Informational bulletin of trade unions of businessmen

of the Republic of Belarus






The businessmen of Grodno together with the United Civil Party have begun a number of the charitable actions.

The first such action was dated by 21.07.99. The action has passed successfully. More than 5.000 citizens of Grodno visited a holiday, many of whom (specially children) got free of charge balls and sweets. The active collecting of things and means to realise the second stage of the charitable action is planned from August 5 till August 15. The things will be distributed as to the address (on the list which have been submitted by the municipal executive committee and organisations) and to all who wants to get them 15.08.99 at 16.00 in the Grodno park about the Puppet Theatre (in if the municipal executive committee allow). Music, pleasure measures, distribution of balls and sweets, free of charge merries-go-round for children are planned. Up to the end of 1999 the Grodno businessmen plan to realise some such measures.

In connection with the fact that these measures have an only social directivity, the principle decision «About non-admission of political actions when the charitable action is realised» have been acceptd. This solution is accepted because separate political leaders can use any mass measure for provocation and propagation of the symbolic and philosophy. Such attempts will be estimated by the organisers of the charitable action as provocation and will be stopped immediately.

About the support of the charitable actions and readiness to participate actively in them public organisations («The Grodno centre of protection of the rights of a customer», Free trade unions of Grodno, youth and organisation and organisation on protection of the human rights) have declared.

The citizens, heads of firms and organisations wishing to take part in the in the charitable actions can address

Tel/fax (8-0152) 72-00-72,

Grodno, Stefan Batory 8-201

(For the letters 230005, Grodno - 5 subscriber box 63)

E-mail: (,

Pager (0152) 73-00-00 subscriber # 95200


The holidays finished, what should we do?

In the Republic of Belarus the first all-republican holidays organised by the people under common name «Dembel 99» took place. Despite of counteraction of the authorities, official mass media and pressure of tension by the authorities the holiday was a real success.

For example, in Grodno when we were preparing for the holiday the handcuffs were dressed on and the methods of SAMBO were trained 19.07.99 on Victor Podchinenkov, some times (including night) the detail of the employees of militia visited flats of the Chairman of the United Civil Party in the Grodno region and of Valery Levonevsky, the author of these lines, but they did not find him. And we shall return to the holiday. At the holiday balls (more than 1000 pieces) and sweets were given to children. Unfortunately, there were not enough gifts to satisfy all children as the gifts were bought at the expense of scanty means of the separate citizens, members of the United Civil Party and Free Trade union of the Businessmen of Grodno "Southern". And as we have calculated in a holiday more than 5.000 citizens who went for a walk in the park of the city and expressed the pleasure took place. There were no severe conflicts. The holiday was darkened by the detention of six active workers of procession on historical places of Grodno which was organised by them after the holiday, but it is a customary history for our city.

Next time we shall try to find more means on gifts and congratulations with the holiday all who come (even the militiamen, employees of CSS and executive authority).

We do not divide the people on "ours" and “strangers”. We all are citizens of one country. We should respect each other not depending on whether we like A. Lukashenko or not. Each man has the right to select an idol to himself. If a man "have been fooled" and he is in love with A. Lukashenko - it is his right. Stalin and Hitler were also loved by the people, the propagation made their business. The fooled people trusted these "rogues". The people were deceived and frightened. The history has put everything on their places. The basis of our policy is the right of each man should be abided without dependence on his political outlook.

In honour of the holiday more than 9 thousand businessmen of the Grodno region do not go to work (in the markets of cities no more than 10-20 % of the sellers traded, in some cities the markets did not work at all).

Holiday in Grodno for the first time showed that is possible and it is necessary to organise such holidays without meetings and demonstrations. We, people, are hosts of the country instead of populists, chatterboxes and shouters of central and local authority who have seized up to the authority. We hope that the local authorities will understand the error, will stop to tense people and will assist to realise following holidays and won’t using the official position «water with mud», put in prisons, fine everyone who does not support them or thinks in another way.

In Minsk the holidays passed normally but they could be much better. The organisation of these holidays was weak and the counteraction of the authorities in Minsk. Despite of it, the Holiday was held was huge. But the holiday was a success. Theatrical performances with the participation of approaching and leaving duties of militia, the round dances from the same militiamen, amicable shouts of the joy of citizens about a "monster" and about freedom overflowed the areas and streets of Minsk.

What should we do?

It is necessary to extract lessons.

The first lesson. The huge work with the population should be done. This is main and basic and hardest problem of the progressively adjusted part of the society. 90 % of the populations are frightened or "fooled” by the propaganda of Lukashenko and are not ready to the active work to protect their rights and legal interests.

