№ 64 December
2000 |
From the editors
Dear businessmen! Once again we
congratulate you with New 2001! As we have already
informed: the national strike of businessmen will pass from 1.01.2001 till
5.01.2001 inclusively. The strike is to be hold at any coincidence. Can the
businessmen, specially, from Minsk maintain and show solidarity? This action
is a check. Are businessmen today ready to realise large national strike per
five days? Today different provocateurs from state trade unions and some
false "leaders" will persuade you not to strike. Do not trust them.
They work off their "bread". Many from them are controlled by the
authority. The levy of troops is realised very simply. Criminal and
administrative business instituted against them are closed. For it they
compliantly execute the commands. Pay attention: they are always against
everything that we have done. What you should do, decide yourselves. We at
any coincidence shall and in 2001 defend your rights and legitimate
interests. It is not a secret
that a standard of life of the people of Belarus is one of lowest in Europe.
What is the reason? We, probably, are the laziest in Europe? Are we the most
incapable? No! The reason that in
Belarus the most unsuccessful model of the state development is presented. At
the system of the state structure we have each member of our society can not
realise the capabilities for the own value and for the value of the society.
We, businessmen try on ourselves as the unreasoned legislative acts hold down
the initiative of businessmen, prevent to develop successfully. It is clear
that the policy of the government is directed not to increase a standard of
life of the population but not to give somebody to earn
"superfluous". Our requirements to government are extreme clear and
are laconic and we repeat them again. We say: establish reasonable taxes and
we them shall pay. We say: remove army of the inspectors-parasites who do
nothing, they only prevent businessmen to work. We say: if each of us is
richer then the society in the whole will be the richer. There is a question
on expediency of the total control above everybody and everywhere. We state
that the today's control system and fine sanctions are irrational. If the
businessmen who have just started to work and who make hardly both ends meet
are expropriated the last for any imaginary breaches under a specious excuse
there is a question: «What government has created such laws? In whose
concerns does it act?» in our country one loves to take everything away and
to share it. We would like to tell all who invent such laws: «Sirs, anything
in the country will not be added, if you take away for one beggar and to give
it another! Make it possible for everyone who is capable to earn and
then something in this country will change». We try to achieve this
by our actions of the protest. The editors of the bulletin are sure that in
2001 we shall achieve a lot. The success depends only on our cohesion. We wish you all good
health and the businessmen’s success in 2001. The information message
December 20, 2000 at
"The Collective-farm" market of Brest two representatives of the
Belorussian Trade union of Businessmen were arrested by the employees of
militia for distribution of the trade-union literature. The fact itself is
common, our representatives are arrested at this market weekly. There is
another more Interesting fact: these members of the trade union are included
into the team of Valery Levonevsky and were judged in the court of Brests
which is situated at…Levonevsky street, 1. Such are cases. 29.12.2000 in Grodno within the framework of the charitable action «Our city» «New Year's holiday» was organised for children from needy families, families where a lot of children are brought up and from the children's house. Children liked performance in the Puppet Theatre of Grodno very much. At the end of the holiday children have got gifts - sweets, oranges, tangerines etc. The children's house of a mixed type (63 children) has got also a box of bananas. In total more than 240 gifts were given to children. New Year's holiday was organised at the expense of means of the Belorussian Trade union of Businessmen (BTUB) and Grodno businessmen. Women from the Grodno branch of the Belorussian Organisation of the Working Women, trade union of the workers - women JC "Alforma", Grodno female organisation «The Spring of Mercy» took active part to prepare a nice holiday. Those who would like
to take part in the charitable action «Our city», hand things, food for needy families and families where a lot of children are brought up can address to Grodno Stefan Batory street 8-330 (the
hotel “Neman”) tel. (0152) 44-14-33, tel./fax (0152) 31-30-62, pager (0152)
73-00-00 subscriber 95200. 29.12.2000 The chairman of
organising committee of the action «Our City» Valery Levonevsky Question - answer
Question: some businessmen say that V. Levonevsky use
businessmen for his political career. And as soon as he comes to the office
he will forget businessmen. Answer: One who says it is either a provocateur or a man who is not aware of
