№ 57 October
2000 |
The proposal
of the Vitebsk’s businessmen
collection of the customs duty and tax on VAT from the personal businessmen at import
of the goods on the customs territory of the Republic of Belarus» According to the decree of the President
of the Republic of Belarus # - 480 from 31.08.2000 and Order of STC of the
Republic of Belarus # - 55 from 20.09.2000 the order of registration of the
goods imported on territory of RB made in the third countries and put into
the free reference in Russian Federation is established. The requirements of these normative acts
create conditions at which activity of the personal businessmen engaging in
the retail trade with the income up to 3.000 MW and paying hard fees of the
income tax becomes impossible. The specificity of activity of this
group of the businessmen has following features: -The goods are bought basically in
Russian Federation at the wholesale markets by small-sized batches up to
piece units. They buy goods at 10 and more sellers for one trip. In the
volume of the bought goods the goods made in the third countries make up
90-95 % of a volume in average. The sellers of the markets of Russian
Federation do not give invoiced expenses for buying of the goods and
certificates to businessmen of RB. When they are asked to some documents the
answer is one (so are the rules of the customary competition and principles
of contractual relations): «If you do to not like - do not buy». The
businessmen repeatedly informed local and state bodies of the management of
RB about these circumstances of buying of the goods. -The volume of purchases on the invoiced
cost makes up 1.000 US dollars in an equivalent; This group of the businessmen is
recognised as special category and this fact is confirmed at the state level
by the Rule «About the collection of the fixed sums of the profit tax and
hard fees of the income tax» recognised by the order of the Council of
Ministers of RB from January 31, 1997 # -46. The state has fixed a special
rule of this group of the businessmen in problems of the taxation, in
periodicity of submission of the reports, and in the recent time (February
April 2000) - in problems of imposition of sanctions for administrative
breaches of the law. However, when the obligatory customs registration of the
goods made in the third countries and imported from Russian Federation was
introduced, the features of activity of this group of the businessmen were
not taken into account. Understanding functions and interests of
the state to fill the budget we think that these rules in an sphere of
customs registration will result in the disappearing of this interlayer of
the businessmen. In RB the number of the businessmen fulfilling the activity
to the above indicated attributes makes up about 120.000 men. They provide
the own income and frequently income of all family with the activity. Each
second businessman use people working on hiring in the average of 2-3 men, so
not less than 120.000 of the population of RB are supplied with a work place
and salary. These businessmen according to the designed technique pay hard
rates of income tax before they begin their activity, not knowing the income
a businessman pays taxes to the state. In Vitebsk 1.8 % of the income in the
local budget are taxes paid by the personal businessmen. Besides in Vitebsk
there are 6 markets on which businessmen work. The introducing of such order
of customs registration can low activity of the markets to zero point (3
markets in Vitebsk are the property of the state). For today the economical
situation in RB is not ready to destroy such form trade as the market. The
solvency of the population is low, about 57,7 % of the incomes, on official
statistics, of the population is used on food. The market trade gives an
opportunity to customers to buy the goods (production) according to their
demand, and also, that is even more important, on the prices which satisfy
them as the market foresees the absence of the strictly fixed prices. As to the economic expediency of the
introducing of the new order of the customs registration of the goods: -
In the markets the
trade in clothes is predominantly realised. The rate of the customs duty on
this group of the goods makes up 30 % from the cost, the VAT for this group
of the goods makes up 20% from the cost of the goods taking account the rate
of the customs duty (children's assortment and food - 10 %,). To confirm the
cost of the goods is possible only when you show the commodity-transport
way-bill of the seller and as it was mentioned above it is basically impossible.
The absence of this documentation leads to impossibility of customs
registration. Such situation makes businessmen to falsify the documents that
is extremely unprofitable either for state or for businessmen as it leads to
the breach of the laws and applying of the financial sanctions. -
To prove the genesis
of the goods it is necessary to the submit the documents on certification
(CT-1) and as it was mentioned above it is also impossible. The formulation of the adopted new
legislative acts on customs registration does not give an opportunity to
define strictly consequences of absence of the above mentioned documents
(TTN-1, CT-1 or other documents established by the legislation) on the goods
made in the third countries. It is only marked that when these documents are
absence registration and the payment of customs payments implements is made
in the established order. Such formulation can result (this opinion is lead
up on seminar spent by customs bodies) in the situation when the customs dues
will be paid in the double size – according to the Order of the Council of
Ministers of the Republic of Belarus «About the customs tariff of the
Republic of Belarus» #-72 from 10.02.97 «things, the country of the
genesis of which is not established are taxed with customs dues on things
imported on the customs territory of RB increased twice on the rates of the
customs dues established by this order». Alongside with this rule, the
Rule «About the order to determine the country of the genesis and to grant
tariff preferences concerning the goods imported on the customs territory of
RB» (is recognised by the order of STC of RB from October 5, 1998 N 354-OD)
establishes that «To determine the of country of the genesis of a batch of
the goods of the invoiced cost which is equal to less than 5 000 dollars of
the USA, the certificate of the form CT-1 is not required; the country of the
genesis of the goods is declared on the basis of the information indicated in
documents applied to the goods shown with the purpose of customs
registration. Thus, marking, shortcuts, identification tag, tables, passports
and similar information on the goods should allow to identify them with the
information indicated in the documents applied to the goods shown for the
customs registration». This standard of the legislation can be bridged over
by item 1.4. of the Order of STC of RB from 20.09.2000 # -55 «The Goods are
the subject to taxation of the customs dues on the rates which work at the
day of acceptance of the customs declaration, depending on the country of the