The second lesson. In the Republic of Belarus a substantial, strong structure using broad support of the population is absent. To create such pattern we will demand time, means and most important new people. The majority of politicians from "former" are really politically-bankrupt persons. All parties taken together are not capable to control even 5 % of the population. It is a golden fund of the nation. In spite of nothing they have survived and still exist. The main of them (parties) - the Belorussian Popular Front loses its positions every day. At one time the mass movement is dying quietly. Internal conflicts, corruption, the destructive position of Z. Poznyak resulted in mass outflow of members from this party and in sharply to negative attitude of majority of the population of the Republic of Belarus to the given movement. For BPF it is necessary to determine in the main - whose concerns this movement introduces: of the separate leaders of BPF, belo – russian speaking population of the republic or majority of people of the Republic of Belarus.

The role of BNF in the future of our country as main political force or as small organisation with a lot of branches which it is today depends on the solution of this problem.

It is necessary to create new movements, new structures which are not charged with the influence "of old" politicians and dogmas not depending from the position of the main parties of the Republic of Belarus. 21.07.99 there was a check «on lousiness». Those who were with the people executed the civic duty and all others are occasional people in the policy and have no the right to call themselves "as the opposition".


The third lesson. The problem of "Lukashizm" can not be decided in a democratic way for one day or year. It is necessary to prepare for long and difficult struggle – struggle, first of all, for minds of people.

The fourth lesson. In the Republic f Belarus a substantial team which is capable to control the state in new market conditions is sent. It is necessary already today to actuate work in part of studying of the Belorussian youth abroad to bases of the government.


21.07.99 the holiday was held. July 21, 1999 will be a national holiday - the Day of struggle for independence from the dictatorship.

Without creation of new public formations, new regional structures, controlled by the leaders «of a new example», mass issue of the leaflets, training of young staff in the government, large-scale propaganda of the population, clearing of the leading parties from the destructive leaders it is impossible to built the democratic Belarus.

To hope for a case (everyone understand what) is possible, especially it is possible to speed up this case. A problem is not in it.

The "opposition" has, to my mind, a large error. All its energy is directed to pour with mud the former president and organisation of small meetings and pickets. It is necessary business but it is with a small effect. Lukashenko is only a "feather". Let's remove it and another "feather" will be put on its place and the building will remain. The building itself rotten by corruption and old communist (fascist) dogmas will remain. It is necessary to destroy all building and up to the basis, simultaneously creating a new one more proof, from new materials. It is a process not of one year, but it should be started already today.


On photos:

Stop-shot #1 The holiday “Dembel 99” 21.07.99

Stop-shot #2 The citizens of Grodno came to the holiday organised by the businessmen

Stop-shot #3 Minsk 21. 07. 99

Stop-shot #4 Grodno 21. 07. 99


Legal page

Insurance of the businessmen is a voluntary business


Question: According to the Law "About changes and additions in the Law of the Republic of Belarus" "About the sizes of mandatory insurance fees into the Fund of social protection of the population of the Ministry of social protection of the Republic of Belarus" from 6.01.99 the businessmen are included in number of the payers of these fees. Are these fees at rate of 15 % from the income obligatory?

Answer: The mentioned Law (article 1) has included the businessmen executing the activity without the formation of a juridical person in number of obligatory payers of insurance fees, and also (article2) determined the size of obligatory insurance fees - 15 % from the income for them. The edition of the Law makes you think that the fees should be deducted. It is possible that people who developed it counted on it.

According to E. Khlus, the head of the department of methodology of collecting of insurance fees of the Fund of social protection of the population of the Ministry of social protection of RB "in article 1 of the Law a circle of the payers who make charge and payment of insurance fees taking into account rules of article 7 of the Law "About the bases of State social insurance" from 31.01.95 is determined. And this Law states that the social insurance is distributed on the businessmen if they pay insurance fees. Besides the Law "About business in the Republic of Belarus" from 28.05. 91 does not say that it is a duty of a businessman to pay fees from the personal income to this fund.

Thus, the businessman is free when decides the question - to pay or to not pay insurance fees. It is confirmed by the letter of the Fund of social protection of the population N 10-8/216 from 2.03.99. "According to the current legislation the businessmen executing the activity without formation of a juridical face are the subject to state social insurance if they pay insurance fees i.e. the insurance of these people is voluntary.

In case if a businessman wants to use the system of state social insurance, he should be registered in the bodies of the Fund of social protection of the population.

After the registration of a businessman as a payer of insurance fees in the bodies of the Fund he is obliged to pay insurance fees at rate of 15 percents from the income in the established order".

In summary it is possible to say that in the republic the targeted activity to maintain the replenishment of the Fund of social protection of the population has begun at the expense of deductions by the businessmen. But for the final end result they will need to correct all packet of the laws, including the Law "About the personal (personified) registration in the system of state social insurance" from 6.01.99. So the time to select the solutions you have.


