№ 56 October
2000 |
Know-how of the fraud.
To the Central commission of the Republic of Belarus on the election and realisation of referendums. About the admission of the election of
the deputies of the National Assembly from October 15, 2000 invalid. October 15, 2000 in the Republic of Belarus
the elections of the deputies of the National Assembly of the Republic of
Belarus were held. The elections were marked by mass
breaches of the law. When the electoral commissions were
formed, candidates in the deputy were promoted, the propaganda of the voters
was realised, preliminary voting and the voting was realised I, Valery
Stanislavovich Levonevsky, and other spectators fixed the breaches of the
Elective Code on the basis of which elections both in constituency #53 and in
the Republic can be considered invalid and conducted with the roughest
breaches of the current legislation. All district commissions, including 53,
are created with the breaches of the current legislation. In commissions the
people dependent on bodies of the state power on the post or on the official
position are basically included. The way of promoting of some candidates into
the district electoral commissions «from the voters» when signatures are
collection of is applied, from our point of view, to mislead the Belorussian
and foreign public, to create visibility of the creation of commissions in a
democratic way and to veil service and other dependence from the bodies of
state power and control. In district commissions there were
practically all those people who were and earlier in the same commissions and
show loyalty to the present authority. The representatives of the
democratically adjusted public including those who have submitted the
documents from the voters in were not included in the commissions to the
formal and far-fetched attributes. Why were not they included into the
structure of commission, the answers is still not got though more than two
months from the moment of submission of their applications to join them the
district electoral commissions have already passed. The process of creation of districts
commissions breaking article 13 of the Elective Code, was conducted in a deep
secret. They did not inform about the place and time when the meeting of the
body which forms the district commissions was going to be realised, people
who have submitted the application to join these commissions were not
invited. Practically all local commissions were
formed on the attributes of subordination and dependence on their bodies of
the state power and control. Predominantly, all local commissions consist of
people directly dependent on the chairman of the commission on the service.
The scheme of formation of commissions is so: the chairman of local
commission – a head of an organisation (school, state enterprise, educational
institution etc.), 70 % of members of commission are the workers of this
organisation directly dependent on this head (look applied acts and
applications). The chairman of a commission depends directly on the bodies of
the state power and control or is appointed to the post on the main place of
work at direct participation of the bodies of state power and control. 80 % of members of local electoral
commissions, as a rule, also depend directly or indirectly on the bodies of
the state power and control. Therefore practically all solutions of electoral
commissions, even wrongful, are received solidly without owing arguing. The
main thing is that these proposals were originated by the executive
authority. In the case when own judgement is
expressed a member of an electoral commission can be dismissed from a place
of the main work with the help of the bodies of state power and control at
any moment to the formal and far-fetched attributes. The course of the electoral company, as
a matter of fact, was supervised by the executive bodies. Breaking article 13
of the Elective Code the electoral commissions reported directly to executive
committees and executed their requirements. The district electoral commissions
created unequal conditions for promotion of the candidates in the deputies.
So, for example, district commission #53 to the formal and far-fetched
reasons refused in registration to my initiative group. The solution was
undone by the Central Commission but some days to collect signatures were
lost. The bodies of state power and control created obstacles to my
initiative group to collect signatures. The district commission did not react
in any way to these facts. I, Valery Stanislavovich Levonevsky was refused
in the registration as the candidate in the deputies of the National Assembly
by the district commission #53 to the formal and far-fetched attributes. The
motive of the refusal: has not specified a wood construction at the dacha in
the declaration. The Central commission and the Supreme Court recognised that
I should not indicate this consruction and also refused me in registration as
in general I should not specify the dacha in the declaration, it is not my
property. But the dacha was specified in the declaration by me on the demand
of the tax body. To the same formal attributes Alexander Vasiliev, Marina
Levonevskaya, Marina Samoil, Vladimir Sovtsa and more than 100 citizens were
refused in registration. The fact that candidates in the deputies
were refused in registration because of their belonging to parties or public
organisations is invalid. Breaking article 45 of the Elective Code
Krupitsa, a candidate in the deputy on constituency #53 had hung out the
propaganda material everywhere in the district, including the door of the
building of the Medical university where district electoral commission #53
was on the following day after the registration him as the candidate. However
money to issue propaganda materials was given only in couple of days. The
propaganda material of Krupitsa was distributed on mail boxes of the
constituency in the quantity, which is in approximately 10 times higher than
the circulation indicated in the leaflet. On the back of the promotional
material the religious calendars (it is possible to find an example on the
polling site #27) were printed. Everywhere outside of places established
by the municipal executive committee for putting of propaganda materials (in
trolley buses, on houses, shops etc.) the propaganda materials of the
candidates in the deputies were put. When the preliminary voting was realised
