Informational bulletin of trade unions of businessmen

of the Republic of Belarus






All-republican strike of the businessmen intended on 1.07.99 is delayed.

Such decision is accepted on the eighth all-republican conference of the chiefs of businessman’s structures and organisations. There are some reasons to delay the strike. The basic of them are: the authorities have turned their face to the businessmen (or they pretend that they have turned), the terror against the businessmen is stooped a little bit, we, the businessmen, have decided to give the authorities one more chance to think. Though, I am sure that they have nothing what helps them to think. It was necessary to force the businessmen to organise the strike which would result in the increase of social tension, in not paying wages and in other phenomena negative for the country to understand one elementary thing - it is impossible to scoff at the people especially at people who give the huge income to the state. Think, 100.000 businessmen give, according to the official data, more than 20 % of a profitable part of the budget (according to the informal - up to 60 % of the budget), four million of the rest of able-bodied population with all plants, collective farms, credits, foreign investments etc.-80 % of the budget. Simple calculations show that one businessman gives for the budget in 160 (hundred sixty!) times more than one average worker. If we take into account the fact that a businessman has family, does not take anything from the state, does not get salary, it becomes clear that only with development of business it is possible to remove country from the crisis (development on business instead of on words). Instead of development of business the people who never work at a factory, as a rule, are mentally "near" and who understand nothing in the economic create rules on which a normal man can not honestly work. What you should be an idiot (an idiot - man suffering from the innate feeble-minded, silly man, dimwit, fool, the dictionary of Ozhegov page 231) to enter the mandatory certification on the goods which have been already certificated or to equal the clean profit and commodity turnover by the law, to limit the sale of gasoline for the national currency, to establish, confused registration and re-registration of public organisations, businessmen, firms which is difficult to overcome, to lead a country which was very rich some time ago to poverty and international isolation.

This number we devote to the documentation connected with the certification of the goods and services. The volume of these documents is very great, and we shall try to prolong this theme in each number.

Valery Levonevsky (photo…)



ABOUT THE CERTIFICATION OF PRODUCTION, WORK AND SERVICES. The Law of the Republic of Belarus from September 5, 1995 N 3849-XII





Certification of the production is realised with the following purposes:


To provide the safety of the production for life, health and property of the population and also for the environmental protection;

To confirm figures of quality of the production announced by the manufacturer (seller) to particular normative acts and normative documents on the standardisation;

To create conditions for the manufacturers (seller) to participate in the international trade and to increase the competitive strength of the production;

To protect the republican market from poor-quality and unsafe production which comes on import.




In the Republic of Belarus the National system of certification created by the republican body on the standardisation, metrology and certification acts works and the systems of certification of the production created by others juridical persons can work on parameters on which the legislation of the Republic of Belarus does not demand the realisation of obligatory certification.


In the National system of certification both obligatory and voluntary certification are carried out, the systems of certification on kinds of the production and on the separate demands can be created.


The systems of certification of production have their signs of conformity.


The systems of certification and signs of conformity are also the subject to be registered in the order established by the republican body on the standardisation, metrology and certification.





The obligatory certification is done in the cases foreseen by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.


The production on which in the normative acts and certain standards or other normative documents on the standardisation the safety requirements for life, health and property of the citizens and environmental protection are established is the subject for the obligatory certification extremely in the National system of certification of RB.


Nomenclature of the production which is the subject for the obligatory certification and terms for the introducing of certification are established in the order set by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.


The realisation in the Republic of Belarus and import of the production which is the subject for the obligatory certification are prohibited in the republic without the certificate and (or) the sign of conformity proving the conformity of the production to the requirements mentioned.


Organisation and realisation of activities on the obligatory certification are assigned on the republican body on the standardisation, metrology and certification and in cases mentioned in the legislation of the Republic of Belarus concerning separate kinds of the production or separate parameters can be assigned to other bodies of administration government of the republic.