Question – answer

Question: the current account of an individual businessman during 1998 was filled by the money resources according to the contracts of the loan (the term of repayment of borrowed means - 3 years). Is it legally to use borrowed means to pay for the electric power and public utilities on the rented areas, to buy materials used to repair of the rented areas, to buy goods?

Answer: according to item 13.2 of the Methodical indications about the order of the use of the Law "About income tax from the citizens" N 5 from 12.04.96 the sums of borrowed means are not included into the taxed income of a businessman. Debts not demanded in the period of limitations (3 years) and in the established order at the termination of the businessman’s activity are set off to increase the income which is liable to taxes.

When you use the indicated borrowed means on the expenses the structure of which is established by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of RB N 491 from 26.07.96 connected with the withdrawal of the incomes from the businessman’s activity which is carried out by the citizens without formation of a juridical person, these expenses at their documentary proving are lawful and are the subject to be excepted from the gross revenue in the order established by the current legislation.


Question: are the perfume-cosmetic goods the subject to exchange?

Answer: they are not. According to the order of the Ministry of trade N 21 from 2.03.99 the additional list of the good-quality goods which are not the subject to exchange (is approved by the order of the Ministry of Trade N 3 from 16.01.99 "About changes in the List of non-food good-quality articles which are not the subject to exchange) the position " the perfume-cosmetic goods" is included.

The bodies of control of the trade had the duty to inform about this the subjects of managing executing retail trade irrespectively from the form of ownership and belonging.


Question: has the tax organ the right to make independently a decision about return of property confiscated in the spot of sale, written-off as useless, if subsequently a businessman without formation of a juridical person states the property rights to this property?

Answer: the businessman’s activity is taking into account according to the Instruction of the Ministry of finance and GGTI about the order of the registration of the businessman’s activity of the physical persons executing it without formation of a juridical person in the Republic of Belarus N 46/18, registered in the Registry of the State registration 24.11.95,registration N 1160/12 taking into account all changes and additions.

According to item 20 of part V of the mentioned document "for tracking and storage of goods and material values the businessmen will use the documents of the unified example approved by the authorised state bodies.

When a businessman executing activity without formation of a juridical person or a seller who has concluded the agreement with the businessman to use work for the tracking and storage of goods and material values bought at the subjects of the managing of the Republic of Belarus realised the goods he will use standard forms of the strict reporting TNN-1 "A goods and transport way-bill" and TN-2 "A goods way-bill to realise and enter into account goods and material values" approved by the order of the Ministry of statistics and analysis of RB N 32 from 5.02.96... When the goods bought outside the Republic of Belarus, for tracking and storage the scores, way-bills, acts of purchase and also the copy of the customs declarations proved that the goods is imported not from countries - participants of the Customs Union are used. For tracking and storage of the goods bought at the physical persons in the Republic of Belarus, the acts of purchase are used and when the goods of own production are realised – the Book of the registration of daily realisation of the goods... All goods located in places of realisation should be entered in the Book of the registration of daily realisation of the goods".

Thus, if a businessman has shown the documents proving his property right to a part of described property in tax inspection, the inspection has the right to make a decision about release from the arrest, exception from the inventory and return of a part of property belonging to a businessman on lawful basis independently.

If a physical person states the property right on the described useless property but can not confirm the property right in documents, the problem is decided in the court. According to article 11 of the Law "About the state tax inspection of the Republic of Belarus" from 2.02.94 (with changes and additions) the latter "sends to judicial tribunals the claims... to recognise the property useless..."with observance of terms established by the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus.


Question: I’ve heard that the trade union of the businessmen “Southern” carries out seminars. Could you tell about them in detail?

Answer: Really. We have begun to conduct seminars (one-day training) of the businessmen on following topics «certification of the goods», «the order of the appeal of actions of the employees IGSC and employees of militia», « the order of the appeal of the Acts of checks and administrative protocols», «the order of making up of the agreements», «the order of the reference in the Economic courts» etc. Skilful instructors and the lawyers will explain to you how to behave at disputes with tax and other bodies, what to do, when against you they attempt to institute proceedings, how correctly construct the protection in administrative and criminal procedure. The record on seminars is made at the helpers of the treasurer. For members of the trade union seminars and dinners are free of charge. The seminars are carried ou in process of formation of groups (one time per week).


Automobile passions (continuation, beginning in #19)

In last number we published the Decree of the President of RB «About the order and conditions of realisation of obligatory insurance of a civil liability of the owners of transport means». To continuie this topic we publish some more normative and legislative acts on this topic.


N 8 from 19.02.99. The decree of the President of RB About obligatory insurance of a civil liability of the owners of transport means

In order to strengthen protection of property and other interests of those who have suffered in road and transport accidents and according to the third part of article 101 of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus I DECLARE:


1.      To establish obligatory insurance of a civil liability of the owners of transport means for harm caused as a result of road and transport accidents to life or health of the physical persons, their property or property of juridical persons since July 1 1999 in the Republic of Belarus.


