Informational bulletin of trade unions of businessmen

of the Republic of Belarus






7.09.99 the representatives of the strike committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Grodno trade union of the businessmen "Southern", a member of the Auditing-control Committee of the Free trade union Belorussian visited markets of Minsk. We with a great pleasure have a talk with the active workers - businessmen of these markets. The result of this meeting is the creation of several primary organisations of Free trade unions of the citizens, of businessmen and people working on hiring at these markets. The Grodno businessmen decided to help the citizens of Minsk and to help them to create able-bodied businessmen’s structures.

The solution was accepted because in Minsk there is no a substantial structure which would be capable to unite businessmen and to defend their right and legitimate interests. As life has shown where there are strong structures there it is possible to achieve the unity of businessmen. For those who does not know - all Grodno region and Grodno are on leave from 1.09.99 with the termination of payment of taxes and rent payments. Since A. Pechersky died, Minsk stopped to be a centre of struggle for the rights of businessmen. It is necessary to correct this situation. The creation of structures will take many forces and means from us. We shall conduct in Minsk legal seminars, organise meetings and other actions of the protest. We plan to rent a room as an office. We shall be grateful to active businessmen who will help us to create trade-union structures, to finance, to distribute our different information (bulletins). We have own system of construction of trade unions of businessmen. This system has been tested and does not go wrong. The schedule of activity is as following: the distribution of information, creation of structures, creation of the schemes and sources of finance (without money creation of trade union doomed to be failed, therefore originally all expenses to create trade unions in Minsk will be paid by the Grodno businessmen). In the second half of September the creation of the republican Free trade union of the businessmen is planned. In issues for Minsks we shall try to share that useful experience which we have a lot. Our main purpose is to join the greatest quantity of businessmen to the struggle for existence of business in Belarus by informing them.

Together we shall achieve a lot

Valery Levonevsky



Dear businessmen and people working on hiring!

The strike of the businessmen of the Republic of Belarus originated by businessmen has been taking turns. As for 3.09.99 more than 73 % of all markets of the Republic of Belarus strikes. Unfortunately, the leaders of the state trade union of businessmen "Sadruzhnosts" (Minsk – Katya Naumovich and Maya Sinayskaya) have betrayed our interests and have begun together with the government officials to prevent to the stock of the protest. They try to persuade people to start to work in Minsk before the beginning of the talks. This very dangerous phenomenon for our movements. Therefore we are compelled to state that this trade union is excluded from the strike committee and to invoke businessmen to leave from this trade union. At all our respect to former merits of this trade union and personally to Katya and Maya who were supervised by Arnold Pechersky who died at mysterious circumstances, we establish the fact that M. Sinayskay and K. Naumovich have turn in to customary pro-lukashenko functionaries.

The result of the policy of compromise of these leaders is the beginning of confiscation of the goods from businessmen. Moreover, we have got the first signal on the currency which has come from. Orsha - 3.09.99 in the custom-house of RB and Russian Federation all businessmen from Orsha who were bound for Orsha from Moscow were confiscated the currency of Russian Federation in connection with absence of the documents verifying the purchase of the Russian roubles. According to the solution of the strike committee a working group on creation of republican trade union of the businessmen was created. More than 20 trade unions have expressed desire to create the unified branch structure. The creation of such structure is planned on the second half of September. Businessmen from more than 30 cities and regions have stated the desire to create own Free trade unions of citizens-businessmen and people working on hiring. The duties on co-ordination of the creation of the republican trade union of the businessmen and primary organisations in the markets of cities are assigned on Valery Levonevsky Grodno, Stefan Batory 8-201 (the hotel "Neman"), phone/fax (0152) 72-00-72, 31-30-62, pager (0152) 73-00-00 subscriber 95200, for the letters 230005, Grodno - 5, subscriber box 63. E-mail:


In Minsk the information can be left on the phone 32-95-57 (Alexander)


The chairmen of tax inspections, black sheep from "Sadruzhnosts", «new priests Gapons» and other persuade people to start to trade breaking item 1.22 of the decree of the president of RB #14 (i.e. without the documents established by this decree). Approving that these people will not be applied with the sanctions. The savour of this situation is that these people do not respond for their words and you can not lodge claims to them when your goods are confiscated. But the most interesting thing is that actions of this «new priests Gapons» directed to compulsory break of the laws of RB (breaches of item 1.22 of decree #14) contain attributes of a crime foreseen by articles 166 (Abuse of power or official position), 166-1 (Administrative inactivity), 167 (Exceeding one's authority or service authorities), 168 (Negligence) etc. of the criminal code of the Republic of Belarus and envisage liability till 8 years of deprivation of liberty. Time-bar on such crimes - 10 years. I.e. within 10 years against these persons the criminal case can be lodged.


