of point 14 of this Rule are paid if other is not established
by the legislation of the
Republic of Belarus. 17. For transport means registered in
the foreign states and Republic, temporarily imported by residents of the
Republic of Belarus except for residents indicated in
sub-item 11.8.2 of point 11 of this Rule, the monthly customs payments which
are equal to 3 percents from the sum of customs payments calculated on the
unified rate according to sub-item 14.1 of point 14 of this Rule are paid. |