№ 49 June
2000 |
From the editors
constituent congress of the Trade union of the Businessmen of the Republic of
Belarus was held 26. 06 2000 in Grodno. The trade union united 960 founders from
all regions of the Republic of Belarus and from Minsk. The
businessmen made amendments to the Charter which allow students, workers and
other people to join the trade union. Valery Levonevsky (Grodno) was
unanimously elected as a chairman of the trade union, Alexander Vasiliev
(Grodno) and Leonid Kaletenya (Minsk) were elected as vice-chairmen. The
council of the trade union will include 23 person. This trade union will be the most mass and organised structure in the
Republic of Belarus. We think that each of you should join this trade union.
Our force is in the unity. If the total number of members of the trade union
is 1000 it is good, if 10.000 - it is better, if 50.000 we will be able to
influence the politics of the state in the country. If the total number of
members is 100.000 we shall determine how the business in our Republic will
develop. With the purpose of increase of the number of members of trade union
the minimal republican dues will be established. While the size of dues is
not established, we offer to join the trade union without payment of dues.
The mass organisation is necessary to us. We shall create it or “the attack”
to our rights will continue. We invite all in our new trade union – the Trade
union of the Businessmen of Belarus. The forms of the applications to join
the trade union you will find at the active members of the trade union. You may get any additional information on the phone (0152) 31-30-62
(Grodno) (017) 260-97-75 (Minsk) The Charter of the Trade Union of the Businessmen of Belarus
1. GENERAL PRINCIPLES1.1. The Trade Union of the Businessmen of
Belarus (further TUBB) is a republican voluntary public organisation which
units citizens, including: individual businessmen, citizens working on
hiring, studying in higher, secondary special and professional educational
institutions, united by common interests in a kind of activity as in
industrial, so in non-industrial spheres, for protection of the labour,
social, economic rights and interests from universally recognised principles
of international law and established by the General declaration of the human
rights, International pact about the economic, social and cultural rights,
International pact about the civil and political rights, conventions of the
International organisation of work and others ratified by international
contracts of the Republic of Belarus in an established order.1.2. TUBB
carries out its activity in all territory of the Republic of Belarus according
to the working Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, Laws of the Republic
of Belarus "About public associations" and "About professional
unions", other deeds of the legislation, present Charter, General
declaration of the human rights, Convention of the International Organisation
of Work and others, ratified by the Republic of Belarus in an established
order by international legal deeds.1.3. TUBB works on the basis of
self-management, does not depend on the bodies of the state authority and
management, political, public and religious organisations, has complete
organisational, economic and financial independence in realisation of the
purposes and tasks of the Charter. TUBB is a
juridical person from the moment of its state registration, has its seal, stamps,
emblem and other attributes, can have the accounts in a bank (and also
currency accounts). The primary and structural organisations of TUBB can get
the rights of a juridical person according to the current legislation and
present Charter. 11.4. TUBB can create structural organisations, including markets, fairs
and other places of realisation of businessmen’s activity. The structural
divisions can have rights of a juridical person. 1.5. TUBB and its structural organisations can joined
republican and international public associations and organisations,
co-operate with other trade-unions and public organisations on the basis of
the contracts. 1.6. TUBB, its structural divisions can create clubs, centres
and other public formations on the directed activity. The structural
organisations of TUBB, clubs created by them, centres can be juridical
persons, can have: accounts in a bank (including currency accounts); seal,
stamps, emblem and other attributes. 1.7. TUBB according to the purposes of
the Charter and tasks carries out foreign trade politics, can create
trade-union insurance and joint-stock banks, joint commercial enterprises, be
engaged in publishing, form necessary funds. 1.8. The structural divisions of
TUBB register their Rules in the Executive committee of TUBB with the
subsequent confirmation at the Council of TUBB. 1.9. TUBB uses for realisation of the
authorised activity electronic and other mass media. 1.10. TUBB, its structural
organisations have the right to submit proposals (subjected to consideration
to the terms, established by the legislation,) about acceptance, change or
cancellation of the normative deeds which purpose is to provide and protect
legal interests of the members according to the current legislation into the
bodies of state authority and management, economic bodies of the appropriate
level. 2. PURPOSE AND TASKS 2.1.
Basic purpose of creation and activity of TUBB is the unification of efforts
of the members (further members of TUBB) for joint protection and realisation
of their rights and legal interests, ensuring of the protection of work,
health and other social guarantees.2.2. Basic tasks of TUBB:2.2.1.
Representation and protection of interests and rights of the members of TUBB
in courts, bodies of state authority and management, economic bodies. 2.2.2.
Realisation of the public control over the observance of the legislation
about business, work, taxes and participation in their perfection. 2.2.3.
