¹ 28 October
1999 |
national is confirmed once again – everything in its season. The passions calm down. Many businessmen
today are not ready to protect their rights and legitimate interests actively.
October 17, 1999 the all-republican political action of the protest was held.
The businessmen supported it very flabby. But they supported it. We understand that Sunday is a good
trade day, is a pity to miss profits. There is no anything surprising. Always
and in all countries the businessmen participate have not taken active part
in the policy personally. But very frequently they give money to political
parties and movements. The Belorussian businessmen today only start to be
formed as a severe economical and political force. What way will be selected
by us in the struggle for the economical rights and interests the time will
show. It is necessary only to remember history. And especially punishment of
the middle class per the twentieth years. Many "kulacks" and
"people engaged in NEP" being in prison or waiting for the command
"Fire" near the wall before a company of the soldiers, regretted
very much about the political passivity when they had money and freedom. Yes,
much things on the on meeting 17.10.99 were not pleasant to me. The guys from
BNF may take offence on me, but I am against the public burning of the flags
of any countries including Russia. We, many businessmen, are also against the
enslaving union with Russia but I am not against the Russians. As to Belarus,
we see its future outside of any units and political unions. Belarus should
be a neutral country opened for trade and co-operation both with West and
with East. Probably, Belarus has been prepared to
be a link between Europe and Russia. It is necessary to stop the opposition
which is necessary to NOBODY. Yes, we are still weak. Yes we have errors. But
17.10.99 is a historical day. The stones were thrown not to the militiamen
and to this mode which is hated by all. And with stones all is not
understandable. According on one of versions the first stones were thrown
from the nearest shelters by people who were not established and had not any
relation to the MARCH FREEDOM. And "fires" had flared long before
the time when the demonstrators came to a place of the fire. Probably,
someone was in a hurry to make "a picture" for the Belorussian
television. It is a pity that the authorities of
Grodno did not let us participate in this meeting (details about it are in
the article "Anonymous authors"), the meeting could have had
another script. More than 300 participants of the were
beaten and crippled. The witnesses approve that even a one-year child was
beaten by a truncheon on the head. So the stones were thrown to the answer. Are we ready to the strike from 1.11.99
or not? The answer we got in Sunday - not yet! The enthusiasm passed, the feeling of
fear is lost. The enthusiasm will not return until the property is
confiscated from everybody. About what does it says? That we should work with
the businessmen more and more. And we are ready to this. The decision about
the strike will be accepted after the interrogation of the majority of
businessmen on this problem. And now the preparation to create the republican
structure goes very flabby. All are in the "business" and wait for
a new "scrounger". I would like you to support your active workers
today. It is necessary for them to get stronger. Then, if necessary, they can
render you the severe help and protection. And that this case will not force
you to wait long for itself - it is very clear. Consolidate your organisations and
positions. It is necessary to be ready for the reprisals. What are the
outcomes of our struggle - you quietly work despite of the Decree of the
President #14 (it is executed by nobody i.e. the mean link of the authority
is failed to execute the higher directives), we had been united and created new structures. All of
us today study. We study to work, to struggle, to survive. I understand those
guys who would like to change the present mode immediately. They are ready to
give their young life in the struggle for YOUR and OUR freedom. But you
should understand that the basic task is not this. The main struggle now
develops on the other "front". There is a struggle for minds of
people: workers, employees, pensioners, the young, militiamen, military men.
It is today the most difficult struggle. But it already gives the harvest. The officials of all levels boycott the
solutions of A. Lukashenko, militia, army and the special services in private
lectures support us. The workers, the young, the students take part together
with us in the actions of the protest. We begin the preparation for the own
meeting in Minsk without fires and stones, without cries and offences. It
should be the holiday of the city. We should learn and learn others to
respect the interlocutor not paying attention to from his political views,
religion, place of work or place of residence. It is necessary to learn people,
to inform them about the truth about events in the country through the
leaflets and mass media. The
anonymous authors.
In the Republic of Belarus it is already
a good tradition to attract law-enforcement bodies and special services to remove
political opponents to the present mode. Grodno is not an exception. Those who
visited this city 16.10.99 paid attention to huge quantity of the armed and
unarmed people in the militia uniform. All departures from the city were
tightly closed. All Special services worked in the battle order of duty. Many
employees were called from houses (16.10.99 was a days off - Saturday). «What
happens?» - the citizens and visitors of Grodno asked. It appeared that the
operation to limit the movement of Valery Levonevsky who was going to
distribute to balls and sweets to children during the MARCH of FREEDOM in
Minsk in Grodno and region approached to the culmination moment. The chronicle of the events: 9.10.99 the outside supervision was
found (it is the supervision over a man by the pecial services with the use
of means and special know-how of supervision). My home and official telephone
“behaved” strangely enough. 16.10.99 approximately at 17.00 on
departure from Grodno the car of A. Vasiliev in which Valery Levonevsky was
as a passenger was determined. The car was full of souvenirs for children
from Minsks. The protocol of detention was not made up, the reasons were not
explained. When the question about the reasons of the detention was asked,
one of the militiamen extracted "truncheon" with the words: «Now we
shall draw up resistance». On a radio the command to deliver the car with the
passenger into the Leninsky DDIA of Grodno. The special accent was made on
the passenger. The formal reason for the detention was to make up the
administrative protocol for the distribution of the leaflets about the MARCH
of FREEDOM. The protocol was drawn up one the article which foresees ….
warning or penalty in the size of 1 minimum wage. While the protocol was made
up and the ‘sincere” talks were held (approximately for two hours) other very
interesting documents were prepared in the October DDIA of Grodno. It appears
another anonymous letter in which one asserts that Valery Levonevsky visited
Minsk to decide trade-union’s problems for the trade-union’s fees was written
on Levonevsky. Well and what will a reader think? It is
an internal business of the trade union. Article 23 of the law of the
Republic of Belarus «About trade unions» prohibits the state to control
trade-union’s fees. But probably the current legislation is not on the
October of DDIA of Grodno. This anonymous author was the reason for the for
further detention of Valey Levonevsky and realisation of the investigation in
the October DDIA of Grodno. The most interesting thing is the
following: 1) It is not the first anonymous letter.