2. To establish, that:

2.1. The owners of transport means are obliged in the established order to make up a contract with an insurance organisation having the licence to realise obligatory insurance of a civil liability of the owners of transport means and which is a member of the Belorussian bureau on transport insurance about the obligatory insurance of a civil liability of the owners of transport means on all transport means exploited by them;

2.2. Usage motion of transport means without the agreement of obligatory insurance of a civil liability of the owners of transport means on the roads--

is followed by the imposing of the fine on an owner of a transport means:

- On a juridical person and businessman executing the activity without formation of a juridical person - at rate of 15 minimum wages;

- On a physical person who has been not indicated in the third paragraph of this sub-item - at rate of 5 minimum wages;

2.3. Usage on the roads of transport means without the contract of obligatory insurance of a civil liability of the owners of transport means in case when road and transport accident is done by the person

Authorised to drive this means – is followed by the imposing of the fine on the owner of a transport means:

- On a legal face and businessman executing the activity without formation of a juridical person - at rate of 25 minimum wages;

- On a physical person who has been not indicated in the third paragraph of this sub-item - at rate of 10 minimum wages;

2.4. Exploitation in the Republic of Belarus of a transport means registered abroad without the contract of obligatory insurance of a civil liability of the owners of transport means which are valid in the republic

- is followed by the imposing of the fine on a person who drives this transport means at rate of 200 US dollars in equivalent;

2.5. The payment of the fines foreseen by sub-items 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 of this item does not free the owners of transport means from a conclusion of the treaty of obligatory insurance of a civil liability of the owners of transport means.

The right to impose sanctions and to realise production on business about breaking of the law mentioned in these sub-items is given to the authorised officials of the bodies of the State automobile inspection of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs, customs bodies of the Republic of Belarus and Ministry of transport and communications.


3. The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus in two-monthly term should:

- result the normative legal acts of the Government and republican bodies of the state control ruled by it into the conformity with this Decree;

- In the established order to give the proposals on reduction of the legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus to conformity with this Decree;

- To accept another measures necessary to realise this Decree.

4. Before reduction of the legislation in conformity with this Decree the acts of the legislation are applied in that part in which they do not contradict this Decree.


5. This Decree has its into force from the date of its publication except for sub-items 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 of item 2 which have their force from 1. 10. 1999, it is temporary and according to the third part of article 101 of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus is given for consideration to the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus.



Dear businessmen. In August, 1999 the meeting of the trade union "Southern" of the citizens, businessmen and people working on hiring will be held. Ask the helpers of the treasurer about the conditions of moving out of the delegates. The earnest entreaty to all is to take part in the preparation to this meeting. The proposals on tel. 72-00-72 or on the pager tel. 73-00-00 for subscriber #95200



Yakubovich (Yu) invited Vova (V), a new Russian to take part in the “Field of miracles”

Yu: - Please, twist a barrel.

Vovan twisted a barrel...

Yu: - I congratulate, for you 750 points, call the letter.

V: - Letter U

Yu: - Unfortunately, there is no such letter.

V: - And it does not bother me, find it.


A man on the MKAD tries to stop a car. Mercedes 600 stops, a driver leaves, gets round the car for some times, approaches to the man and beats him on face and says:

-And where do you see draughts here?


Two former classmates met. One of them is NR. Well have talked about different problems, NR asks:

- Well and where are you, how?

- So-so, I am a street merchant.

- Cool! And how much does one street costs?


A young nun runs out from a cabinet of the doctor and cries. Other doctor comes into the cabinet and asks the first:

- What you did you tell her?

- That she is pregnant.

- But it is, softly speaking, lie!

- Yes, but she stopped to stammer.


Two new Russian had a talk.

- Vanya, listen to, Serega in Piter on Mercedes 600 ran into a horse yesterday!

- And how are consequences?

- Well, Serega is in hospital, Mers is awfully broken...

- And how is that man on the horse?

- And what may happen to him? He is bronze!..


DMSU stops "Mercedes". They start to check up the documents. The driver of the "Mercedes" says:

-         The guys, check up quicker, please, I am followed by your colleagues


A private soldier runs in and shouts:

- Foreman, there are gays in the company!!!

- Why do you think so?

- Well my bag with the cosmetic was stolen again.


The ill comes to the surgeon and says:

- Doctor, my stomach aches.

- Now we shall cut off your ears - the surgeon says.

The patient has been frightened and runs to the therapeutist, complains:

The surgeon instead of feeling a stomach, has decided to cut my ears off...

-Oh, these surgeons! – the therapeutist sighed. – They want only to cut something off! Do not bother now we shall prescribe you a medicine and ears will fall off without problems...


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