mass breaches of the current legislation were allowed. As a matter of fact,
the preliminary voting turned into voting and was realised within 6 days. For
example: in the Grodno State Medical University (site #32 district #53)
almost half of the voters (950 men) voted preliminarily 14.10.2000. Many voters said that they were forced
to poll by blackmail and threats. Specially students, military men, workers
of state enterprises and organisations and persons living in hostels were
forced to poll. That it is really so the fact that at vote tabulation there
was a huge quantity of the spoilt bulletins and bulletins in which all
candidates were crossed out confirms. On many sites there were about 1/3of
such bulletins. The voters intentionally, in the sign of the protest, spoiled
the bulletins for voting or polled against all. The results of preliminary voting
everywhere in the Republic of Belarus, from our point of view, should be
recognised invalid for following reasons: 1. Taking into account article 53 of the
Elective Code a man who has no opportunity to vote 15.10.2000 should address
to local electoral commission with the request to vote preliminarily. Without
such a request the local commission has no right to permit the voter to poll
preliminarily. From the moment of the application of the citizen into an
electoral commission about the preliminary voting the law of the Republic of
Belarus «About the reference of the citizens» gets its force. According to
this law and normative acts adopted in connection with it all oral or written
references of the citizens should be registered in the special journal
(copy-book). 2. All local electoral commissions breaking
articles 53 and 44 of the Elective Code did not clarify reasons on which a
man polled preliminarily up to 15.10.2000. Breaking the law of the Republic of
Belarus «About the reference of the citizens» and instruction on office-work
#13 the oral or written applications of the citizens wishing to vote
preliminarily were not registered anywhere though such copy-books for
registration of such applications are in all electoral commissions. The notice: the order of registration of
the oral or written applications about preliminary voting has not regulated
by the Elective Code yet. Article 53 of the Elective Codes foresees the
presence of such application from a citizen. According to article 2 of the
Elective Code and the law of the Republic of Belarus «About the reference of
the citizens» the procedure of submission of the application is stipulated,
including an oral one, order of its registration etc. Therefore, the local
commission is obliged to register such applications of the citizens in the
special journal that is not done on the site. Taking into account the above-stated
facts there was no a preliminary voting which was made out according to the
current legislation, so the results of it can be used at vote tabulation. The voting at home on many sites was not
made out according to the law of the Republic. The essential breach, from our point of
view, is the fact that anywhere on sites the requirement of item 2 of the
Order of the Central commission of the Republic of Belarus on the elections and
realisation of republican referendums from July 13, 2000 “About samples of
the electoral commissions and examples of boxes for voting” was not executed
at the realisation of the election into the Chamber of Representatives of the
National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus. Boxes everyone made independently: who
from veneer, who from DVP, who from other materials of woodworking. But there
were no any box from wood on sites as this order demands. Practically all boxes for voting
manufactured were done in such a manner that it is possible to open them not
breaking the integrity of a seal. The notice: From our point of view, the
standard boxes for voting for all republic should be made by the Government
in a centralised way having ordered this to any plant. Many boxes for preliminary voting had no
metallic lungs as the above mentioned Order emands. For today 99 % of boxes
for voting in the Republic of Belarus are manufactured with breaches of the
requirements of the current legislation. Following breach on which the elections
should be recognised invalid is a universal breach of rights of the
spectators. Many local commissions failed to grant the spectators the
necessary information for supervision and created conditions at which the
supervision was impossible. And on site #37 (school #25) of constituency #53
Oleg Podgaetsky, a spectator, was prohibited to be at school and on the
polling site. And, they refused to give the copy of the Solution of local
electoral commission. On site #13 of constituency #52 15.10.2000 Levonevskaya
and Samoil, spectators were in general prohibited «to fulfil mission of
supervision» as was indicated in the solution of local commission. The rule (from our point of view it has
not developed up to the end) of article 52 of the Elective Code was broken
everywhere. The voters came into the cabin for voting by two, three men, by
families and filled the bulletins. The requirements of article 51 of the
Elective Code (sites #17 and #31 of district #53) were broken, the boxes for
voting were not seen by both spectators and members of the electoral
commission. 14.10.2000 at 18.00 breaking article 53
of the Elective Code the local commissions #2 and #3 (district #53) were
already closed. Breaking article 82 of the Elective Code
the district electoral commissions #51, #52, #53 decided that the elections
in these districts had taken place. Article 82 foresees the submission of
the Petitions about breaking of the current legislation not later than one
day after the election. 16.10.2000 district commission #51
(Grodno Zanemanskaya) moved in an unknown direction and the Petition could
not be submitted. District commission #52 (Grodno Central) at17.50 16.10.2000
refused not only to receive such petition but also to allow us to enter in
the room of this commission (through a closed door we heard that there was a
celebration). After persisting knockings in a door one of the members of the
commission went out roaming and the door was shut closed behind him. He
explained that the Petitions were not received by them, the commission
finished to work, the protocol was signed and signboard on which was written
that the commission worked till 19.00was simply forgotten to remove by them.
