Informational bulletin of trade unions of businessmen

of the Republic of Belarus





The next victory of the Trade Union of Businessmen of Belarus

06.07.2000 confiscation measures began in the stadium "Dinamo in Minsk.

The measures are carried out by the representatives of the Department on Struggle with the Economic Crimes (DSEC) of the Management on the Economic Crimes (MEC) of the Municipal Administration of the Internal Affairs (MAIA) in Minsk. The representatives of DSEC began to spend searches and arrests of property of the citizens without the sanction of the public prosecutor, which was stored in the cloackroom office as if it was a casual checking of the cloackroom. The owners of things were not informed about the searches, moreover, they were refused to explain the reasons of the searches. Actions of militia are obviously illegal. In the categorical form the representatives of DSEC, headed by their chief, refused to show their business cards and to explain the reasons and bases, on which the arrest and confiscation of property of the citizens was made. Only after interference of the representatives of the Belorussian Helsinki Committee (Vladimir Sovtsa), the leaders and the active of the trade union of the businessmen (Valery Levonevsky, Leonid Kalitenya Evgeny Klunok) and the representatives of the local militia, it was possible to find out a surname of one of the representatives of DSEC. It was a young woman, senior operation representative of MEC of MAIA Vankevich Anna Anatolievna.

A deed(on illegal actions of the officials) on the representatives of the DSEC was made by the representatives of the trade union. The representatives of DSEC refused to sign the deed and give explanations. Some of the representatives of DSEC tried to provoke the mass disorders by their rough behaviour, did not react to the remarks. They tried to render counteractions to the citizens in reception of the legal help in breach of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus in every possible way.

In the actions of the representatives of DSEC there are the obvious breach of the law of the Republic of Belarus " About militia " and complete disrespect of the rights of the citizens.

The deed is signed by 9 witnesses. The documents are submitted to the public prosecutors office.

The trade union of the businessmen will obtained the discontinuance of illegal actions of the representatives of DSEC.

If you need additional information, phone us: 260-97-75 (Minsk),

Leonid Kalitenya (a chairman of the trade union of the businessmen "Dinamo")

Pager: 211-00-00 subscriber 88767

(0152) 31-30-62 (Grodno, Valery Levonevsky).


Note: The vice-president of the trade union of the businessmen of Belarus (TUBB) Leonid Kalitenya said that the conflict from 6.07.2000 between the Department on Struggle with the Economic Crimes (DSEC) in Minsks and businessmen was solved for the benefit of the businessmen. The confiscated goods were given back to the businessmen. It is the second victory of the trade union in Minsk. The similar illegal actions of the officials of DSEC were prevented by the trade union of the businessmen at Komarovsky Market in Minsk three months ago.


The information message

6.07.2000 in Minsk in the embassy of the USA the solemn measures devoted to the anniversary of independence of the USA passed. At these measures together with the representatives of foreign embassies, well-known representatives of the leaders and opposition, the representatives of Trade Union of the Businessmen of Belarus (Valery Levonevsky) were invited for the first time. The arising third force - force of middle class in Belarus also receives the recognition at the international level.

The diplomats, representatives of the state authority, politicians, the leaders of trade unions, businessmen, the representatives of funds and many other people met at that day at the holiday table.


Press centre of TUBB

(0152) 31-30-62


The photos of this measure from the territory of the Embassy of the USA are published for the first time. Only for the readers of the bulletin "The Businessman".


The legal page. On the materials of seminars. The Criminal Code (CC) of the Republic of Belarus articles # # 396-398,429-433,185.



(selection for the individual businessmen).

Are prepared by the informational-legal centre of Grodno.

The Trade union of businessmen "The Southern". The continuation. The beginning in #45,46,48 (articles #231-235, 337-243, 245, 247-250,252,257)

Article 396. The feint of reception of the bribe or commercial graft.

The transfer of money valuable papers, other property or rendering of services of property character to the official or worker of the individual businessman or juridical person who is not an official without his consent with the purposes of artificial creation of the proofs of commiting a crime or blackmail is punished by the fine or arrest for the term from three to six months, or restriction of freedom for the term to five years, or deprivation of freedom on the same term.

