№ 46 May
2000 |
The open letter …..
Or why were they frightened?
we publish the letter which threw the authority into panic. The programme
"Resonance" of the Belorussian TV (BT) discussed this letter for 10
minutes. We, authors of this letter, have decided to send this letter on each
enterprise, in all organisations, in each family. We shall be grateful to all
who will help us. So, the legendary letter: Dear sirs! There is no necessity to explain you in
detail what happens in Belarus you see everything. In spite of the general
tendency of the world development, in spite to the positive experience of the
countries with the market economy the public development of Belarus is
reversed. We come back to the times of communism
under other signboard. There is a nationalization of all economy, the monopolisation
of mass media, the political opponents of the present mode are exposed to
prosecution in Belarus. A. Lukashenko has concentrated in the hands the
executive, legislative and judicial authorities, has subordinated all public
funds of the mass media to himself. Having the poor idea about the world and
society, he reconstructs under his point of view all state system, all public
relations. Today the majority of people of Belarus is exposed to mass
ideological processing to try to suggest to all citizens that A. Lukashenko
is such "considerate" "father", takes care about people
and without him the Belorussians will die. The people are deprived of the
opportunity to hear another opinion than the opinion of A. Lukashenko, the opposition
has no opportunity to express its opinion on the state radio and TV. The newspapers and magazines of
opposition are published in few copies and can not tell all truthful
information up to each citizen of the republic. We want to address to each citizen of
the Republic of Belarus. It is necessary to explain to each citizen who is A.
Lukashenko and what happens in Belarus. We have a lot to say! We shall write
the letters in each house, in each family, we shall write millions letters.
The legislation can not forbid to me to address with the letter to any
citizen of Belarus. Dear sirs, we need paper, envelopes, the
account materials and equipment for printing. The rooms for work of our
sympathisers are necessary. The means for distribution of our information are
necessary. I should warn you that for this help you
can have troubles with the authorities. Think, how this can be made without
any harm to you and your enterprise. If you are at the head of the commercial
enterprise, you should understand that when all "plans" of Lukashenko
come true, your enterprise will de absent. If you are at the head of the
state enterprise, you should understand that at such level of incompetent
intervention in the businesses of your enterprise from the state, shortly
your enterprise will "die". What will you tell to the workers? Avaricious pays twice! Will you wait
while such as Lukashenko will come, take everything away or arrest? Struggle
for freedom when you are not put behind bars. Behind bars, please believe me,
it is much more difficult. New opposition to the present mode today
arises. Our first task is to force a plenty of people to think. And they will
begin to think only when in each letter box there is a normal and objective
information about the processes taking place in the country. If you or your friends are interested in
our offer, we can talk at a personal meeting about the details. Yours faithfully Valery Levonevsky. Tel./fax (0152) 31-30-62, 230005,.
Grodno subscriber box 63 (for the letters),
Pager tel. (0152) 73-00-00 subscribers 95200 E-mail: levonevski40@freemail.ru grodno.business@newmail.net You can subscribe
free-of-charge for the electronic dispatch of our messages and bulletins.
E-mail: Levonevski2000@mail.ru The most beautiful
girls in Grodno.
All who were present
on the competition the Queen of Beauty “Miss Grodno-2000” spoke about this.
16 charming girl took part in this competition. As it is usual the opinion of
the audience and the opinion of judges were different. Anna
Jurevich(174*85*60*90 *), a participant under number 13, became the Queen of
Beauty. Julia Krivenko (172*85*59*86), a participant under number 6, won a
title «Miss of Spectator’s Sympathies». The show was excellent, all
participants got prizes, the holiday turned out. We thank the organisers. On the photos: Miss
Grodno-2000 (has not yet know about it) a
photo to remember with a happy winner of the title « Miss of Spectator’s
sympathies». From a minister into an inspector.
A. Lukashenko fulfilled the decision of the trade
union of the businessmen "The Southern" in Grodno. N. Demchuk, the
chairman of the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Belarus was sent in
"the exile" (on hearings as an ambassador in one of the countries
of the former USSR), and A. Sazonov, the minister of business and investments
was degraded into an inspector, but, to tell the truth, into the senior. The
decision is correct. As these people, from the point of view of the trade
union, caused a great damage to the national economy of country and to the
lawful interests and rights of the majority of the population of Belarus.
Their tenure of office would result in a disaster in the economy and to a new
social explosions. Unfortunately, the present Belorussian authorities need to
be explained the obvious trues through the mass actions of the protest.
