№ 48 June
2000 |
26. 07 2000 in Grodno the constituent
congress of the trade union of businessmen will take place.
They are preparing for the realisation
of the constituent congress of businessmen. It seems that the congress will take
place out in the country. The Grodno authorities do not want to give a room
to realise the congress. And weather is excellent. Many amendments to the
Charter of a new trade union have already brought in. Teachers, workers,
students address to us with the request to let them to join our trade union. More than 1000 men want to join the
trade union on the preliminary data. We discuss a question on purchase of a
separate room (building) for the accommodation of the trade union and
resource centre in Grodno and. Minsk. If you have offers call us. We have a
lot of difficulties first of all financial. We try to solve them. Representation on the congress is one
vote from twenty founders of the trade union. The competition on the best
name, symbolic and flag of the trade union is announced. The winners will get
prizes (up to 20 $). The information on the phone (0152)
31-30-62 Valery Levonevsky Legal page.
REPUBLIC of BELARUS From March 7, 2000 #117 About some measures on ordering of the mediation
activity at sale of the goods With the purposes of ordering of the
mediation activity at sale of the goods* and not to let the unreasonable rise
in prices order: 1. To establish that: 1.1. Trade mediation activity* is
carried out: By the conclusion of the contracts of
sale and purchase (retail sale and purchase, delivery, contracting) and
change, including on the basis of the contracts of the assignment or the
commission, in the order established by the legislation taking into account
the peculiarities of the features mentioned in the present Decree; If other is not mentioned in the present
Decree, only at presence of the received special sanction (license) on the
realisation of the wholesale and (or) retail trade or special sanction
(license) to the realisation of the wholesale and (or) retail trade by the
separate kinds of the goods in the order of the established legislation if
the agent* carries out the wholesale and (or) retail trade by the exclusively
specified kinds of the goods. *An agent - juridical or physical person - resident of the
Republic of Belarus carries out trade mediation in the Republic of Belarus in
the order established by the legislation. Thus (except for the contracts of retail
sale of the goods to the citizens): the purpose (purposes) of purchase of the
goods (for own manufacture and (or) consumption, export from the Republic of
Belarus, wholesale and (or) retail trade, processing on giving conditions,
delivery for the state needs or on quotas established by the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Belarus) should be mentioned as an essential condition of
the contract; The documents established by the
legislation and the copies of the appropriate special sanctions (licenses) on
the realisation of wholesale and (or) retail trade, and on the imported goods
- copy of the cargo customs declarations (statistical declarations) should be
applied to the contracts; ___________________ * Goods - production irrespectively of the country of its
origin. * Trade mediation activity – businessmen’s activity on the
realisation of wholesale and (or) retail trade by the goods of non-domestic
manufacture. 1.2. The realisation of the goods abroad
is carried out under condition of the performance of the orders for delivery
of the goods for state needs or on quotas in the previous accounting period,
established by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus; 1.3. The manufacturer of the goods has
the right in the order established by the legislation to carry out their sale
(delivery) and change only: To organisations and citizens, including
individual businessmen, for own manufacture and (or) use; To organisations and individual
businessmen for adaptation on giving conditions; To non-residents and residents of the Republic of Belarus for export
of the goods from the Republic of Belarus; To the mediators who have got in the
order established by the legislation the special sanction (license) for the
realisation of wholesale and (or) retail trade. The wholesale trade by the goods of own
manufacture is carried out by the manufacturer without getting of the special
sanction (license), if the acts of the legislation do not establish other; 1.4. The mediator has the right in the
order established by the legislation to carry out sale (delivery) and change of the goods only: To organisations and citizens, including
individual businessmen, for own manufacture and (or) use; To other mediators who have got in the
order established by the legislation the special sanction (license) for the
realisation of wholesale and (or) retail trade. Thus the mediators who are
carrying out retail trade by the goods have the right to carry out also
wholesale trade by these goods only if they have the special sanction (license)
for the wholesale trade; Non-residents and residents of the Republic of Belarus for export