The participants of the obligatory certification are the republican body on the standardisation, metrology and certification, bodies on certification accredited test labs, manufacturers (sellers) of the production.


Bodies on the certification:


Carry out activities on the certification;


Give necessary information to the applicant on his requirement within the limits of their competence. The accredited test lab (centre) executes tests of the particular production or carries out particular kinds of tests and gives the protocols of tests for the purposes of the certification.




The manufacturers (sellers) of the production which is the subject for the obligatory certification in the Republic of Belarus are obliged:


-         To carry out activities on certification of the production according to this Law;


-         To realise the production when they have the certificate given or recognised by the body authorised to that;


-         To provide conformity of the production which is realised to the requirements of the normative acts and certain standards or other normative documents on the standardisation on which it was certificated and labelling of it by the sign of conformity established by the law;


- To indicate of the information about the certification, normative acts and normative documents on the standardisation to which the production should correspond in the accompanying documentation, to get sure that this information will be known to a customer (buyer);


-         To suspend or to terminate the realisation of the certificated production if it does not correspond the requirements of the normative acts and normative documents on the standardisation on which one it was certificated, and after the termination of the period of validity of the certificate or in the case if work of  the certificate is suspended or is undone by the solution of the body on the certification;


-         To help the officials of the republican body on the standardisation, metrology and certification, other bodies on the certification when activities on the obligatory certification and on control over the certificated production are realised;


-         To inform bodies on the certification about changes brought in the manufacturing documentation or into the manufacturing process of issue of the certificated production in the established order.




The production which is the subject for the obligatory certification according to the legislation of the Republic of Belarus at import in the republic should be accompanied by the certificate and (or) by the sign of conformity recognised or issued by bodies on the certification of the production.


In the contracts (agreements) concluded on delivery of the production which is the subject for the obligatory certification in the Republic of Belarus the presence of the certificate and (or) the sign of conformity proving its conformity to safety requirements for life, health and property of the citizens and environmental protection established in the Republic of Belarus should be foreseen.


The certificates or testimonies on their admission are introduced to customs bodies of the Republic of Belarus together with the cargo customs declaration and are the obligatory documents to get the sanction on import of the production into the Republic of Belarus.


The order of import of the production which is the subject for the obligatory certification into the Republic of Belarus is established by bodies of the state government responsible for the customs control and certification.




The control over observance of rules of the obligatory certification by bodies on certification and accredited test labs is executed by the officials of the republican body on the standardisation, metrology and certification.


The control over the certificated production is executed by the officials of the republican body on the standardisation, metrology and certification and also by bodies on certification.


The control over fulfilment of the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus about obligatory certification of the production by the manufacturers (sellers) of the production is executed by the republican body on the standardisation, metrology and certification and other bodies of sate management and public organisations within the limits of their competence.


The bodies executing the control over observance of rules of certification and certificated production according to second and third parts of this article have the right to submit a proposal to the republican body on the standardisation, metrology and certification about suspension or about prohibition of the activity in the field of certification and realisation of the certificated production.


The republican body on the standardisation, metrology and certification has the right to suspend or to prohibit activity in the field of certification at breaking of rules of the National system of the certification of the Republic of Belarus and realisation of the certificated production, which does not correspond to the requirements of the normative acts and particular standards or other normative documents on the standardisation on which it was certificated.


The officials of the republican body on the standardisation, metrology and certification, of the bodies on the certification of the production and other bodies of administrations of the state management which realise control over the certificated commodity and fulfilment of the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus about obligatory certification of the production have the right to visit firms and enterprises to control the mode of their activity easily.




The expenses on the payment of the salary to the workers realising the state control over the production which is the subject for obligatory certification are realised at the expense of the republican budget.


The expenses on participation in activity of international (regional) organisations on certification are regulated by the normative acts working in the republic.


The payment of activities on certification of the production is made by the manufacturer (seller). The sum of expenses spent to realise obligatory certification of the production concerns on its cost price.