history "of entering" of the businessman V. Levonevsky into the
politics. V. Levonevsky was one of the first businessmen in Grodno region. If
to be precise, he was the seventeenth. Under such number he was given his first
testimony of the businessman. And originally he combined the work of the
engineer, study and business, bring up 4 children and asked nothing from the
state. In 1996 the state on behalf of A. Lukashenko began "war"
against the businessmen. V. Levonevsky created a number of public
organisations and trade unions to protect the rights of businessmen. In 1998
the team of Valery Levonevsky came to a conclusion that the key of problems
of businessmen lies in the absence of political will of resolution of
problems of small and mean business. Then the Strike Committee of the
businessmen accepted The Solution on "entering" of businessmen to
the politics at all levels: local and republican. This activity will continue
for 5-20 years. First "results" have already been got. More than 15
members of parliament in the National assembly of the Republic of Belarus –
representatives of our of interests (there were no one earlier). The more
people connected with business will be in bodies of state power and control
the faster we solve our problems. And today’s candidates in the presidents
almost everything except for M. Chigir are full "valenki" in
business. They are former party apparatchiks and comsomol workers. Therefore
we create the team to participate in the presidential election. One of the
main directions of the Program of Valery Levonevsky is a substantial
development of small and mean business. If our problems nobody wants to
decide, then we shall decide them having re-elected government bodies. New Year's store
Dear friends, I would
like that all New Year's holidays pass for you as good as it is possible (is
obtained from the Internet). Having collected the
lasting centuries-old experience I open a heading of the advice. If you want
to learn how to have a meal during New Year with the least losses for an
organism how to keep New Year's tree for a long time, how not to get to a
local police station in New Year's night etc. - read my advice. How should we have a meal with the least
losses for an organism? What is a holiday for
us, especially New year? Certainly, first of all, a table full of dishes
cooking of which is met with the whole procession. Many from us are guided by
the principle having the dialogue with the table "Let me feel bad, but I
shall taste everything, eat everything". And very frequently for the
subsequent 2-3 days we feel really bad. There is some advice how to taste
everything with the least losses for an organism: In the morning and
during the day of December 31 it is better not to eat heavy food. Eat only fruit
and salads from fresh vegetables – as many as you like. As a last resort, for
dinner it is possible to eat any kasha on water or some nuts and sunflower
seeds. We got used to start
the celebratory table from composite hors d'oevres. It would be better not to eat them. It is better to change salads
with mayonnaise, herring under a fur coat, and pickling by a salad from fresh
vegetables with olive oil or lemon juice. The easier hors d'oevres is the lighter your stomach more will overdo the
hot food. If you are tempted by
"olivie", before acceptance of the main celebratory dish it will be
necessary to dance or simply to have a rest from meal for an hour or 1,5.
From smoked meat, saline fish, pickles it is difficult to refuse. "Never"
- you will tell. So, try to eat these products according to the rule "a
slice of meat - sheet of salad". The constant use of
fresh vegetables and fruit should become the law of New Year's table - in
this case your stomach will overdo celebratory abundance very fast. If you an amateur of a
national drink, vodka, try to accept "the main dose" while you are
eating the hot food. First of all, you will not get drunk for a long time,
and secondly the vodka well absorbs fats - again advantage. From sweets it is
better to prefer puddings, mousses and ice-cream. If you decide to eat a
piece of a pie, cake, it is better to take all this with a turf tea with mint
– it will overdo faster. How should we meet New
Year not to appear in the local police station?! New year is met twice:
at work and house. In a holiday people drink all. The vodka is that unites
us, it is our liquid national idea. It means that in the name of national
unity it is necessary to learn to move at streets in a way not to get in a
foot of enemies of national unity with rubber truncheons and militia tags on
jackets. How should we learn this? There is a national
sign: "You may take a lot of vodka but you will run to buy it for the
second time”. Always there will be a vigilant man who having suspected that
the vodka finishes will tell: “Should we send a herald?.." Suddenly you
will become a herald. Therefore try to calculate the purchasing of all
necessary to celebrate New year, so that it would not be necessary once again
to leave the home when you are drunk. If you are going to
leave the house, remember: you should be in clothes recalling the overcoat.