of these goods from the Republic of Belarus; 1.5. The delivery of raw material and
materials made in the Republic of Belarus for adaptation on the giving
conditions can be carried out: By the mediator who has the special
sanction (license) for the realisation of wholesale trade; By organisations, individual businessmen
without getting of the special sanction (license) on the realisation of
wholesale trade under condition of use of the goods made as a result of
adaptation of raw material and materials for own manufacture. The delivery of foreign raw material and
materials for adaptation on the giving conditions can be carried out by
organisations and individual businessmen who import the raw material and
materials without getting of the special sanction (license) on the
realisation of wholesale trade; 1.6. The importers carry out wholesale
trade by the foreign goods *, imported by them into the Republic of Belarus
without getting of the special sanction (license), if the legislation does
not establish other; ___________________ * The foreign goods - production which is not made in the
Republic of Belarus. 1.7. The organisations and individual
businessmen – non-importers of foreign food goods for direct consumption by
the citizens have the right to carry out wholesale trade by these goods in
the Republic of Belarus without getting of the special sanction (license), if
the acts of the legislation do not establish other; 1.8. The sale of the goods bought for
own manufacture and (or) consumption, delivery for adaptation on the giving
conditions and not used for these purposes by organisations and individual
businessmen in the Republic of Belarus is carried out without getting of the
special sanction (license) on the realisation of wholesale trade on prices
which do not exceed more than 5 % of the price of purchase of the goods. The sale of the goods not used for own
manufactures made as a result of adaptation of raw material and materials on
the giving conditions by organisations and individual businessmen is carried
out without getting of the special sanction (license) on the realisation of
wholesale trade on the prices which do not exceed more than 10 % of the price
of the manufacturer of the goods; 1.9. The purchase of the goods made in
the Republic of Belarus by the residents from non-residents is carried out on
the prices which do not exceed more than 5 % of the transfer price,
established by the manufacturer of the appropriate goods for consumption of
it in the Republic of Belarus at date of the conclusion of the contract of
re-import. At purchase of the goods on the price higher than the established
the difference between the price of purchase and the price of the manufacturer
of the goods with the 5-% extra charge is added by the resident of the
Republic of Belarus to the profit which remains at his order. The first part of the present sub-item
is not distributed to cases of purchase of the goods which at date of the conclusion
of the contract in the Republic of Belarus are not made (are taken off from
manufacture, manufacture is suspended not less than for 3 months); 1.10. The sale of the goods acquired for
export from the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Belarus by
organisations and individual businessmen is carried out without getting of
the special sanction (license) on the realisation of wholesale trade on the
prices which do not exceed more than 5 % of the price made in the established
order by the manufacturer of the goods for consumption it in the Republic of
Belarus; 1.11. The distribution of the special
sanction (license) on the realisation of wholesale and (or) retail trade is
carried out by the local executive and practical bodies. 2. To establish for organisations and
individual businessmen who carry out the trade mediation activity the
following kinds of the economic responsibility: 2.1. carrying out of the trade mediation
activity without the appropriate special sanction (license), except for cases
stipulated by this Decree, - is punished by the fine in the double
size of the received income; 2.2. breach of the item 1 established by
the sub-item 1.1 of this Decree about the registration of the contract - is punished by the fine from the seller (supplier)
and (or) buyer at a rate of 10 % from the sum of the contract; 2.3. breach of the item about sale and
purchase (delivery) and change of the goods of this Decree established by the
first part of the sub-item 1.3, sub-item 1.4 and the first part of the
sub-item 1.5 of item 1 - is punished by the fine from the seller
(supplier) and (or) buyer at a rate of up to 100 % of the cost of the goods
or by its withdrawal in the republican budget; 2.4. not carrying out of the
requirements established by the sub-items 1.8 and 1.10 of the item 1 of the
present Decree by organisations and individual businessmen, - is punished by the withdrawal of money
resources at a rate of the difference between the actual proceeds received
from the realisation of the goods and settlement size of the proceeds from
the realisation of these goods on the prices mentioned in these sub-items