On the previous anonymous author the checks were realised, the breaches of
the law were not found, the liar was not also found. 2) The anonymous letter was written
15.10.99 (the date is indicated in the anonymous letter) in the Regional DIA.
16.10.99 (on Saturday, at night) Valery Levonevsky was already interrogated
in the October DDIA of Grodno, previously having been determined. It is an
effectiveness. The petitions of the citizens (with signatures) are drawn up
by militia so soon? Usually from the application to the beginning of the
actions on it 5-10 days pass. 3) On the an envelope from the anonymous
letter the sample of the mail-sender and receiver is absent. I have a steady opinion that this the anonymous letter was born in the cabinets of the native Regional DIA of Grodno. Why? Technically it is impossible passing a post-office to transmit the anonymous letter into DIA of regional executive committee. The exit of DIA is guarded by a militiaman, you may enter only if you have an admission, the box for the appeals of the citizens is absent. So. They write themselves and consider
themselves!!! About 23.00 I was allowed to go but as
it appeared for a very short time. Having driven off for half of a kilometre
we paid attention to the group of the cars with dark windows which followed
us. We tried to lose touch with them. It was useless. We together with them
have “visited” all streets of the city, forests and suburbs of Grodno for 20
minutes. Having seen a car of the militia we rushed to it to ask for help.
The cars which followed us stopped in 150 metres from us. We asked to find
out who that persons were. But the militia refused to determine their
personalities (though in that point there were three cars of militia). 23.30
we were said that we are determined before the operative group came. The
operative group came at 2 o’clock at night (I shall remember that we were in
Grodno). And the operative group was also from DIA of the Grodno region!? We
were said that the anonymous call was made at 1 o’clock at night (!!!) and
they were said that there were drugs in that car. Firstly we were determined (23. 30) in
half and hour there was an anonymous call about drugs and we were visited by
militiamen. The militiamen who determined us probably had known that in half
and hour there an anonymous call about drugs would be. The car was carefully was searched, all
thing were written down into the special lists. We were allowed to go after 4.00
but again we were followed by the outside supervision. We were not lucky
enough to stay alone but we had a bitter experience and went to sleep because
we did not want to be determined again for the search of a mine, for example.
In the morning everything repeated again. We went into forest and they - with
us, we – on the call of nature and they - with photo-cameras and
video-cameras, we – for them and they – from us. The roads were surrounded..
as a result the balls to the children from minsk were not delivered. As one movie’s star said: “I feel hurt
for the motherland”. Hundreds of professionals, tens of cars,
budget money – everything is done not to let one man left Grodno or to
fabricate a business. Intelligent people have to be engaged in the political
search and in “dirty” work against their will. The killers and rogues will
wait. And people who have another opinion which differs from the opinion of
one well-known impostor should be isolated. It is a pity but the order in the
militia is higher than the law. And who gives orders we know well. I do not
take offence on that militiamen who have done their work. And they have done
it at a professional level. They had at ask not to let me leave the city –
and they have done it. It is a first-rate work. But who needs it? How many
criminals could be pointed if all these people and means were not directed to
people who have progressive opinions. Somebody will say that there are many
professionals in the militia. Let’s see. I am sure that the authors of the
anonymous letters, written and phone (if there were such) will be found in
the next time. I have written appropriate applications in the militia (these
authors of the anonymous letters make a great harm not only for me but also
for the poor state budget). The matter of honour of our militiamen is to find
these mean people. Now I am “invited” by the summons on the next business. I
have already got used to this. And what about you? Valery Levonevsky We shall rent a room as an office in Minsk.
We shall rent a hall to realise the constituent assembly of the republican
trade union of the businessmen (more than 500 places). The information can be
left - (Grodno) –tel./fax (0152) 72-00-72, 31-30-62, pager (0152) 73-00-00
subscriber 95200. For the letters: 230005, Grodno - 5,
subscriber box 63. Å-mail: levonevski@mail.ru
(mailto:levonevski@imail.ru). In Minsk, Freedom square 23, tel. 227-57-78,
84-31-82 (Zakharov street, 24) We organise legal seminars for the
businessmen (record at the leaders of your trade union). The businessmen rendering
us possible help have the right to place the advertisement in the bulletin
"Businessman" (free of charge). The free of charge-free reprint and
use of materials of this bulletin is allowed. HUMOUR
- Doctor, I complain on haemorrhoids
again. You prescribe me suppositories all the time and they have not helped
me. - Do you eat them?! - Well, I do not put them into the ass! The surgery of a doctor. On a chair the
man with an axe in a head sits he is all in blood. The doctor quietly asks
questions: -
Did you suffer from
measles, jaundice, mumps when a child? In a drugstore there is a large queue. A
man rushes with cry: - Let pass! Let pass without queue! There a man lies! The queue parts, he comes to a counter: - Packet of condoms, please! |