Informational bulletin of trade unions of businessmen

of the Republic of Belarus

№ 27







October 17 in Minsk the MARCH of FREEDOM will take place. His initiators are politicians «of a new wave». We need your support. Today as never we should be together. The businessmen of the Belorussian markets are one of the most organised groups in the society. You have demonstrated your force and made the authority go on concessions for several times.


The situation in our country became critical. Economics is on the decline. On fields the lowest harvest for last decades is gathered. To buy grain and food abroad hundred millions bucks are necessary. This money could not be taken anywhere by the mode. The trade-union black sheep convince you that they have managed to agree with the authorities. For example, with the official Novitsky. But making a speech on the Belorussian television on October 7, Lukashenko shouted: «Why does not a Novitsky execute the Decrees of the president?!» It is not necessary to be engaged in self-deception. The mode needs means. And they can take them only at us - for example, having changed the rates of taxes backdating as it has already been for several times.


THE MARCH OF FREEDOM will take place on October 17, in Sunday. We know that on week-days the trade is not as good as you would like. However this Sunday on streets of Minsk there will be tens thousand men-supporters of the main political parties, movements, trade unions, representatives of all regions of Belarus. The Belorussian businessmen this day should be together with the Belorussian people. Only in such a way your voice will be heard.


October 17 we shall be not one. The members of the parliaments of many European countries and spectators of international organisations on human right’s protection will take part in the MARCH of FREEDOM. This day the actions of solidarity with democratic Belarus will pass in a number of cities of the world.


In Minsk the authorised meeting will begin at 14. 00 on Bangalor square where Syrganov and Bogdanovich streets are crossed. If you want to come to the place of meeting in an organised way, come at 12. 00 to Yakub Kolas square.


For your and our FREEDOM!


On the order of the organising committee of the MARCH OF FREEDOM D. Bondarenko, the co-ordinator of Charter 97


Dear businessmen, people working on hiring, citizens.

As it has been already said, in October, 1999 the following measures are planned:

-         October 14 a one-day preventive all-republican action of the protest of the businessmen. The markets of all cities of the Republic of Belarus terminate activity for one day. Our demands: the beginning of substantial talks with the authorised representatives of free trade unions of the businessmen, cancellation of item 1.22 of decree #14, acceptance in a full volume of the decree offered by the Free trade union of the businessmen (is published in the bulletin "Businessman" #24), cancellation of obligatory certification and hygienic registration on small-sized batches of the goods (up to 100 units), cancellation of obligatory system of using of stubs at realisation of the goods, cancellation of broad explanation of «the hidden income», cancellation of criminal prosecution of the businessmen for small repeated "breaches of the law", invariable rates of fixed tax calculated in dollars of the USA.


-         October 17 the national action of the protest. At 14.00 17.10.99 in Minsk on Bangalor square (where streets of Syrganov and Bogdanovich are crossed not far from Komarovsky market) the meeting is held. The sanction of the authorities is obtained to realise the meeting. Luashenko and other very interesting people are invited to the meeting. It is planned that the heads of trade unions of the businessmen will make speech, the free of charge distribution of balls and sweets from the businessmen of Grodno is also planned. All markets of the Republic of Belarus terminate the activity for one day. A lot of depends on your participation in this action. I ask the businessmen to arrive in this meeting. We will meet you at Bangalor square on 17.10.99 (Sunday) at 13.40 (the citizens of Minsk should come to Yakub Kolas square at 12.00).


-         Preparation to the all-republican indefinite strike of the businessmen from 1.11.99. (with the termination of payment of taxes and other payments).


The talks the with the authorities has not given any significant outcomes yet. It is necessary to make the authorities to start the substantial talks. According to the information we have the beginning of confiscation and punitive measures relating businessmen on item 1.22 of Decree # 14 is shortly planned. A. Lukashenko confirmed this fact making a speech on TV 7.10.99.


It is very important that the businessmen of cities should not trade on Sunday. We could show to the authorities that we are capable to sacrifice by momentary profit to save our future. It is very important that we should came to the place of meeting, help to organise it, submit people and finance. Yes, many from you will suffer heavy losses, Sunday is quite a good trade day. But we shall lose much more, in ten times more, if not we do not participate in the 17.10.99 meeting and if we do not take our relatives and acquaintances with ourselves. Only together we are force!


All should take part in the meeting!!!


The request is to let all businessmen’s structures and organisations, private shops and businessmen know about this meeting.


Valery Levonevsky


Those who want to render financial and other help can address on tel./fax (0152) 31-30-62, 72-00-72, E-mail: 230005, Grodno, Stefan Batory 8-201, for the letters 230005, Grodno - 5, subscriber box 63, pager (0152) 73-00-00 subscriber 95200


The telegram. Will come or will not come?

230010, Minsk. The administration of the president of the Republic of Belarus A. Lukashenko.


The telegram


Alexander Grigorievch!!!

We invite you to take part in the March of Freedom which will be held on October 17, 1999 in Minsk.


In Minsk the authorised meeting will begin at 14. 00 on Bangalor square where Syrganov and Bangalor streets are crossed. If you want to come to the place of meeting in an organised way, come to Yakub Kolas square at 12. 00.