from the sellers in the income of the appropriate budget and also by the fine
in the double size of this difference; by the first part of the sub-item 1.9 of
the item 1 of this Decree - it is punished by the fine from the
buyer at a rate of up to 100 % of the sum unreasonably referred to the cost
of the goods; 2.5. non-delivery of the goods according
to the quotas established by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Belarus when the buyer carries out the conditions of the contracts of sale
and purchase - is punished by the fine from the seller
(supplier) at a rate of up to 50 % of the cost of the non-delivered goods. 3. the breach of the procedure of the
trade mediation activity established by this Decree is punished by the fine
from the officials and individual businessmen at a rate of up to 30 minimal
wages. 4. the control on the offences mentioned
in the items 2 and 3 of this Decrees and the of the established sanctions
(fines) is carried out by the authorised officials of the Committee of the
state control, State tax committee, State committee of financial
investigations, Committee of the prices at the Ministry of Economy,
departments of formation of prices of the regional executive committee and
the administration of formation of prices of Minsk municipal executive
committee. 5. To the Council of Ministers of the
Republic of Belarus: 5.1. to determine within one month
according to this Decree: the order of distribution of the special
sanction (license) on the realization of wholesale trade; the order of an establishment of the
quotas on the goods and list of quota’s goods mentioned in the sub-item 1.2
of the item 1 of this Decree; 5.2. within three months: to secure the reduction of the
legislation according to this Decree; to accept other measures which are
necessary for the realisation of this Decree. 6. the execution of this Decree should
be controled by the Committee of the state control. 7. This Decree get its legal force from
the date of its publication, except for the norms providing getting
(presence) of the special sanction (license) for the realisation of wholesale
trade and the sub-items 2.1 - 2.3 of the item 2, which will get their legal
force from July 1, 2000. The president of the Republic of
of the REPUBLIC of BELARUS From May 31, 2000 #50 It is included in the National register
of the legal certificates of the Republic of Belarus at June 9, 2000, #8/3595 About the confirmation of the Rule about
the use of the economic sanctions In connection with the acceptance of the
Law of the Republic of Belarus from January 4, 2000 "About modification
and additions in some legislative
acts of the Republic of Belarus" (the National register of the legal
acts of the Republic of Belarus 2000, # 5, 2/127) DECIDES: 1. To ratify the Rule about the use of
the economic sanctions. 2. To recognise that the sub-items 12.4,
12.4.1, 12.4.2, 12.4.3, 12.4.4, 12.4.5, 12.4.6, 12.4.7, 12.4.8, 12.4.9,
12.4.10, 12.4.11, 12.7 of the item 12 of the Methodical instructions of the
Main state tax inspection at the Ministry of the Finances of the Republic of
Belarus from July 1, 1994 #110 "About the order of the use of the Law of
the Republic of Belarus "About the taxes levied in the budget of the
Republic of Belarus" and the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About
modification and additions in the acts of the Republic of Belarus on the
taxation " (are registered in the Register of the State registration of
July 22, 1994 #484/12; February 24, 1995 #764/12; January 26 1996. #1275/12;
November 18, 1998 #2790/12; the National register of the legal acts of the
Republic of Belarus, 2000 #19, 8/2581) lost force. 3. to acquaint the inspections of the
State tax committee of the Republic of Belarus with the Rule about the use of
the economic sanctions. The chairman K. A. Sumar IS AUTHORIZED The decision of the State tax committee
of the Republic of Belarus May 31, 2000 #50 The RULE about the use of the economic
sanctions In connection with acceptance of the Law
of the Republic of Belarus "About modification and additions in some
legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus" from January 4, 2000 (the
National register of the legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2000, #5,
2/127), the State tax committee of the Republic of Belarus explains the
following. 1. Item 5 of article 9 of the Law of the
Republic of Belarus from January 4, 2000 "About the taxes levied in the
budget of the Republic of Belarus" (The Register of the Supreme Council
of the Republic of Belarus, 1992 #4, article75; 1993 #3, article27; 1994 #3,
article24; #33, article554; 1995 #6, article57; 1996 #23, article415; #33,
article598; the register of the National Congress of the Republic of Belarus,
1999, #1,article5; the National register of the legal acts of the Republic of
Belarus, 1999, #40, 2/34; #95, 2/108; 2000, #5, 2/127; #13, 2/142), stated in
a new version establishes that the concealment, the understating of objects
of the taxation is punished by the fine in the three-multiple size of a total
sum of the taxes estimated from hidden, understated objects of the taxation.