Then the member of commission explained that he is on duty and in he would
not go to reconnaissance with me, then he escaped. The only commission where the Petition
and Acts were accepted is commission #53 (Grodno Northern). But a member of
the commission who was on the duty explained that the protocol to recognise
the elections in the district valid had been already signed and the Petitions
are not the subject to considerate. As it is clear from the applied Acts and
Applications breaches of the law on polling sites had mass nature. The Elective Code contradicts to the Constitution
of the Republic of Belarus and to common sense. For example, the actual
article for today is an article 80 of the Elective Code. It is not a secret
that people were forced to participate in the elections. At many sites the
voters voted against all candidates in the deputies in the sign of the
protest against the arbitrariness of the authorities. At many sites the
number of those who voted «against all» exceeded the number “for” the
candidate in the deputy at 2-10 times. In many districts the second tour of
voting will take place. According to article 80 of the Elective Code if 25 %
from a total number voters come to vote it will be enough for the candidate
in the deputy to win. Such appearance of the voters will be ensured by the
bodies of the local authority and control which one again will bind to poll
the employees of militia, students, military men, people who live in hostels
etc. - approximately 40 % from a total number of voters. Such voters will
come to the polling site to vote or they will have large troubles. Even if
all voters vote against all again and for the candidate in the deputy 2-3 men
vote, he all the same will become the winner and will be elected as the
deputy. Therefore in the second tour not the representatives of the people will
win and those people who are liked by the bodies of state power and control. In other words, the Elective Code allows
two - three voters to elect the deputy from a site in which live three
thousand voters. 70.000 voters live in the site, there are approximately 35
districts for voting. Therefore, 100-500 citizens have a capability to elect
the deputy from 70.000 voters which have voted against him (against all). It is necessary only to ensure the appearance
of the voters and nobody is interested in their judgement. Taking into account all above-mentioned
I ask: To recognise elections on constituency
#53 in valid To recognise elections of the deputies
in the National Assembly on October 15, 2000 in valid in the Republic of
Belarus The appendixes: It is possible to read the Acts and
Applications «About breaches of the Elective Code of the Republic of Belarus»
in district electoral commissions, in Central commission of the Republic of
Belarus on the election and realisation of referendums or in the Internet to
the address: < http: // izbiratel.narod.ru/akt53.html > 17.10.2000 Valery Levonevsky The letters have been distributed
Two days there was a "battle"
between the Grodno militia, chairman of the Grodno regional executive
committee on the one hand and the team of Valery Levonevsky from another. 2 10 2000 9,8,7 floors of the
nine-storeyed administrative building of the Grodno regional executive
committee were “taken”, 3.10.2000 – plus three floors. To "subdue"
three floors the employees of Leninsky DDIA of Grodno forbade. Not, it is not
1945, and not a taking of Reigstag. Though it all is very similar. The crux of the matter is that Valery
Levonevsky has written the letter to the civil officers (<
http://levonevski.narod.ru/ot3009.html >). To book the letter it is
possible to the address E-mail: levonevski45@freemail.ru (mailto:levonevski45@freemail.ru)). The task was put: to give this letter all