Workers, employers, pensioners, mothers of large family, needy and the unemployed teachers, medical workers (or as you call them in one expression - «different rabble») and businessmen (in yours words «lousy fleas») will take part in the meeting. October 17 we shall be not alone, the members of parliaments of many European countries and spectators of international organisations on protection of the human rights will arrive in the MARCH of FREEDOM. This day the actions of solidarity with democratic Belarus will pass in a number of cities of the world.


At the meeting you will have an unique capability to explain everything to people. Maybe together we shall find a grain of common sense in your behaviour, decrees and orders.


We hope that this time you respond to our invitation and will not hide for the army of the militiamen and security (our invitation on meeting in Grodno remained without the answer, and we waited for you).


Sorry, that I do not address to you with an attachment the President (on a reason which is well-known to you).


Valery Levonevsky.



(old edition, endurance)

August 4, 1997 N 14 Minsk




To realise constitutional authorities of the Committee of the state control in an economical sphere and according to the third part of article 101 of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus I DECIDE:

1.      To establish following kinds of economical liability for legal persons and businessmen executing the activity without the formation of a legal person:


1.1.           Usage of financial resources (except for exchange them on raw, materials and furnishing articles for own production) which have been given in a centralised way not in a proper way - attracts imposing of the fine up to the twofold size of the cost of the realised resources;


1.2. Ungrounded obtaining of the grants and compensations from the budget, extra-budgetary funds, usage of means of the budget and extra-budgetary funds not in a proper way - attract imposing of the fine (except for budgetary organisations) in the twofold size of means which were groundlessly obtained or used not in a proper way and also the return of the appropriate sums;


1.3. The non-delivery (short-delivery) of the production for state needs - attracts imposing of the fine at a rate of the cost of non-delivered (short delivered) production;


1.8. Raising of the prices or their underestimation at realisation of the production (of activities, services) – attracts penalty of proceeds obtained as a result of raising of prices or sum of means half-received as a result of applying of prices which are below of those which are established by the state and imposing of the fine in the same size in the income of the appropriate budget. The same actions made repeatedly within year - attract penalty of proceeds obtained as a result of raising of prices or sum of means half-received as a result of applying of prices which are below of those which are established by the state and imposing of the fine in the twofold size of such proceeds (sum of means) in the income of the appropriate budget. The fines mentioned in this sub-item are not the subject to reduction to the sum of taxes and other payments in the budget and extra-budgetary funds.


1.9. The non-acceptance of measures to maintain in-time receipt of proceeds from realisation of production (activities, services) on the export contracts, goods on the import and barter contracts - attracts imposing of the fine at a rate up to 100 minimum wages;


1.10. Realisation of production (fulfilment of activities, rendering of services) without the certificate and sign of conformity, if to such a production (activities, services) the statutory acts establish the requirements on safety control of life, health or property of customers, environmental protection and such production (activity, services) is subject to the obligatory certification in the national system of certification - attracts imposing of the fine at a rate of up to the twofold cost of the realised production (executed activities, rendered services);


1.11. Realisation (delivery) of production, including repaired (renewed), fulfilment of activities (rendering of services) without the normative - order documentation or not meeting its requirements and also realisation of the goods without certificates about the state hygienic registration demanded in the cases foreseen by the legislation - attract imposing of the fine at a rate of the cost of the realised (delivered) production (fulfilled activities rendered services);


1.12. Realisation of production, fulfilment of activities (rendering of services) breaking the prohibition of the employees of bodies of the Committee of the state control or specially authorised state bodies on protection of the rights of consumers - attract imposing of the fine a rate of the cost of the realised production, fulfilled activities (rendered services);


1.15. The realisation of illegal financial operations - attracts imposing of the fine at a rate of sums of such operations;


1.16. Investments of the capital by physical and legal persons for whom the prohibition or limitation to deposit means into the authorised capitals of other legal persons established by the legislation and withdrawal the profits by them as a result of illegal activity - attract imposing of the fine at a rate of the sum of the illegally deposited means and illegally obtained profit;


1.17. The incorrect indicating or non-indicating of the substantiation of the used prices, other indispensable properties in way-bills, scores - invoices, payment requirements, commissions and other documents - attracts imposing of the fine at a rate of 10 percents of the sum of payment;


1.18. No-purpose usage of the obtained credits - attracts imposing of the fine at a rate of up to 50 percents of the sum of means used not in a proper way;


1.19. The irregular order of management of cash operations - attracts imposing of the fine in the sizes established by the legislation;


1.21. The occupation by forbidden kinds of activity or activity to be engaged in which one need to obtain the special sanction (licence), without the appropriate sanction (licence) - attracts imposing of the fine in the twofold size of the obtained income;


1.22. Acquired or realised goods and material values breaking the established order (without presence of an accompanying documents or in valid documents and also documents verifying the quality of the production, etc.) are the subject to be excepted in the income of the republican budget.


2.1. Destruction of bookkeeping and other documents breaking the law days of their storage, their hiding - attract imposing of the fine on the heads and (or) chief accountants of legal persons (businessmen executing the activity without the formation of a legal person) at a rate of up to 100 minimum wages; ….. etc.


Delirium!?. No!!! The rules on which you will be fined and your property will be taken off. Think. Is it necessary to struggle for the cancellation of this decree and legislative acts similar to it or not? Is it necessary to struggle for the economical rights and legitimate interests? Come 17.10.99 on meeting. Together we shall decide that shall we do farther!!!



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