When the concealment, understating of objects of the taxation are repeated
within one year (12 months from the date of the decision about the use of the
financial sanctions) the fine in the five-multiple size of a total sum of the
taxes estimated from hidden, underestimated objects of the taxation is
collected in the budget. In the case of the infringements of the
legislation about the taxes and business which has caused the increase of one
taxes and simultaneously reduction of other taxes for the same period, the
fines are collected from the sum of excess of the estimated taxes. 2. According to article 15 of the Law of
the Republic of Belarus "About book keeping and reporting” (The Register
of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus, 1994, #34, article566, The
Register of the National Congressof the Republic of Belarus, 1997, #27,
article468; 1998, #2, article7) the period from January 1 (for created again
- from the date of capacity) till December 31 is considered to be under
review for the enterprises (organisations). That is why the economic sanctions for concealment,
understating of objects of the taxation are applied to the tax payers every
year separately. 3. The unduly paid taxes for the same
period are the taxes the control of calculation and payment of which is carried
out by the tax bodies. 4. According to item 2 of article 10 of
the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About the taxes levied in the budget
of the Republic of Belarus" the sums of the taxes which are not paid in
time in the budget are collected from the payers with the charge of fine per
day of delay (including the day of payment) at a rate of the registration
rate of the National bank of the Republic of Belarus which has its legal
force at the moment of collecting of means. Item 5 of the Rule on collecting the
taxes and other obligatory payments authorised by the decision of the Council
of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, January 20, 1999 #87 (the National
registers of the legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 1999, #9,5/112;
#54,5/1209; 2000, #4, 5/2252; #5, 5/2296) determines that the charge of fine
for the delay of tax payment is made from the day next to the term of its
payment, including the day of tax payment. Thus, the decision of a tax body
according to the results of checks does not stop the charge of fine for the
delay of payment before putting them in the budget of the Republic of
Belarus. At collecting debts in the judicial
order the charge of fine stops on the citizens when the case is tried in the
court and on the legal persons – when the decision of the court about the
reference of collecting on the property of the debtor is taken. At the charge of fine on the sums of the
taxes paid in the budget not in time the sums overpaid on other taxes are
taken into account. At the realisation of the exit tax check the inspector is
obliged to take the data about the sum of taxes overpaid on the personal
accounts of the tax payerr and to take into account them at the calculation
of fine on each kind of the taxes. 5. The data on the revealed breaches
during the check are made out according to the appendix 1 to this Rule. The example: the data which the subject
of the businessmen’s activity has reflected in the accounts on the
calculation of payments in the budget given in the inspection of the State tax
committee and in the book keeping with the changes brought in them before the
check are reflected in the column 4 of the appendix 1. During the check the understating of
takings on 100 thousands of rubbles, excises on 10 thousands of rubbles,
understating of the VAT - 16,3 thousands of rubbles, the incomes out the
realisation - 50 thousands of rubbles are found. The cost price of production
(works, services) is overstated on 300 thousands of rubbles, fund of wages -
50 thousands of rubbles that has resulted in the excessive charge of
deductions in the State fund of assistance of employment - 0,6 thousands of
rubbles, deductions in the Fund of social protection - 17,3 thousands of
rubbles, income tax - 6,0 thousands of rubbles. The subject of the businessman’s
activity did not added the whole sum of the ecological tax - 6,0 thousands of
rubbles, agrarian tax - 3,0 thousands of rubbles, deduction of means by the
users of highways, extreme tax - 3,7 thousands of rubbles, tax to the real
estate - 4,0 thousands of rubbles. In the result the profit on the balance is
underestimated - 416,8 thousands of rubbles, tax to profit - 114,8 thousands
of rubbles, transport tax - 14,4 thousands of rubbles. On the revealed infringements of the tax
laws: Added the taxes 175,4 thousands of rubbles including: VAT - 16,3 thousands of rubbles, Deductions in the Republican fund to
support the manufacturers of agricultural production of the foodstuffs and
agrarian science -1,2 thousands of rubbles, Deductions in the local target budget
funds of the stabilisation of the economy of the manufacturers of
agricultural production and foodstuffs and the target taxes on financing of
the expenses connected with the contents and repair of housing fund and on
the keeping of children's pre-school organisations - 2,0 thousands of
rubbles, The excises -10,0 thousands of rubbles, The ecological tax -6,0 thousands of