Article 397. Obviously illegal retention or taking under custody.

1.      Obviously illegal retention or taking under custody or maintenance under the guards are punished by the deprivation of the right to occupy the certain posts, or to be engaged in the certain activity, or corrective works for the term to two years, or arrest for the term to six months, or restriction of freedom for the term to three years, or deprivation of freedom on the same term.

2.       The same actions caused heavy consequences are punished by restriction of freedom for the term from two to five years or deprivation of freedom for the term from two to seven years with deprivation of the right to occupy the certain posts or to be engaged in the certain activity or without deprivation.

Article 398. The manufacture of an obviously illegal search.

The manufacture of an obviously illegal search is punished by deprivation of the right to occupy the certain posts or to be engaged in the certain activity, or arrest for the term to six months, or deprivation of freedom for the term to two years.

Article 429. The illegal participation in the businessmens activity.

The establishment by the official who is on the state service of an organisation which is carrying out the businessmens activity, or his participation in the management of such organisation personally or through an accredited representative without paying attention to the prohibition established by the law, if the official, using the service powers, has given such organisation a privilege and advantage or patronised in other form is punished by deprivation of the right to occupy the certain posts or to be engaged in the certain activity, or restriction of freedom for the term to two years, or deprivation of freedom on the same term.

Article 430. The reception of a bribe.

1.      Acceptance by the official of material values or purchase of benefits of property character given to him exclusively in connection with an occupied official status, for protection or connivance on a service, favourable decision of questions which are included in his competence, or for the performance or default of any action which the persons should or could make with the use of the service powers (reception of a bribe) in the interests of those who give a bribe or persons, represented by them are punished by arrest for the term from three to six months, or restriction of freedom for the term to five years, or deprivation of freedom for the term to six years with confiscation of the property or without confiscation and with deprivation of the right to occupy the certain posts or to be engaged in the certain activity or without deprivation.

2. The reception of a bribe repeatedly, or for an obviously illegal action (inactivity), or by extortion, or by the group of persons on the preliminary conspiracy, or in the large size is punished by deprivation of freedom for the term from five to ten years with confiscation of property or without confiscation and with deprivation of the right to occupy the certain posts or to be engaged in the certain activity or without deprivation.

3. The actions provided by first or second parts of the present article, made by the person, who has previous convictions for bribery, or organised group, or person occupying a responsible status are punished by deprivation of freedom for the term from seven to fifteen years with confiscation of the property or without confiscation and with deprivation of the right to occupy the certain posts or to be engaged in the certain activity or without deprivation.

Article 431. Giving a bribe

1.      Giving a bribe is punished by the fine, or corrective works for the term to two years, or arrest for the term to six months, or restriction of freedom for the term to two years, or deprivation of freedom for the term to three years.

2.       Giving a bribe repeatedly, or for obviously illegal action (inactivity), or in the large size is punished by the corrective works for the term to two years, or restriction of freedom for the term to five years, or deprivation of freedom on the same term.

3.       Giving a bribe by the person who has previous convictions for bribery is punished by deprivation of freedom for the term from three to seven years with confiscation of the property or without confiscation.

The note. The person having given a bribe, is released from the criminal liability, if a bribe was extorted or if this person declared voluntary about this fact after having given a bribe.

Article 432. The mediation in bribery

1.      The direct transfer of a bribe under the assignment of a person who gives a bribe or of a person who receives a bribe (the mediation in bribery) is punished by the fine, or arrest for the term to six months, or restriction of freedom for the term to two years, or deprivation of freedom on the same term.

2.       The mediation in bribery made repeatedly, or with the use of the service powers, or at reception of a bribe in the large size is punished by arrest for the term from three to six months, or restriction of freedom for the term to five years, or deprivation of freedom on the same term.

3.       The mediation in bribery accomplished by the person, who has previous convictions for bribery is punished by deprivation of freedom for the term from three to seven years.

The note. Guilty in the mediation in bribery or a person who helps to give or to receive a bribe is released from the criminal liability, if he declared voluntary about these facts after having done these actions.