There is an interesting situation - "representatives of the vertical", state inspectors and "Sadruzhnosts" persuade 150 thousand citizens of the Republic of Belarus not to fulfil the requirements of our favourite former president. Where does he look at?


Today any businessman can not execute in a full volume the silliest requirements of decree # 14.


Yes, in Minsk by manipulations, bribes and counterfeit of the documents it is possible for some businessmen to evade from the requirements of this decree, but is really it the receipt for all country!?


The only way out from this situation - to achieve cancellation of this decree. For this purpose we are ready to strike for a month or two. Let's conduct a number of meetings and pickets. Our requirements will be achieved in any way. If we unite we shall achieve faster. And now those who are at the office do not want to have talks with us. They wait, while "Sadruzhosts" spoils the strike.


The chairman of the strike Committee Valery Levonevsky


Exchange of experience

At the numerous requests of the businessmen we open on pages of our bulletin a heading «Exchange of experience». Today in connection with the beginning of the active actions of the protest we shall publish a selection of some documents. These documents are published in that kind in which they were let out. It is necessary for businessmen to change them while using depending on circumstances and particular action of the protest.


Document #1 Example of the application on leave (approximate form, is submitted on the location of your tax inspection personally or by mail by the certified letter. It is filled in triplicate - in the tax inspection, one to the helper of a treasurer (to point the number of telephone for communication), one remains for you):


To the chairman of ISTC__________________________


(Surname, name, patronymic, place of residence)



In connection with the breach of my rights and legitimate interests, physical and actual impossibility of fulfilling the requirements of the decree of the president #14 from 4.08.97 which contradicts the common sense and the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, I leave in enforced holiday from 01.10.99. the time when I will start to work will be announced additionally. I trust to introduce the interests on this problem, problems on change of tax and other legislation in the talks with the representatives of the state authority and control, tax, judicial and other bodies to Valery Stanislavovich Levonevsky.


Number signature


Document #2 to the Director of the market _________________


(Surname, name, patronymic, place of residence)


«The Grodno initiative » - myths and realities.

All, probably, remember with what "pump" they wrote in press (democratic) about the creation «of the Grodno initiative» (GI) which united the majority of progressively adjusted public organisations. The United Civil Party was always a supporter of such measures (on association) therefore it not only became a member of this organisation but it relised an active policy on propaganda of this idea. As a result of such activity «The Grodno initiative» was supported by the businessmen of. Grodno and Grodno region, the Free trade unions, Grodno taxpayers, drivers, youth and other organisations.


But, as it became clear “The Grodno initiative” is a large game began by the separate former party and state functionaries with purposes and problems which only they understood. Instead of a co-ordination of the action between the participants of GI, the rigid dictatorship of two people under whom this organisation was created was got. Any dissent, "personal initiative" was hardly barred by these people. The rather doubtful philosophy and the methods of activity they tried to impose to the public including party organisations. All this was hidden under the decision of the collegiate body. The repeated attempts of the leaders of UCP in the Grodno region to explain the illegality of their operations to the leaders of GI were in vain or misunderstood, or the leaders of UCP were offended.


It appears that the United Civil Party should ask for the permission at GI (read at Semen Domash and A. Ostrovsky) to send the telegram to the President (already former), to organise mass measures, to distribute the leaflets, charities, articles in the newspapers. We respect the personal opinion of everybody even of semen Domash and A. Ostrovsky and but we know one thing if we go with them, we shall come again to defeat. They have already shown what they can do. It is possible and even it is necessary to use their useful experience, they can be members of a team, they have large bureaucratic experience. But to make them leaders of the movement is impossible.


The last example was that drop which had overfilled a cup of patience, it is holidays 21.07.99 in Grodno «Dembel 99» organised by the United Civil Party and businessmen of Grodno. As semen Domash and A. Ostrovsky had hidden (!!!) from UCP time and place of realisation of these measures dedicated to this day, we organised our holiday with the distribution of balls and sweets in the Grodno park near the Puppet Theater at 16.00. The holiday was a success, more than 5.000 people took part in the holiday. The part of the people (small who had no time to live it) after 17.00 took part in the visiting on memorable places organised by A. Ostrovsky.