rubbles, The agrarian tax -3,0 thousands of
rubbles, Deductions of means by the users of
highways - 3,7 thousands of rubbles, The tax to the real estate - 4,0
thousands of rubbles, The tax to profit -114,8 thousands of
rubbles, The transport tax -14,4 thousands of
rubbles. According to item 4 of article 9 of the
Law of the Republic of Belarus "About the taxes levied in the budget of
the Republic of Belarus" the financial sanction at a rate of 10 % of the
added sum of the taxes in the sum 17,5 thousands of rubbles is used to: VAT - 1,6 thousands of rubbles; Deductions in the Republican fund to
support the manufacturers of agricultural production of the foodstuffs and
agrarian science - 0,1 thousands of rubbles, Deductions in the local target budget
funds of the stabilisation of the economy of the manufacturers of
agricultural production and foodstuffs and the target taxes on financing of
the expenses connected with the contents and repair of housing fund and on
the keeping of children's pre-school organisations - 0,2 thousands of
rubbles, The excises - 1,0 thousands of rubbles; The ecological tax - 0,6 thousands of
rubbles; The agrarian tax - 0,3 thousands of
rubbles; Deductions of means by the users of
highways - 0,4 thousands of rubbles; The tax to the real estate - 0,4
thousands of rubbles; The tax to profit - 11,5 thousands of
rubbles; The transport tax - 1,4 thousands of
rubbles. According to item 5 of article 9 of the
Law of the Republic of Belarus "About the taxes levied in the budget of
the Republic of Belarus" the concealment, understating of objects of the
taxation is punished by the fine in the three-multiple size of a total sum of
the taxes estimated from hidden, understated objects of the taxation. The fine in the three-multiple size will
be - 500,4 thousands of rubbles. (166,3 thousands of rubbles* 3). According to item 2 of article 10 of the
Law of the Republic of Belarus "About the taxes levied into the budget
of the Republic of Belarus" the fine per every day of delay of payment
in the budget of the added sums of the taxes is charged. The total amount of added sanctions is
17,5 thousands of rubbles + 500,4 thousands of rubbles + fine. The account of the economic sanctions
added according the act of check is made out according to the Appendix 2 of
this Rule. 6. The payment of the economic sanctions
is made by the means which are at the disposal of the subject of the businessman’s
activity after the payment of the taxes. 7. This Rule has its legal force from
the date when of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About modification
and additions in some legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus" comes
into force that is since January 13, 2000. This Rule has also its force in the
field of legal relations which have arisen before the Law of the Republic of
Belarus "About modification and additions in some legislative acts"
came into force, if the economic sanction estimated on item 3 of article 2 of
the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About modification and additions in
some legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus" is smaller than the
sanction estimated on the earlier working law and is applied to an individual
BELARUS (selection for the
individual businessmen). Is prepared by the
informational-legal centre of Grodno. The Trade union of
businessmen "The Southern". The continuation. The beginning in #45,46,48
(articles #231-235, 337-243) Article
245. The establishment or maintenance of monopoly prices 1. The establishment or maintenance of
monopoly prices by conspiracy of the individual businessmen or officials of
the juridical persons about activity at the joint market - Are punished by the fine or deprivation
of the right to occupy the certain posts or to be engaged in the certain
activity or arrest for the term to three months, or restriction of freedom
for the term to two years. 2. The establishment or maintenance of
monopoly prices connected with compulsion or violence concerning the
competitors - Are punished by restriction of freedom
for the term from three till five years or deprivation of freedom for the
term from three till seven years with the confiscation of property or without
confiscation and with the deprivation of the right to occupy the certain
posts or to be engaged in the certain activity or without the deprivation. Article
247. The restriction of the competition 1. Conclusion and execution of the
agreements about the division of the markets, about the elimination of the
competitors from the markets and other conditions which essentially limit a
competition or execution of other actions which are directed to hurt the
lawful interests of the persons who are engaged in the same activity
(restriction of the competition) made within one year after imposing of the
administrative fine for the same actions by the individual businessmen or
officials of the juridical persons - Are punished by the fine, or deprivation
of the right to occupy the certain posts or to be engaged in the certain
activity, or restriction of freedom for the term to two years, or deprivation
of freedom on the same term. 2. Restriction of the competition
committed with the use of violence or with the threat of its use or by an
organised group, or by person ,who had previous convictions for the crimes