Article 433. Reception of an illegal reward by the employee of the State service

1.      Acceptance by the employee of the State service who is not an official, of the material values or purchase of benefits of property character given to him in connection with the execution of the official duties in spite of the interests of the service for the benefit of a person who gives a reward are punished by deprivation of the right to occupy the certain posts or to be engaged in the certain activity, or corrective works for the term to two years, or arrest for the term to three months, or restriction of freedom for the term to three years, or deprivation of freedom on the same term.

2.      The same actions made repeatedly, or by extortion, or group of the persons on the preliminary conspiracy, or in the large size are punished by restriction of freedom for the term to five years or deprivation of freedom on the same term with deprivation of the right to occupy the certain posts or to be engaged in the certain activity or without deprivation.

Article 185. Compulsion

Compulsion of the person to do or not to do any actions made under threat of application of violence to him or his relatives, destruction or damage of their property, distribution of slanderous news or announcement of other information, which they wish to keep as a secret, or under threat of restriction of the rights, freedom and lawful interests of these persons, when the attributes of heavier crime are absent is punished by public works, or by the penalty, or by corrective works for the term to two years, or arrest for the term to six months, or restriction of freedom for the term to two years.


The legal page

The Businessman and business trips

Question: the activity of an individual businessman is connected with the business trips of the hired workers, trips of the persons who are not in the staff, and, naturally, with the certain expenses for these trips. What are the normative basis to include them in the expenses?

The answer: the law "About income tax from the citizens" from 9.03.99 N247-3 (chapter6, article 14) says that the income of an individual businessman is determined as a difference between the takings (in the money and natural forms) from the realisation of production (goods, works, services), other values (including a fixed capital, goods and material values, non-material actives valuable papers), incomes from out - realisation operations and documentary confirmed expenses connected with the extraction of the incomes. Structure of the expenses and order of their exception from the proceeds is affirmed by the government or a body, authorised by it.


According to the law " About the normative legal acts of the Republic of Belarus" from 10.01.2000 N 361-3 a law is the a normative legal act fixing principles and norms of regulation of the most important public relations. It is the most important in comparison with the other act of another state bodies and officials. The last can be applied only in a part which does not contradict to the law.

By the decision from 9.06.99 N 863 "About the structure of the expenses connected with the extraction of incomes of the physical persons" the Council of Ministers has obliged together with a number of the ministries to develop and to ratify the Rule about the structure of the expenses connected with the extraction of the incomes from the businessmens activity, carried out by individual businessmen, and about order of their exception from the takings. This document recognises that 1.08.99 the decision of the Cabinet from 26.07.96 N 491 with changes and additions which have been brought in by the decision the Council of Ministers from 24.06.98 N998 lost its force. So from this date the individual businessmen should be guided by a new Rule about the structure of the expenses (registration number is 8/672 from 30.07.99). It gives definition to the concept "the charges connected with the extraction of the incomes from the businessmens activity, carried out by individual businessmen" expressed in the money form and confirmed documentary sum of expenses made for manufacture and (or) realisation of the production (of the goods, works, services), and other expenses connected with the extraction of the incomes. Thus for the confirmation of the expenses which were made the documents which have been made out according to the requirements, established by the legislation to the primary accounting forms are used. The rule, in particular, provides an opportunity of inclusion in the expenses of an individual businessman:

expenses for business trips of the workers connected with the industrial activity, in the order established for the juridical persons (item 7.9);

other expenses connected with the peculiarities of the carried out activity, as agreed with a tax body (item 7.15).

The structure of the expenses connected with the realisation of the individual businessmens activity, is determined also in the Instruction " About the order of conducting of the accounting of the businessmens activity by the physical persons who are carrying out this activity without the formation of an juridical person in the Republic of Belarus" (registration number is 1160/12 from 24.11.95) with changes and additions brought by the order of the Ministry of Finances from 30.01.97 N 4, from 15.01.98 N 4, from 26.06.1998 N 160, from 12.05.99 N120. But to tell the truth it is necessary) to note, that this Instruction in the item 37 makes the reference to the decision of the Study of Ministers N 491, which has lost force, even today. The methodical instructions on calculation and payment of the income tax from the physical persons (confirmed by the order of from 6.04.99 N 62) with the additions which have been brought in by the order from 10.08.99 N 199 require that all expenses should be documentary confirmed. The expenses partially connected with the realisation of the businessmens activity of a tax payer, are taken into account with the purposes of the taxation only in a part directly connected with the business (item 14.4). To include the expenses on business trips in the expenses the individual businessman should be guided also by the Instruction "About the order and sizes of the compensation at the service business trips within the limits of the Republic of Belarus" (confirmed by the decision of the Ministry of Finances as agreed with the Ministry of Labour from 12.04.2000 N 35, registration number is 8/3359 from 21.04.2000), the Rule about conditions of the payment of work of the workers of the Republic of Belarus abroad (confirmed by the decision of the Ministry of Labour from 13.05.99 N 58), the Labour Code which has been valid since 1.01.2000.