31.01.2000 in Minsk the six-thousand meeting of the businessmen organised by
the strike committee of the businessmen was held. One of the requirements was
a resignation of A. Sazonov and N. Demchuk. Departments of A. Sazonov and N.
Demchuk created the huge machine on the
extortion of bribes and restraint of the development of business. For the
first time the state fulfilled the requirements of the participants of the
meeting. With the leaving of these people the reprisals concerning the
businessmen and extortion of bribes appreciably decreased. We hope, that the
new chiefs will be decent people, professionals in the business and will
cancel a number of the own silliest normative documents on which it was
planned to destroy the business in the Republic of Belarus. As to the institute of the inspectors at A.
Lukashenko such impression is created as if this structure was created
specially for people who could not find any place. It is a pity to throw them
out ….. And
have not you forgotten to join the Republican Trade union of the Businessmen? The legal page. On the materials of seminars.
238-243 (selection for the individual businessmen). It is prepared by the
informational-legal centre of Grodno, the Trade union of the businessmen
"The Southern". Continuation. The beginning in #45 (articles
231-235, 337) Article 238. False
1. The representation of the obviously
false documents by an individual businessman or an official of the legal
person to declare himself to be a bankrupt (false bankruptcy) - is punished
by the fine, or the deprivation of the right to occupy the certain posts or
to be engaged in the certain activity, or arrest to six months, or the
restriction of freedom for the term to three years, or deprivation of freedom
on the same term. 2. The false bankruptcy caused damage in
the especially large size - is punished by the restriction of freedom for the
term to five years or the deprivation of freedom on the same term. Article 239. Concealment of bankruptcyConcealment of the economic
inconsistency by an individual businessman or an official of the legal person
being insolvent debtors by representation of the items of information which
do not correspond the facts, by fake of the documents, by distortion of the
accounting reporting or otherwise, caused damage to the creditors in the
large size - is punished by the fine, or the deprivation of the right to
occupy the certain posts or to be engaged in the certain activity, or the
arrest for the term to six months, or the restriction of freedom for the term
to three years, or the deprivation of freedom on the same term. Article 240.
Premeditated bankruptcy
Deliberate creation or increase of
insolvency made by an individual businessman or an official of the legal
person in the personal interests or in the interests of other persons and
caused damage in the large size - are punished by the fine, or the
deprivation of the right to occupy the certain posts or to be engaged in the
certain activity, or the arrest for the term to six months, or the
restriction of freedom for the term to three years, or the deprivation of
freedom on the same term. Article 241. Failure of
the compensation for losses to the creditor
Concealment, selling or destruction of
the property of a debtor in the large size by an individual businessman or an
official of the legal person who are threatened by the bankruptcy with the
purpose to break or to reduce the compensation for losses to the creditor -
are punished by the fine, or the arrest for the term to three months, or the
restriction of freedom for the term to two years, or the deprivation of
freedom on the same term. Article 242. Deviation
from the payment of creditor debts
Deviation of an individual businessman
or an official of the legal person from the payment of creditor debts in the
large size when it is an opportunity to fulfil a duty according to the judicial
decision which has a lawful force, - is punished by the fine, or the
deprivation of the right to occupy the certain posts or to be engaged in the
certain activity, or the restriction of freedom for the term to two years, or
the deprivation of freedom on the same term. Article 243. Deviation
from the payment of taxes
1. The deviation from the payment of taxes
by the concealment or deliberate understating of the profit, incomes or other
objects of the taxation or by the deviation from submission of the declaration
about the incomes and property caused damage in the large size - is punished
by the deprivation of the right to occupy the certain posts or to be engaged
in the certain activity, or the arrest for the term to six months, or the
restriction of freedom for the term to three years, or the deprivation of
freedom on the same term. 2. The same deed caused damage in the
especially large size - is punished by the restriction of freedom for the
term to five years or the deprivation of freedom for the term from three till
seven years with the confiscation of property or without the confiscation and
with the deprivation of the right to occupy the certain posts or to be
engaged in the certain activity or without the deprivation. Continuation in
the following number … Businessman, remember! - 99 % of all
criminal cases begin with your explanations. "The harmless"
explanation on an administrative business can serve as the beginning of a
criminal case. Never give any explanations without the advice with our
lawyers. To give an explanation is your right, but not a duty. We buy a paper A3, A4 (cheap), we
shall buy a passenger-car or passenger microbus up to 2.000 $. Tel. (0152)
31-30-62 We accept gifts for the mothers of the large families and needy
families (used furniture, toys, clothes, products) - 31-30-62 |