1 (67) January
2001 |
From the editors
Dear businessmen! New millennium in Belarus began from the
wide national strike of the businessmen. On 5.01.2001 the strike was held in
Minsk, all regional centres and majority district (more than 90 %). 200.000
men from whom approximately 100.000 businessmen and 100.000 people working on
hiring took part in the strike. The national strike continued for some days
(on 5.01.2001) and its reason was that the government had failed to execute
the obligations taken on to suspend the sanctions concerning the businessmen.
Besides substantial talks of government with the strike committee of the
businessmen have not begun till now. The strike was organised by the
Belorussian Trade union of the Businessmen and the strike committee of the
businessmen of the Republic of Belarus. The state trade unions and some
"pseudo-leaders" from the businessmen tried to break the strike.
But they could persuade only a few hundreds man everywhere in the republic to
start their work and, as a rule, they were sellers who work for them under
the agreement. The short national strikes of the businessmen
will be conducted regularly (approximately one time per one month) within all
2001, so long as the government will begin to execute the main requirements
of the businessmen. We are preparing for the long-lasting strike of the
businessmen. The strike showed that the businessmen disagree with the state
policy spent in small and mean business. The businessmen are ready to protect
their rights and legitimate interests. The instructive lesson was taught by the
Minsk tax inspection to the black-legs. When they, hoping to use the absence
of the competitors, attempted to "earn", the tax inspection started
the reinforced check. As for 9.01.2001 the talks of the Strike committee with
the Government have not begun, the minister of business is sick, other ministers
"rest" after holidays. According to the information we have, the
project of the Decree of the president prepared by the tax organs on which it
was supposed to increase the rates of taxes in two - three times is recalled.
If our proposals to change the legislation are adopted then it will be easier
for the businessmen to work. While we are engaged with the routine work
re-writing and preparation of the projects to change the laws. We inform
about the results at the end of the month. Our state television, as it was
necessary to expect, lied frankly. They said that the markets worked during
the strike. People, having believed this misinformation, visited empty
markets and damned the authority for a fraud and for the time spent to visit
empty markets. What the scale of the following strike
will be it depends on many factors. The solution on the long-lasting strike
will be accepted only after appropriate questionnaire of the businessmen at
the markets. The main questions of the questionnaire: 1. Are you ready to strike for 1)one day
per one month, 2)two weeks per one month, 3)a month, 4)your version of the
answer. 2. What date is appropriate to begin the
strike? 3. Will you continue the long-lasting,
if the part of people start to work in your or other city? Some regions (cities) have taken a
decision to strike for more than 5 days. It is the right of every
businessmens trade union. Much depends on local conditions and fiscal
bodies. As the protest against actions of the fiscal bodies or local
authority it is possible to realise a separate one-day strike at the local
level. It is possible, for example, to raise the question about dismissal of
the most "hard-working" local tax inspector who is accused in
roughness and boorishness concerning the businessmen. The management of the
trade union has got the information about particular officials engaging in
bribery. They are people, as a rule, who were dismissed for drunkenness from
the previous place of work, lost shame and conscience and now they try to earn
to live on at a new field. Their surnames are known for us but taking into
account today's collective guarantee in the state bodies we while shall
refrain from their publication. The long-lasting strikes of the
businessmen will be possible to conducted only when it will be impossible to
work really. The strikes should be prepared. People, overwhelming majority of
those who trade at the market, should be well informed and be ready not to
work for a month and more. People should be ready if necessary to leave on
streets and to put forward the political requirements. Unfortunately, many
businessmen while are not ready to this. Better suffer the truth than prosper
by falsehood. And the truth is that the meeting organised by the trade union
of the businessmen at December 18, 2000 visited approximately 200 businessmen
according our data. Alexander Grigorievich said on this occasion: We
permitted them to organise the meeting and they do not want to visit it, only
70 men have come. Many our opponents rejoiced at this occasion, and Pope
Gapon from Novopolotsk was very happy. He all the time wants to provoke an
unprepared strike of the businessmen, but we know that it is impossible to
thrust people in adventure. If the strike fail, it is a shock on concerns of all
businessmen. For today we think that the short
strikes are more effective and are less painful for the businessmen as many
of them can hardly make both ends meet, many of them should contain their
family. For the majority of families the trade is the only source of the
incomes. If by the questionnaires we find out
that even 90 % of the businessmen are ready to strike for a month, then we
shall begin the preparation for such an action. The task of the strike
committee is to conduct the action of the protest in the organised way and
with the greatest advantage for the businessmen. How long this action will
last, businessmen should decide themselves. As for the 1-5 January strike you were
convinced that if everything is well-prepared it is possible to get the
maximum result. The strike committee of the businessmen, the Belorussian
Trade union of the Businessmen and the editors of the bulletin expresses huge
thanks to all businessmen who took part in the strike. The special thanks to
active workers of the Strike Committee! We mark of the strike is 5 +. Only
due to strikes we have achieved cancellation of the criminal responsibility
for repeated hiding of the income. The
notice: since 2001 the new
Criminal code of RB in which the liability for these "breach" is
absent has got its force. Besides everyone who was earlier condemned under
this article can address to the court: the previous conviction will be
removed from them. As to the separate facts of an
imposition of sanctions to the businessmen in separate cities we have already
repeatedly said: Collect fees, create informational legal centres, hire
lawyers, do not wait while the thunder burst. The soup from
at 15.00 in the building of the Minsk executive committee Evgeny Klunok and
Liliya Avhimovich, members of the team of Valery Levonevsky were held back
and delivered to the Central DDIA of Minsk. The protocol of the detention was not
made. In DDIA "prisoners" were kept for some hours and were
released approximately at 19.00 having not explained them what their fault
was. The administrative protocol was also not made. The beginning was very
simple: Evgeny and Liliya decided to have dinner in a restaurant of the
regional executive committee. Having bought dinner, they found a foreign
matter in the soup which was not mentioned in the menu the cockroach. Being
indignant that the servants of the people - officials of the executive
committee are fed by cockroaches, they went to cabinets of the executive
committee to distribute the open letter addressed to the officials of this
executive committee. Having distributed successfully all 200 letters they
were going to leave the building but they found out with surprise that they
are already waited for by people both in the civilian and in the uniform. It
appears that the executive committee is super secret and regime object. The servants of the law order having
explained nothing demanded to pass with them very quickly (otherwise you will
be removed in the handcuffs). The terrible adventures were not finished,
Liliya and Evgeny appeared already in the building of the Central DDIA. There
they made sure that they are they (they call in Grodno). The determined tell: We were invited to the next cabinet.