The business trips of the hired workers

The Labour code (article 95), the Rule about working conditions of the workers of the Republic of Belarus abroad (item 64), the Instruction about the order and sizes of the compensation at service business trips within the limits of the Republic of Belarus, the Rule about the structure of the expenses, the Instruction about the order of conducting the account of the businessmens activity (item 37) envisage the compensation of the following expenses to the worker, (which works with the businessman on the labour contract):

travel to a place of the service business trip and back to a place of the constant work at a rate of cost of the submitted original travel documents (the compensation of the transport expenses within the limits of a place of the business trip is made at the expense of the daily allowance);

booking the tickets, and also hotel reservations on representation of the confirming documents;

carriage of the luggage;

the use of bedding in trains when travel to a place of the business trip and back in a carriage with the reserved seats, compartment or soft carriage without representation of the confirming documents;

renting a room at a rate of the original paid accounts or receipts and other confirming documents (without representation of such documents the expenses are compensated in the sizes established by the Ministry of Finances);

staying outside the constant place of residence - daily allowance in the sizes established by the Ministry of Finances;

long-distance telephone talks when they were made in the interests of the service task on the basis of the appropriate receipts (accounts) with the confirmation of necessity of these talks by the employer;

reception of the service foreign passport and other entrance documents, visas, on payment of the state duty, payment of the taxes of foreign representations, medical insurance, obligatory tax raised from the citizens at the airports; the commissions on an exchange in bank of the check or one kind of foreign currency on another;

the additional services which have been not included in cost of a room in the hotel (the use of TV set, refrigerator and other subjects of cultural - household purpose included in structure of the equipment of a hotel room);

other expenses made by the worker from the sanction of the employer (for example, payment for participation in an exhibition, seminar etc.);

other expenses connected with the peculiarities of the carried out activity, if the trip was connected with the extraction of the incomes, as agreed with a tax body.

At payment of the compensation the daily allowance within the limits of norms established by the Ministry of Finance, and also target expenses made and documentary confirmed and connected with business trips both inside the country and abroad are a part of the sums which are not a subject for taxation by the income tax according to the item 3.1.35 of the Methodical instructions on calculation and payment of the income tax from the physical persons (confirmed by the order of from 6.04.99. N 62). The target expenses include: travel up to the place of destination and back; the tax for services of the airports, insurance and commission taxes; the expenses on travel on air an station or a station in places of departure, purpose or changes; on carriage of luggage; the expenses on renting a room, reception of the foreign passport and visas; on a registration of the foreign passport and also on an exchange of the check in bank on cash (foreign currency), the expenses on long-distance telephone talks (if they were made in the interests of the service task on the basis of the appropriate receipts with the confirmation of necessity of these talks by the employer).

The sum on norms established by the Ministry of Finance, when the physical persons dont represent the confirming documents on renting a room, including the drivers of automobiles and persons who have been sent on business together with them, stopping according with the schedule when travelling to rest are not included in the taxable income.

Travels of an individual businessman

The letter "About the expenses connected with the travels of a businessmen without the formation of the juridical person" from 5.03.99 N 3-2-8/1516 from explains, that the trips of the individual businessmen on the certain term in other district for realisation of the businessmens activity outside the place of the constant work are not considered to be the service business trips, and are travels.