genesis of the goods mentioned in the customs declaration, without granting
of the tariff preferences». According to the above mentioned facts
there is a question: do we need the certificate (CT-1) if the invoiced cost
of the goods is less than 5.000 US dollars? Returning to the economic expediency of
customs registration of the goods it is necessary to mark that customs dues
and the VAT will have an effect on the price of the goods, the prices will increase
on 50 % - 80 %. But the consumer capacity of customers does not increase in
the same proportions. Such situation will lead either to delaying of the
realisation of the goods or to realisation of the goods without an economic
gain. In such situation it will be economically profitable for customers to
visit independently the markets of Russia and to make necessary purchases and
in this case money resources will go by the budget of RB. The utilised capacity of the customs
bodies will be increased at the expense of the volume of the mentioned
category of the businessmen so there will be a necessity of considerable
increase of number of the workers of customs bodies who are supported by the
money from the budget of the republic. As a consequent: deficit of the budget
will appears, sources of its replenishment will be found, tax burden will
increase, prices will increase, growth of inflation etc. Not to let the social conflict,
destabilising of economical relations which in such situation are inevitable we
think that except for the circumstances mentioned above the state bodies
should take into account that the mentioned group of the businessmen
is: -
people who are 40-50,
have a speciality, proficiency and experience got in the time when the USSR
existed but 5-7 years ago they passed through the reduction of staff and were
forced to become personal businessmen who trade in the markets to maintain
their life and life of their family for minimum. Naturally, their skill on
the speciality is lost, need for such category of the workers at the labour
market is very low. - The second category of persons is the
youth who study in the educational institutions or graduated from them, that
is from 18 till 25. This group has no experience on the obtained specialities
or are forced to earn additionally as the size of their grants is low or they
should pay for their studying. In such situation it is not economically
profitable to work on as a personal businessman, so these people will get in
the category of the unemployed and then persons who work on hiring for these
businessmen (up to 360.000 of the population of RB) will also get in the
category of the unemployed. These numbers say about the volume of the
unemployment benefits on the part of the state, about looking up for the
appropriate work places, expenses to get a new profession and retraining,
increase of number of the needy citizens, loss of the institute of the
markets as it is. On the basis of above-mentioned we convincingly ask you to
consider this situation and to accept the only reasonable solution which is
capable to eliminate the indicated conflicts and to avoid of negative
consequences: 1. To suspend work of the Decree of the
President of the Republic of Belarus # -480 from 31.08.2000 and Order of STC
of the Republic of Belarus # -55 from 20.09.2000 adopted according to it
concerning the businessmen who trade in retail, the volume of the incomes of
whose does not exceed 3.000 minimum wages, and also - to suspend collection
of the fine actions till 1.01.2001 by the analogy with the principle of
submitting of essential changes in the tax legislation of the Republic of
Belarus - on termination of the report of the year. 2. Simultaneously submit following
changes and additions to the indicated normative acts: -
To cancel the use of
the customs registration of the goods and payment of the VAT for the
businessmen with the commodity turnover up to 3.000 minimum wages; - Or to enter the fixed rate of the
unified customs fees (customs registration, customs duty, VAT at import) at a
rate of 30 % of the fixed rate of income tax; - Or to register the goods on which
there is a way-bill of the form TN-2 written out by a personal businessman.
Thus if the customs bodies will have doubts on the prices on the goods they
may compare these prices with the reference books by analogy with vehicles.
Thus the customs fees (plus VAT) are established at the rate of 10 % of the
cost of the goods and can not exceed 250 US dollars in the equivalent. We ask to consider this letter as the reference
of the citizens and to submit answer in the appropriate form in the term
established by the legislation. Yours faithfully The chairman of the primary organisation Of the personal businessmen Of Vitebsk I. L. Frolova. The member of the council V. A.
Moskalkova 210015, Vitebsk, Lenin street, 3-B Vitebsk centre of support of business Phone/fax (0212) 25-13-76 Dear businessmen of. Vitebsk and Vitebsk region. 23.10.2000 (Monday)
at 17.00 at the cinema "World" the meeting of the trade union of
the businessmen will be held. The representatives of the Minsk trade unions
of the businessmen and the Belorussian Trade union of the Businessmen (Valery
Levonevsky) are invited. You can ask questions to the leaders of the businessman’s
movement, join the Belorussian Trade union of the Businessmen. The request:
have the data of the passport and testimony of the businessman with you. The
reference to the Vitebsk businessmen
sirs. All history of the businessman’s movement
in Belarus demonstrates that the state takes into the account only well
organised force. The Vitebsk businessmen are the most active in the Republic
of Belarus. If a customs problem does not be decided in a “peace" way we
shall be forced to begin the mass actions of the protest. We think that the
actions should pass in organised and amicable way. As well as in the past
year, there will be provocateurs. Their task is to organise the spontaneous
and separate actions of the protest and then it will be easier for the
authorities to “finish” with you one by one. As the provocateurs, as well as
in the last time, the state trade unions and separate rogues act. We always
sign the applications. If you see the leaflet with an anonymous subscript as
for example: the Free trade union, assets, group of the comrades etc. - means
that the Belorussian Trade union of the Businessmen, the strike committee are
not connected with this leaflet. Our letters and the applications always
contain a surname of the official who has signed the document. Inna Frolova
is the only our plenipotentiary in Vitebsk region. Only she has the right to
make the applications from our name (tel. 36-67-56.) In Minsk and Minsk region – Leonid
Kalitenya (260-97-75) – the Chairman of the co-ordination Council of the
businessmen of the Republic of Belarus. While there is a preparation to the
actions of the protest it is very important that they would begin
simultaneously. Do not forget to help the trade unions by means. The success
of any action depends from its financial maintenance. Prepare the written
proposals on the meeting of 23.10.2000 and give them to I. Frolova. What
shall we do we shall decide together. Yours faithfully Valery Levonevsky |