The reason of detention was not indicated. It was both laughter and sin. The
small period of time passed. The man in the civilian uniform rushes and
states: I am from an administration (it is interesting from what?) - Answer my questions. - Have I got the right to ring up? - Yes, but first answer my questions. - OK Evgeny has already answered your
questions. Is it is possible for him to ring up? - No, I am not the chairman of DDIA
especially talks are listened in this building. - Then we are failed to answer any questions.
The pleasant smile escapes somewhere and it changes with indignation. So,
having achieved nothing, the man in the civilian uniform closes the door with
rage. When shall we be explained a reason of
detention? This questions was asked to the sergeant who was in the same
cabinet. The answer was naiv and simple: Who have detained you will answer
you. Approximately 2 hours passed but the
answer was not heard. Soon we were invited to different cabinets. Personally I was said that first of all
they should let us explain everything and only then they will decide what we
have broken. The request to ring up was refused again. We were also warned
that according to the new legislation (if we shall keep silence and not to
explain anything) they have the right to detain us for 30 days. We asked to
show where it is written down. But they have not got the new legislation. We
asked the employees of the militia to make up the protocols but all employees
disappeared. Paradox. The time runs. And suddenly We are invited to pass downwards. You
are free. Excuse us. It was said by one. And you see there were a lot of
them. It is so simple. But what for were we detained, kept, frightened? The help about the detention. What for?
Whom will you show it?. Such the soup was. Guess, what for were
we detained? It seems that the main reason was that we have refused to eat a
soup with cockroaches. We are preparing for the second congress of
As we have already informed we are
preparing for the second congress of the Belorussian Trade union of the
Businessmen (BTUB). The matter is that the Ministry of Justice of the
Republic of Belarus put in a claim to the Trade union of the businessmen and
on the basis of it does not register our trade union for more than half a year.
We shall appeal to the court and simultaneously shall prepare the second
congress of our trade union. One of the main requirements of the Ministry of
Justice is a necessity to indicate numbers of the testimonies and necessity
to grant the constituent documents in the printed form. I.e. the subscription
sheets should be filled not by hand but should be printed. It is full
delirium. But this delirium outgoes from the Ministry of Justice. The second
congress of BTUB will pass in Minsk, second half of February. Representation
at the congress is one representative from 50 men. It is necessary to prepare
documents to 10.02.2001 (protocols of moving out and subscription sheets)
taking into account the requirements of the Ministry of Justice. # is not written down 1) Graph First name, name, patronymic
completely 2) Graph "year of birth" -
number, month and year of birth 3) Graph "Citizenship" the
Republic of Belarus (the abbreviation RB is not allowed) the serial and
number of the passport is indicated, whom and when was issued by The graph "The place of residence,
# of the telephone indicate city, street, number of the house and flat, the
telephone number (if you have it) 4) The place of activity - number of the
testimony of the businessman, when and whom it is given. 5) Personal subscript of a person
indicated in the graph first name, name, patronymic. The notice: We ask you to fill in the lists in
duplicate and to grade on groups - Businessmen fill in one sheet, people
working on hiring - other. We would like you to type the lists on
the computer. Those who want to join the trade union independently write the
application of an arbitrary example where all data mentioned below should be
indicated addressed to the chairman of BTUB. The documents should be
delivered to Leonid Kalitenya: Minsk, tel./fax 260-97-75, or to Grodno
230005, Grodno - 5 subscriber box 63. The forms can be booked on the phone or
by mail. The form of the initiators is filled in on a sheet of the format A4. Information on the tel./fax Minsk (017)
260-97-75, pager in Minsk 211-00-00 subscriber 88767, Grodno (0152) 31-30-62,
pager in Grodno (0152) 73-00-00 subscriber 95200, Vitebsk 36-67-56, 25-82-43
Inna Frolova. LIST of the initiators
(founders) of the republican voluntary public organisation Belorussian Trade
union of the Businessmen