employees of the Republic of Belarus. The Grodno judges, prosecutor's office,
CSS, many employees of militia and state machinery, tax and other
inspections, tax investigations, divisional inspectors and citizens accepted
this letter without any objections. And the Grodno regional executive
committee has taken a circular defence. Brothers Oleg and Dmitry Podgaetsky,
the active workers of the team of Valery Levonevsky were twice arrested
attempting to give these letters the employees of the Grodno regional
executive committee. The protocols of detentions were not made, but the
letters were seized. Oleg Podgaetsky, an active worker of the trade union of
the businessmen, a member of the parent’s committee was forced to testify
against himself. The representatives of the Grodno branch of the Belorussian
Helsinki Committee (GBBHC) interfered. The result: the employees of militia
explained to the public prosecutor, the "defence" is taken away,
the letters found the targets. It is necessary to "take" three lower floors
of the regional executive committee, the task is easily decided as the upper
floors are "taken". The guys hope that the other cities of
the Republic of Belarus will be "handed" to them without
"war". The notice: the regional executive committee
was "taken" from the third time. The letter is distributed in all
cabinets. And three days in Grodno the arrests of
the team of Valery Levonevsky and seizing of the letters addressed to the
employees of militia, CSS and “vertical” had been lasted. It is seized more
than 200 letters, more than 1000 found their targets. In connection with the fact that
dispatch of the letters by envelopes (mail) is expensive and a lot of letters
do not reach a target, the solution on delivery of letters by a special
messenger was accepted. Oleg and Dmitry Podgaetsky, Irina Chigir and Lilia
Avkchimovich, the members of the team of Valery Levonevsky were arrested
within one day for some times. Each time the protocol of the detention was
not made but all letters were confiscated. Last case of detention was simply funny.
5.10.2000 two young interesting girls, both teachers, Irina Chigir and Lilia
Avkchimovich came to the leaders of the Leninsky DDIA of Grodno to give them
these letters and …. Were arrested by the employees of militia of this DDIA.
They had already been waited and it was clear that the militiamen arrested
them against their will most likely on the indication of A. Dubko, the
chairman of the Grodno regional executive committee. The girls were released
but the letters were confiscated. For what, they did not explained. However,
the ordinary militiamen read the letter with huge pleasure. The letters are
distributed simply in the street to all militiamen. And what shall we do when
we are not allowed to come into the cabinets? 6.10.2000 the brothers Oleg and Dmitry
Podgaetsky were twice arrested for the distribution of the open letters. The
detention was made by the employees of Leninsky DDIA of Grodno and
Prinemansky site militia of Grodno. All letters are seized. 9.10.2000 the head of the department of
education of October district of Grodno officially warned teachers Irina
Chigir and Lilia Avkhimovich that they will be dismissed from work in case if
they continue the propaganda connected with the election in the National
assembly. October 10, 2000 approximately at 16.40
at the entrance of the building of the Minsk municipal executive committee
Oleg Podgaetsky and Evgeny Klunok, the active workers of the team of Valery
Levonevsky were arrested. The arrest was made by the employees of security of
the building of the Minsk municipal executive committee. A reason for the
arrest - delivery of the open letter of Valery Levonevsky to the employees of
this executive committee. To read this the letter is possible at (http://levonevski.narod.ru/ot3009.html).