mentioned in this article or in articles 245 and 246 of the Code - Is punished by the restriction of
freedom for the term to five years or deprivation of freedom for the term
from two till five years. Article
248. The illegal use of the business reputation of the competitor Deliberate use by an individual
businessman or an official of the juridical person of a trade mark (service mark),
company’s name, name of a place of the origin of the goods of a competitor,
or sale or offer to sale the goods (service) with the use of preventive marks
about the trade mark (service mark) which has been not registered in the
Republic of Belarus or copying of the industrial examples of a competitor
drawing the mixture of production (goods, works, services) or work with
production or activity of a competitor made within one year after imposing of
the administrative fine for the same actions - Are punished by the fine or deprivation
of the right to occupy the certain posts or to be engaged in the certain
activity or by corrective works for the term to two years, or arrest for the
term to three months, or restriction of freedom for the term to two years. Article
249. The discrediting of the business reputation of the competitor Distribution by an individual
businessman or an official of the juridical person in the advertisement, mass
media and in different way of the obviously false facts which do harm to the
business reputation of a competitor - Is punished by the fine or by corrective
works for the term to two years, or arrest for the term to three months, or
restriction of freedom for the term to two years. Article
250. The distribution of the false information about the goods and services 1.The distribution of the obviously
false information or the use of the advertisement concerning quality,
quantity, structure, way of manufacturing and other characteristics of
production (goods, works, services) which mislead consumers – Are punished by the fine or corrective
works for the term to two years or arrest for the term to three months or
restriction of freedom for the term to two years. 2. The same actions concerning
production (goods, works, services) which are able to do harm to the health
of consumers - Are punished by the restriction of
freedom for the term to three years or deprivation of freedom on the same
term with the deprivation of the right to occupy the certain posts or to be
engaged in the certain activity or without deprivation. Article
252. The commercial bribery 1. The reception of money, valuable
papers, other property or services of property character for the action
(inactivity) in which a man giving the bribery is interested and connected
with the work which is carried out by this person and obviously capable to
cause harm to the businessman’s activity of the proprietor or his clients or
giving such compensation (commercial bribery) by a worker of an individual
businessman or a juridical person who is not an official - Are punished by the fine or deprivation
of the right to occupy the certain posts or to be engaged in the certain
activity or by corrective works for the term to two years or arrest for the
term to six months or restriction of freedom for the term to three years or
deprivation of freedom on the same term. 2.The commercial bribery made repeatedly
- Is punished by the penalty or the
restriction of freedom for the term to four years or deprivation of freedom
on the same term with the deprivation of the right to occupy the certain
posts or to be engaged in the certain activity or without deprivation. Article
257. The deception of consumers 1. The deception of the buyers, customers
or other consumers who realise goods, execute the works or render services by
a worker of an individual businessman or juridical person or the deception of
consumers by an individual businessman who carries out the same activity (the
deception of consumers) made within one year after imposing of the
administrative fine for the same breach or in the significant size - Is punished by the penalty or the
deprivation of the right to occupy the certain posts or to be engaged in the
certain activity or by collective works for the term to two years or arrest
for the term to six months or restriction of freedom for the term to two
years or deprivation of freedom on the same term with the deprivation of the
right to occupy the certain posts or to be engaged in the certain activity or
without deprivation. 2. The deception of consumers made by
the group of the persons on the preliminary conspiracy or by a person who had
previous convictions for the deception of the consumers or in the large size
- Is punished by the restriction of
freedom for the term to five years or deprivation of freedom for the term
from two till six years with the confiscation of property or without
confiscation and with the deprivation of the right to occupy the certain
posts or to be engaged in the certain activity or without deprivation. The note. The deception of consumers in
the significant size is the deception the size of a profit from which exceeds
half of size of the minimal wage established at the date of committing of the
crime; in the large size - in five and more times exceeds the size of such
minimal wage. We will rent a room as an office and the legal address
of the republican trade union