The algorithm is simple - scarf should be one, the cap also one, gloves are
indispensable two – according to the quantity of dressed extremities. Do the
same with the footwear: carefully enumerate the quantity of boots in the hall
and select two for yourself. Now you can go. The employees of
militia (ments), according to researches, are subdivided into two
sub-species: streetwalkers and heat-loving. A streetwalker is packaged into a
short fur coat and valenki, the collar is raised. Thus, the field of view of
ambient space for him is limited, the speed of excursion is minimum. By him
it is easy to creep, not losing thus feelings of own advantage. And, in
general, he does not want to talk with you. Nevertheless, it is necessary to
remember that a ment put into the fur coat under the charter is obliged to
look forward and into the distance therefore the safest way to pass him is
not to stand on legs and vice-versa to overcome dangerous space on all fours
keeping as closer to a ment’s valenki with galoshes as it is possible. A
heat-loving ment sits in the underground a stone's throw away from his den
where his friend is usually hidden. This sub-species is quicker, that is why
he is dangerous. By street ment all who meet New Year is recommended to pass
keeping silence and separately. You should show by your appearance that in
now you are far from the full condition: you execute humanitarian mission of
a herald. In the underground all who meet are recommended to drive through
the tourniquet that is far from an the entrance for the exempts - it is
grazed by a militiaman. If you do not manage
to follow all our guidelines and the guards of the order all the same will
stop you in the street or in the underground, it is necessary to listen what
goats you are in silence and agree immediately. All who meet New Year are
forbidden to be explained with ments in love and friendship and also to
complain of crisis, non-disbursement or reduction of the salaries, cold
weather. "Press" on
man's solidarity: say, you had a row with the wife, she expelled you on a
frost not to be so drunk and if you now vanish till morning - family life
will come to the end. But it: will do if you are able to talk. If you know
that are capable to be disconnected an any moment, beforehand put a touching
note in a pocket of a coat: "Excuse me, I am drunk! To bring my
unfeeling body home, I ask to ring up on such telephone:" How should we keep the
New Year’s tree for a long time? Yes, the New year is impossible without a wonderful beauty - New Year's tree, and New year and Old! If you want the character of a holiday to stand almost in the primordial state during all holidays at home, my guidelines are here and I know sense in it! You have bought on the
New Year’s market a living New Year's
tree. Perfectly. Now before you put it in the warm
room, it is necessary to leave it on a cold balcony for some time. The dried rollers
should fall, so knock the New Year's
tree on the floor. And now the most
important thing - the mixture in which a tree will stand all holidays. My
firm receipt: Go to the nearest
building-site and take there a bucket of sand. Do not take sand which lie
near the road it is too dirty. Dilute in one litre of
water a tablet of Aspirinum and 4 chunks (4 tea spoons) of the sugar. Mix
sand with this solution. In wet sand it is better to put the New Year's tree so that
the bottom of shaft would be covered not less than on 20 centimetres. New Year's toys, candles
and cracker. The New Year's holiday
is inconceivable without crackers, fireworks and Bengal lights. Fortunately,
now this goods can be found everywhere on the eve of the New Year. There are
articles on any taste and purse. Petards. It is the
first group of fiery surprises. They are cheap, but give
"startling" noise effect. There are connections of small petards
which give an effect of an automatic sequential queue at detonating. Salutes and rockets. The second group which is popular -
battery of salutes. The box containing from 20 up to 200 mini rockets will
shoot them one by one on an altitude up to 15 meters. The choice of them is
extremely wide: both green sheaves of flashes and magenta spheres in the sky.
One titles that cost: "The Queen of birds" (90 handsets one by one
reject whistling stars), "Dragon and Fenix" (unusually beautiful
magenta salute), "The Red banner on snow top" - red hairy luminous
stars, "Roman candles" - from 4 up to 80 miscellaneous fiery balls
fly to the sky. Rockets are about same
as battery of salutes, but in single copies. The altitude of their flight is
larger: up to 500 meters, the detonating is more colourful. Most of all
salutes and rockets approach for holidays in the large company. Fountains. They are
very smart. They are manual, ground-level, put on table. Those which are put
on table are the smallest. They are put on the table, and the small sheaf of
flame (5-10 cm) fly from them. Besides the fireworks which are put on the
table blast out with souvenirs of the thoughtless contents. For example,
"Bag with money" will throw out a heap of false money of an unknown
country. The manual fountains
or false fireworks are plastic handsets with string. Take a false fireworks
in an arm, jerk for a string and from a handset a spray of a multicoloured
flame starts to beat. For example, "allegory" - "Prometey
giving light to people". A ground-level
fountain is the same aggregate, but massive, with more solid fiery fountain. Crackers and other
small things. To fill a table with
confetti you can with the help of old kind crackers which now are presented
very well. Do not forget about
well-known Bengal light. Perhaps, it has become an indispensable attribute of
any New Year's celebration. So the choice is
great. As they say, petard to you in arms and with New year! |