It seem that the organisers "of visitings" should be happy as thanks to UCP people for visiting were present but no, 23.07.99 the leader of UCP in the Grodno region was criticised by the leaders of GI and BPF. To our large regret, the Grodno resource centre "Ratusha" also said that if UCP and the Grodno businessmen misbehave they will be refused in technical and other support. Certainly, all this was covered by beautiful words about the unification, care about Belarus and etc. Behind words the following thing is hidden - ambitions and attempts "of revenge" of the separate unsuccessful former "leaders", the attempt to cut a dash to Belorussian and international public, the concentration of resources for the development of social movement in the Grodno region in one hands for further dictatorship over social movement in the Grodno region.


Yes, today the former party officials have connections, money, facilities but they do not have the main - political future.


The United Civil Party is an independent political force which is capable to organise any mass measures at the expense of own forces and means. We support any kinds of co-operation with the citizens and organisations but we shall not suffer any dictatorship on the part of the citizens, public or state organisations. In connection with the above-mentioned the United Civil Party in the Grodno region states that it leaves «The Grodno initiative». We are ready to co-operate on the equivalent basis with the oddments of «The Grodno initiative», parties, public organisations, trade unions, ordinary members of all parties and organisations, without dependence from relations with the leaders of these organisations.


It is a hard but enforced step. It was accepted after we had come across a dead wall of misunderstanding of the leaders of GI. We think that each organisation, each citizen has the right to take the independent decisions behind own signatures. We are against anonymous letters which are sent with not clear signatures, each product should have its author, everyone should answer for the deeds and should not cowardly hide behind the backs of other people and organisations.


Successful attempts to unite and to head opposition with the purpose to "kill" all business were undertaken and earlier. We hope that the leaders of «The Grodno initiative» and the leaders of Grodno BPF will estimate a situation correctly and will stop to prevent to work to those people, who do not agree with their dictatorship. Today «The Grodno initiative» resembles half-criminal structure with "fathers" and hard rules.


It is easy to be convinced in it when you see how "colleagues" start to prevent to work, to be pleased with our difficulties, to blackmail and «to water with mud» people who have said that they are not members of GI any more.


Many public organisations are in material and other dependence from "Ratusha" and GI. Some, probably, like the ideas and approaches of Domash-Ostrovsky. It is their right (to be members of GI) and we are obliged to respect it. And we do not ask these organisation to leave GI, especially we are ready to co-operate with them and their members at any stage.


We are sure that in Grodno there should be some independent, strong public structures. To leave the business not finished at a definite stage is a rather widespread thing among the "former". Give the god, the Grodno region will be bypassed by this trouble but we should be ready to the next fraud from their part.


This application does not have a task to crack the social movement of the Grodno region.


The application has another problems as the purpose:


-         To free the party from dictatorship of the citizens who are not members of this party


-         To be freed from old, dead dogmas, ideologies and approaches to the solution of the main political problems imposed by the "ideologist" GI


-         Consolidation of progressive public organisations on the new democratic basis to achieve general purposes (more than 10 public organisations and trade unions, their branches, the Grodno businessmen as of 28.07.99 said that they support the actions of UCP in the Grodno region in a part of leaving of «The Grodno initiative» and creation of own public structure).


-         To build a new system of relationships between public organisations, the state, people based on the principles of respect and a constructive dialogue.


We think that it is easier to go to victory if we throw old, unnecessary rubbish away from shoulders. It is necessary to do it today. Tomorrow this rubbish will clue to skin and it will be very difficult to remove it. We have only one purpose – to build the democratic society based on priority of human rights. We (arising young opposition) and they (eternal, professional representatives of the opposition) have different methods of achievement of the purpose and approaches to the solution of this problem. What way is better will show time.



As I leave on holiday I ask to keep behind me a trade place # _______from 1.10.99. A rent which have been paid earlier I ask to consider as advance payment for the period after termination of a leave.


Number signature


Document # 3 or what to do with the black sheep. It is necessary to act only within the framework of the law. Any two - three customers can make up the act on the breach of the law of RB «About protection of the rights of a customer» and other local law by the seller. It is possible to ask the employee of militia to make up a protocol on a seller on the fact of the breach of rules of trade (if he refuses to do this against the employee of militia the criminal case – article 166-1 of CC of RB (Administrative inactivity), 168 of CC of RB (Negligence) can be instituted). The act is made up in the arbitrary form. The example of the Act (approximate). The acts should be sent to us or to the Free trade union. According to the law of RB «About the protection of the rights of a customer» from the seller it is possible to collect a severe intellectual and material harm.