The charges connected with travels, are included in the expenses of a businessman as agreed with a tax body as "other charges connected with the peculiarities of the carried out activity" (if they were connected with the extraction of the incomes). It is the charges on travel to the place of destination and back at a rate of cost of the travel documents, and also on renting a room at a rate of the paid accounts (receipts) and other documents confirming the size of the actually real expenses. The additional personal expenses which he made when travelled and also for living outside the constant place of residence are repaid by an individual businessman from his own means (cleared from the taxes). It is possible to fix the total number of days of travelling connected with the extraction of the income on the form of the travelling certificate, but - to express in the money form and to confirm documentary daily allowance is problematic. On this account the Law "About the income tax from the citizens" has determined that for the purposes of the taxation the industrial expenses connected with the reception of the income documentary confirmed admit. The same says the Rule about the structure of the expenses (item 10) : "The expenses which are not documentary confirmed are not taken into account in the structure of the expenses and are carried out at the expense of the own means". And it is impossible to receive the official consent of a tax body to form the expense part of a businessman when the documentary confirmation is absent. The co-ordination with a tax body in a place of registration of an individual businessman is made before the expiry of the term of the representation of the account on the income tax (declaration) for the appropriate accounting period. If a businessman except for the travel tickets and receipts on an accommodation fee in the original have documents concerning the results of the trip (the protocol of intentions, contract, the account - invoice, goods and transport waybill, certificate of the reception - delivery of the done works etc.), a tax body will not have claims the businessman who has excluded from the proceeds the documentary confirmed expenses will not have any problems. Thus the expenses connected with the travels with the purposes of realisation of the businessmens activity are included in the structure of expenses when documentary confirmation of the fact of the co-ordination of a tax body and a tax payer is present. If the businessman has only the documents on trip without the document on the purposes of the taxation it is not enough. By the way, the normative act determining the form of the co-ordination (the protocol, resolution of the chief of at the letter of the businessman, letter of etc.) is not known to the author.

Business trips of other the persons.

According to the Rule about working conditions of the workers of the Republic of Belarus abroad the subjects of managing of all forms of property (including also individual businessmen) in the case when persons who dont consist in the staff are directed in the business trip (without the labour contract) compensate themselves the travelling and living from their profit which is at their disposal. In other words, a businessman from his own means should pay to such person travel, renting a room, daily allowance and other expenses for the business trip connected with the extraction of his income. In this case for the purposes of inclusion in the structure of the expenses there is no difference whether you have covering voucher or not. There should not be any co-ordination with a tax body in a place of the registration of a businessman.


2. 07 2000 the Fourth Congress of the Democratic Forces of Belarus took place in Minsk.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to name this Congress democratic. The elections of the delegates were conducted poorly by different members of different parties, not more than 10 % of all public organisations, parties of trade unions and movements (not more than 1 % of the population of the Republic a Belarus) were presented at the Congress. The congress began to turn into bureaucratic, dying structure headed, basically, by former deputies of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus. Many organisations, participants of the previous congresses were forbidden to participate in the Congress.

Any sort of "initiative" - local, republican etc., headed by the former representatives of the authorities, actually put forward the candidates for the congress solely.

The congress became similar to a sect.


The forthcoming Belarussian congress for independence of the Republic of Belarus cant be compared with the Congress of the Democratic Forces. In this congress anyone who wishes can took part.


The Spring of Mercy invites to co-operate.

Mothers of large families and the needy families were united in a public organisation The Spring of Mercy. The Grodno businessmen have taken patronage on this organisation and have carried out the next stage of the charitable action OUR CITY together. The chief of the organisation Marina Samoil, a mother of five children, was brought up in the Children's house (on the photo she is second on the right). Hundreds people have received the help from these women during the last two months. Huge gratitude mothers of large families express to the Grodno businessmen, which gave and continue to bring a lot of new and good things. A lot of good deeds have already done. The washing-up liquids and means of hygiene, food products, refrigerator are very necessary. You can find The Spring of Mercy in Grodno, St. Batory str 8-330 (the hotel Neman) ( 0152) 44-14-33.


The photo of...



We will rent a room as an office and legal address of the republican trade union tel.(0152) 313062

Advertising, duplicating, photo, type-setting of the texts, manufacturing of the visiting cards and forms. For the members of the trade union we offer discount, temporary work for the young people at the businessmen. 31-30-62


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