The voluntary certification is carried both as in National


system of certification of the Republic of Belarus and in other systems of certification created by juridical persons having registered their systems of certification and signs of conformity in the republican body on the standardisation, metrology and certification.


The production which have came through the voluntary certification are marked by the sign of conformity of that system in which it was certificated.


The control over the production certificated in the National system of certification of the Republic of Belarus is fulfilled by the republican body on the standardisation, metrology and certification and bodies on certification of the production.


The control over the production certificated in the voluntary system of certification if fulfilled by the appropriate body on the certification of the production.






The manufacturer (seller) has the right to appeal against the solution of the republican body on the standardisation, metrology and certification according the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.




The bodies of the management, manufacturers (sellers) of the production and officials are responsible for breaches in the legislation about the certification according to the legislation.




If the international agreements a participant of which is the Republic of Belarus provide another rules which differ from those which are established in the legislation of the Republic of Belarus about the certification of the production then the rules of the international agreements are applied.



The Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus from September 22, 1993 N 635




In order to protect health and life of people, protect the environment, to remove barriers in the development of intergovernmental trade the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:


1.To enter since January 1, 1994 the obligatory certification of the consumer goods, of activities and services (in further they called by the goods) concerning which in the acts of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and normative documents the safety requirements for life, health and property of the citizens, and for the environmental protection according to the appendix are established.

Certification of the goods should be executed in the National System of the certification of the Republic of Belarus in the order established by the Committee on the standardisation, metrology and certification at the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus - national body on the certification.


2 To give the right to the Committee on the standardisation, metrology, certification at the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus to introduce changes and additions to the nomenclature of the goods which are the subject to the obligatory certification as required.


3. To prohibit from April 15, 1994 the realisation of the goods which are the subject to the obligatory certification according to this order without the certificate of conformity or testimony to recognise the certificate valid given by the committee on the standardisation, metrology and certification at the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus or on its commission by the body on the certification in the Republic of Belarus.


Firms and organisations of trade should not allow to realise the goods which are the subject to the obligatory certification without the certificates of conformity or testimonies to recognise the certificate valid to the citizens.


4.The ministries, offices, firms (including firms with the foreign investments), associations, organisations, enterprises (in further are called as firms) irrespective of patterns of ownership and subordination, and also businessmen who fulfilled the activity without the formation of the juridical person (in further are called as the businessmen) should ensure the realisation of the obligatory certification of the goods on safety requirements from January 1, 1994.


5. To establish, that the firms and businessmen are obliged:


To label the goods certificated in the National system of the certification of the Republic of Belarus the goods is familiar conformity on RST of Belarus 915-92 "National the sign of conformity. The shape, sizes and specifications";


To indicate the information about the certification and normative documents on which the goods are valid in the accompanying documentation on the goods;


To terminate the realisation of the goods certificated on safety requirements if they do not meet the requirements of the appropriate normative documents, and also when the term of operating of the certificate have finished or in the case of suspension or cancellation of its operating by the solution of the body on the certification.


6. In case of breaking of the requirements foreseen by point 3 of this order, officials of the Committee on the standardisation, metrology and certification at the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus give the prescription to forbid the manufacturing, realisation of the goods, and also fine the law breakers at the rate of the cost of the realised goods.


The appendix to the order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus from September 22, 1993 N635


With the addition brought by the Committee on the standardisation, metrology and certification from October 27, 1995 N179


NOMENCLATURE OF THE GOODS WHICH ARE THE SUBJECT FOR THE OBLIGATORY CERTIFICATION (in the special appendix #1 to the Bulletin, is given only to persons having the slip to participate in the meeting on the certification, ask for it at the helper of the treasurer)





The order of the State committee on the standardisation, metrology and certification of the Republic of Belarus from November 25, 1998 N18


In order to improve work with the goods versed into the income of the state and to fulfil the commissions of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus from November 13, 1998 N11/810-95-dsp the State committee on the standardisation, metrology and certification of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:


1.      To approve the applied nomenclature of the production which has been held back, arrested, confiscated or versed into the income of the state in any other way being the subject for the obligatory certification.