Rendering legal and other help to the members of TUBB, its structural
divisions. 2.2.4. Organisation and realisation of studying of the members of
assosiation. 2.2.5.
Organisation of improvement of sanitary conditions and rest of children,
families of the members of association. 3.
METHODS OF ACTIVITY 3.1. For the decision of authorised tasks of TUBB and its
structural organisations they use legal methods and means, taking into
consideration a strike as an extreme measure of influence on the bodies of
authority and management, administrative structures of all kinds of property
in the order and on conditions according to the current legislation of the
Republic of Belarus, for what: 3.1.1. Organise and carry out mass measures on
realisation and protection of legal interests and rights of the members of
TUBB and its structural organisations. 3.1.2. Carry out the picket of
enterprises, institutions, organisations and their structural divisions
breaking rights and legal interests of the members of TUBB and its structural
organisations. 3.1.3. Carry out other activity which doesn’t contradict to
the current legislation. One congress finished and we are preparing to the next national
29. 07 2000 the
historical event – the Belorussian congress will take place. On this congress
the majority of public organisations, trade unions and parties will be
introduced. The assembly of the citizens also has the right to put forward
the representatives on this congress. The members of the trade union wishing
to take part in the work of the congress, address to our editors or to the
active members of your trade union. The citizens who are not the members of
the trade union, can get additional information on phone/fax 223-65-29
(Minsk), and for the letters 220065. Minsk, subscriber box 297. Organising
committee. The groups of the
businessmen at the markets can independently put forward the candidates. THE PROTOCOL (Excerpts
from the protocol)of the session (name of an organisation) or of the assembly
of the citizens (name of the populated area, ЭС, street) Date About the election
of the delegate to the Belorussian Congress of 2000 1.
The information was listened to by (Surname, Name, Patronymic) about
the order of the promotion of the delegates. It was offered to elect as the
delegate to the Belorussian Congress (Surname, Name, Patronymic) 2.
2. It was decided to elect as
the delegate to the Belorussian Congress (Surname, Name Patronymic, post,
year of birth, nationality, education, home and service telephone). The chairman of the session (assembly) (signature) the secretary (signature) The Legal Page for the mothers who have children of the school age
The decision of the
Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus from May 13 2000 N 670
"About the order of collection of the payment for the usage of textbooks
by the pupils in 2000" 1.To establish on
2000/2001 academic years the payment for the usage of textbooks by the pupils
at a rate of 25 % of cost of a set of the textbooks for the pupil of
preliminary, 1 - 11 (12) forms. This payment is collected from the parents or
persons who replace them, which children are studied: in schools of general
education; in school – kindergartens, in boarding schools of general
education (except for boarding schools of general education for orphans and
children who are brought up without care of the parents); in grammar schools,
Lyceums, complexes created on the basis of schools of general education; in
schools of the Olympic reserve (7 - 11 classes); in the State choreographic
college (5 - 9 classes). In evening (replaceable) schools of general education
this payment is collected from the parents or persons who replace them or is
paid by pupils. 2.Ministry of
Education as agreed with the Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Finances
should determine the cost of a complete set of the textbooks for the pupils
of preliminary, 1 - 11 (12) forms paying attention to the cost of each
textbook which is included in a complete set for the appropriate class. 3.To ratify the
applied Rule about the order of collection of the payment for the usage of
textbooks by the pupils in 2000. 4.The payment for the
usage of the textbooks is not collected: 4.1. from the parents or persons who
replace them whose children are trained: in special boarding schools
(schools) of general education, classes for children with peculiarities in
mental and physical development in schools of general education; at special
schools for children requiring for the special conditions of education; in
sanatorium boarding schools of general education; in a school of general
education of the camp "Zubrenok”; in Minsk military school; 4.2. from
the parents who have children with peculiarities in mental and physical
development who are studied in integrated classes; 4.3. from families which
combined income on a member of the family per one month for previous year
does not exceed 50 % of the minimal consumer budget of the family with 4
persons authorised in the prices of September 2000; 4.4. from families, in
which one or both parents are the invalids of the first or second group; 4.5.
from families of the military men or from families of the workers and
employee, having occupied permanent appointment in the military parts in the
structure of the Soviet armies died or becoming the invalids in the
performance of their duties in states where the war actions were waged and
also from families of the military men died in the peace time in the
performance of their duties; 4.6. from families of the commanders and
ordinary structure of law-enforcement bodies died or becoming the invalids in
performance of their duties in the states where the war actions were waged
and also died in the peace time in performance of their duties. The orphans
and children who are brought up without the care of the parents, children -
invalids in the age up to 18 years the textbooks are given free-of-charge. 5.The payment for the usage of textbooks is reduced on 50 % for the
families where three and more children of pre-school and school age
(schoolboys) are brought up. |