To book the letter is possible at E-mail: levonevski45@freemail.ru
(mailto:levonevski45@freemail.ru). One letter is seized. All other letters
were already distributed on cabinets. The guys were delivered in Moscow DDIA
of Minsks, the protocols were made up and they were released. 13.10.2000 in Grodno at Grodno, Stefan
Batory street 8-330 (tel. 44-14-33) the one-day hunger-strike of the mothers
who have many children in the sign of the protest against an arbitrariness of
the municipal authorities, discrimination of the women and mothers of large
family take place. The women from the organisation «The
Spring of Mercy» and Grodno branch of the Belorussian Organisation of the
Working Women took part in the hunger-strike. The purpose of the hunger-strike: to pay
attention of the public to the full arbitrariness, callousness and
indifference of the municipal authorities concerning the mothers bringing up
children. The women will achieve from the
municipal executive committee of fulfilment of the promise to grant a room on
a hire basis to distribute things to needy people. The things for needy
people are delivered by the Grodno businessmen and the Belorussian Trade
union of the Businessmen (BTUB). This hunger-strike had also political
colouring. Mothers of large families were refused in the registration as
candidates in the deputy of the House of Representatives to the far-fetched
reasons. Business horoscope on October 23-29
page It
seems that Gerasim drowned instead of Mu-Mu because from them two only Mu-Mu
could tell Turgenev this history. Two
new Russian meet: - Hi, brother, I have bought a crocodile
to myself. - That is cool! - That all is nothing my crocodile had a
set of false golden teeth made. - All is cool. - The truth is that I do not know what
he eats. - Well it is a well-known fact that they
eat fish. -
Yes, but when it was
inserted the dents he has got used to the dentists -
door of the cabinet of the
psychiatrist is opened and a man creeps in it. The doctor: - Who are you today? Snake or lizard? The man: -
None, doctor, I am
simple afraid of the height very much! -
the river in the winter a fisherman
sits, the cap lies near on ice, ears are white from frost. Other fisherman
passes near and says: - are you crazy, dress a cap, a head
will chill. And he answers: -
Forget, yesterday I
was offered vodka and I did not hear -
door-keeper comes into the hall
of a restaurant and says: - Sirs, who has lost a purse bound up
blue ribbon? Everyone start feverishly to slam
themselves on the pockets and one man cries: - I! I have lost! The door-keeper: -
I have found the
ribbon. Take it. -
husband and wife
are in bed. The wife sticks to the husband. He does not absolutely react.
Then the wife says to him: "Dear, why are you laying like a
log?" He answers: "Sweat heart do you know what
Romanian gymnasts do on logs?" Lenin
lived, Lenin is alive Lenin will live – Dunkan Maklaud - How
much does it cost to get to the Gorky park? - Ten bucks. - And if I am with the wife? -??? Ten bucks... He turns to the wife: -
I have said that that
you cost nothing -
man comes into the female
department of a bath-house and begins to take his wear of. The women cry: - Man, you should go the man's
department instead of in female. The man responds: I am not a pederast!? Pisces: Take the world more substantially than
you have got used, it is not time to relax and to rest. This week the
meetings which can influence your material status are possible. Do not spend
money on the maiden gust, there is a hazard to spend them in vain. Aquarius: do not hurry to plan business talks in the beginning of the week, it is better to spend them on the second half of the week. A financial position will allow to prolong the increase of your educational level and to buy necessary things. Only do not spend money for waste purchases because then they may be that they useless in your flat. Capricorn: the increase of your activity
positively will be mirrored in your financial position. Check up reliability
of the new business partners and closely, once again, read all your papers. Sagittarius: it is not necessary to hope for the
sponsors, it is necessary to take into account only your forces and
capabilities. A financial position is retiring enough, but stable. Do not
retreat before pressure of the business partners, turn a situation so that the
partners would agree on the compromise. Scorpio: the financial position is stable, but
its minor improvement can be expected only in the weekend. The business
meetings should be planned for Wednesday. Check up once again all papers
very, very attentively. Libra: a condition of your finance is far
from ideal. You should apply many efforts to keep afloat. Virgo: the raising of the salary is not
planned that can result in the tight relations with the heads but it is not
necessary to aggravate them up to the conflict. In a weekend you can be
returned the old debts. Try to safe your money resource. Lion: try to be concentrated, the too tight
business trips are planned. It is not necessary to aggravate relations with
the heads because of financial misunderstanding. Cancer: your activity, concentration and
diligence will bring you positive outcomes. To middle of week your financial
position will be improved that will allow to look at the world
optimistically. Gemini: some business plans will be frozen,
the random financial delay are possible. During the week-end do not even
think to play in gambles, this risky idea will bring nothing good for you. Taurus: you can be in low spirits because of
your financial business, but do not despair, sometimes it is necessary to
recede on a step back to make two forward then. Try to show flexibility and
sensible compromise during the talks, the redundant obstinacy can only
damage. Aries: your plans concerning business trips and
business meetings can be delayed. It is undesirable to take it close to
heart, everything that done is done to best. Financial capabilities after
recent purchase can be rather retiring. |