2.      GP "CESM", centres of the standardisation and metrology, IC "TOOT", BelGISS should provide the immediate certification


Of the production indicated in the appendix on directions of the appropriate tax and customs bodies.


The chairman of the Committee     V. Koreshkov


The appendix to the order of the State committee on the standardisation, metrology and certification of the Republic of Belarus from November 25, 1998 N18


The Nomenclature of the production which has been held back, arrested, confiscated or versed into the income of the state in any other way being the subject for the obligatory certification


1.      Goods of light industry for children:


1.1.           Knitted wear


1.2.           Cloth knitted of the commodity linen assortment


1.3. Article knitted overcoat


1.4.           Hosiery


1.5.           Article sewing linen


1.6.           Fabrics of linen cotton for children's assortment


1.7.           Footwear


2.       Toys


3.       Products of children's feed:


3.1. Milk dry


3.2. Flour for manufacturing of products of children's feed


3.3. Children's feed pre-packed for retail sail


3.4.           Canned food tomato, vegetable, fruit, berry, fish, tinned meat


3.5.           Juices and drinks vegetable, fruit and berry


4.       Sausage smoke


5.       Tinned products from meat, meat sub-products, fish, caviar and its alternate materials, cancroid, molluscs and other water invertebrate


6. Canned food vegetable, mushroom, fruit and berry


7. Juices vegetable, drinks, syrups, sauces, spice tinned


8. Production of the lactic industry:


8.1. Canned food lactic


8.2. Cheeses rennet solid


8.3. Butter


9. Coffee natural


10. Tea


11. Cocoa – dust


12. Chocolate and chocolate articles


13. Cookies and wafer


14. Oil vegetative:


14.1. Soybean

14.2. Sunflower


14.3. Cotton


14.4. Corn


14.5. Mustard


15. Alcoholic beverages


16. Beer


17. Mineral water gassed with addition of sugar and sweetens, soft drinks


18. Tobacco articles


19. Mayonnaise


The question - answer

Question: Where it is possible to previous issues of the bulletin “The Businessman”, is it to subscribe?


Answer: Ask the helpers of the treasurer. It also is possible to get it by mail. It is necessary to put into the letter an envelope (envelopes) with the return address and the document proving the payment of the appropriate fees (the slip (slips) is at the helper of the treasurer). In the same way it is possible to get any other literature (on certification etc.)


Question: Will the actions of the protests be held by the trade unions of the businessmen in July, 1999.


Answer: We plan a number of the Actions of local value in some regions of Belarus and the largest all-Belorussian Action on July 20-22 1999. We share all-republican slogans "We want the new President", "The Overdue President - worse than a Tatar", "Grigorich-the country will not stand up you for two years" etc.


But we are ready to the off-schedule actions of the protest.


Question: the citizens from the foreign countries are put in more expedient trade terms. Citizens of Vietnam sell the goods without the slips and certificates.


Answer: the trade terms for all should be identical as minimum. The authorities of the city, unfortunately, do not want to defend the domestic businessman and to take measures to terminate the wrongful trade of the foreign citizens. The trade is realised with obvious breaches of law of RB "About protection of the rights of a customer", tax and other legislation of RB. If the authorities and in further close eyes down on it, we shall be compelled to address to law-enforcement and other bodies, public organisations on protection of the rights of a customer for the help. If somebody has other proposals address into the trade union.


Question: At what stage are the talks on certification with the authorities of the city.


Answer: There is a game into Cat-and-mouse. The authorities are afraid of a wave of new strikes. While they have kept silent. Most likely it is silence before a storm.