The act about breaches of rules of trade and other legislation.

Minsk (market Zhadonovichy-1) 11.09.99


We, signed below, testify that 11.09.99 at the market "Zhadonovichy-1" the businessman I. I. Kozel, the certificate #369 from 14.03.99 is given by the Minsk municipal executive committee, lives in Minsk, Streickbrekherskaya street 8-31 traded without the certificates, way-bills (or on way-bills causing suspicion) etc. refused to show the documents proving its personality, testimony of the businessman and other documents, foreseen by article 7 of the law of RB «About protection of the rights of a customer», behaved roughly.


The militiaman S. I. Baranov refused to make up a protocol on these breaches. The director of the market S. D. Polypianov also did not undertake any measures to terminate the trade with the breach of rules of trade (in case if he or his representative was informed about this fact).


Signatures, SNP, address of the place of the residence.


We will rent a room as an office (republican trade union of the businessmen) and flat in Minsk tel./fax (0152) 72-00-72, 31-30-62, pager (0152) 73-00-00 subscriber 95200, tel. in Minsk 232-95-57 (Alexander). For the letters: 230005, Grodno - 5, subscriber box 63. Е-mail:


We gather a data bank on robberies of our citizens by the officials of the government. About all confiscation and arrests of property, penalties (better in writing) inform on the above-stated addresses.


Information message.

8.09.99 in Minsk in the building of the Council of Ministers the conference at the vice – Premier-Minister of RB G. V. Novitsky «About the problems which have arisen as from 1.09.99 the sub-item 1.22 of point 1 of the Decree of the president of RB from August 4, 1997 #14 has got its force» was held at 11.00.


At this conference the representatives of the strike committee of businessmen and free trade unions of the businessmen of the Republic of Belarus were not allowed to participate in the meeting (they have remained to wait at the building of the Council of Ministers). Our colleagues from the state trade union of the businessmen "Sadruzhnosts" have "forgotten" to include the above mentioned representatives in the lists and officials from the Council of Ministers to whom the representatives who were not included addressed at 8.09.99 at 10.30 ignored the request of 6 representatives (the strike committee, free trade unions, regions and Minsk) to take part in this conference.


It is paradoxical but it is a fact: those who has organised the mass action and due to whom this conference became basically possible were not allowed to participate in the conference at all.


At this conference G. V. Novitsky, A. Y. Sazonov, chairmen of executive committees, tax committee and power offices were present.


As it was necessary to expect at the conference the protocol in which many phrases such as to "entrust", to "ensure", to "extend", to "recommend" etc was adopted.


There are some positive moments indicated in the protocol of the conference, but they were only cosmetic. Any main problem on this conference was not solved. Extortionate point 1.22 of the decree remains valid, the slips are not undone, businessmen will be robbed, fined, pursued in the administrative and criminal order to formal reasons and so on. These problems were not solved because of black-sheep well-known trade union invoked all businessmen to start to work in the height of the stocks (which was invited to this conference).


After the conference in the Council of Ministers the conference of businessmen at 13.00 was held. The conference was emotional but it did not accepted any solutions. The free trade union of businessmen insisted on the active action stocks of the protest, "Sadruzhnosts" - on the further game «in talks». The judgements were divided. As a result the free trade union decided to create the strike committee (reorganisation) from the representatives of free and independent trade unions. As the chairman of the strike committee Valery Levonevsky was elected.


The strike committee accepted the solution to begin the active actions of the protest - meetings, strikes with the termination of payment of taxes and other payments from 1.10.99. The preventive action of the protest (markets everywhere in the republic stop to work for one day to support the most resistant businessmen from Grodno and all Grodno region, Baranovichy, Orsha, Polotsk, Novopilotsk, Mozyr and other cities cities) is planned for 22.09.99.


30.09.99 businessmen leave on a joint meeting together with workers in Minsk and also terminate activity at the markets.


Valery Levonesky


Today nothing hinders the officials from government, militiamen and priests Gapons to make you work at the markets with the goods, to surround the market and to confiscate all your goods. Figuratively speak "butchers" with knives lead rams in shop to kill promising the rams, that they while will not be killed The decree has its legal force and any official has no the right not to execute it. During the second world war in concentration camps before approach in the gas chamber people were explained that it is a bath. So, think.


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