And we should be ready to it. The authorities of the decide a little, what they will be said from above they will do. As to the Valentina Lavtsel, the vice-chairman of the municipal executive committee (an official who supervises problems of economics and business in Grodno, and, likely, should carry talks), in the general she is quite a good woman who pretends that she has taken offence at the Chairman of the trade union Valery Levonevsky


While we, businessmen, are together they will take us into the account, as soon as there will be "fermentation", you’ll get a new slap in the face from the authorities. From different sources we get different information. One says that up to 1.09.99 they will "forget", about the certificates other say - up to the end of year. And in the beginning of 2000 when documentary checks are be realised they will again remember about them. A lot depends on changes in political life of our state this year. The local authorities, maybe, want to make something good but their hands "are tied", they are also are afraid to lose work, they have been assigned so they can be dismissed if they do not obey.



Dear businessmen, substantial reference to real Vasily, businessman from the Ware market in village Southern of Grodno, is published below. Vasily certainly will recognise himself and a man who addresses to him. We publish the answer without reductions. We hope Vasily and other readers of our bulletin will state the point of view on this problem.




Once we Vasily with you went frequently in Warsaw and I know you as a healthy proof man. When in Warsaw you was attempted to be robbed by three gangsters, you have managed to run away from them, you just appeared stronger than they three, and I, Vasily, then failed to run away, I was put a knife in a side and all my pockets were turned out, and what should I do I want to live.


And now you, Vasily, say that we the businessmen are engaged with policy for nothing, you say that it was necessary to put forward only economical requirements and there are no reasons to be engaged with the policy. You, Vasily, said it to me after the strike and I did not want to argue with you as you were too aggressive, but now through our bulletin I say: "You, Vasily, are not right!"


Not long ago employees of DSEC arrested a woman for bucks, led her into the room of militia and began to threaten to her, saying that they were going to all goods, to put her into prison, to fine at 500 million etc., they know how to do it. The woman has 2 children and does not have husband she was very afraid because she does not know what her children will eat then. She was so agitated that she was sick. One of the employees of DSEC looked at her with contempt and said: "Well, when we arrest them for bucks they either in trousers will do or vomit!". I, Vasily, understand these people, they worry for the families and children, it is their one piece of bread, what shall they do if they lost at once


source of existence, and people are sick and they do in trousers from such stress. But how, Vasily should we understand such the state which leads up the honest citizens to such condition? What for is this state necessary? It should protect interests of the citizens, but only not in our country. You, Vasily, are considered to be “an animal”, a criminal, you can be fined at any moment, your goods can be confiscated or you may be arrested for bucks etc.


Where do you, Vasily, take bucks? Well! And I, Vasily, take them at the same place, we with you Vasily are not Titenkovs to take bucks at the rate of the National Bank and in the National Bank, so we with you Vasily are the criminals. When you were in Warsaw did you see that the Poles write out any slips when they sold their goods, were they afraid to take bucks - no, and I did not see, I did not see it either in Turkey, or in Hungary, in Lithuania, and they are not better then we are. So in Belarus any businessman trying to earn on life is a criminal, the legislative base is such that if you do not break it you will earn nothing. Basically, it is possible to consider all population of the republic to be criminals, for example, to issue a decree according to which people will be not allowed to breathe or eat and then take anyone and put in prison, it is certainly a nonsense, but are not the today's decrees regulating the businessman’s activity a nonsense.


When you, Vasily, says that the politics is not necessary you probably agree that they are cleverer than you they know better what is right and what is not, but you, Vasily, are not right again. You, Vasily, even after a “hard” evening are cleverer than they as for you to earn on the sale of your cranes it is necessary to decide weight of problems: to sell the goods, to buy currency, to go to select the running goods, not to be arrested at purchasing currency, to take the goods through the custom etc. If you, Vasily, had been as engaged in the business as they atre engaged in the national economy, you would have gone bankrupt long time ago, and you, as far as I know, have money not only to life but also to drink vodka. And do you, Vasily, think that these collective-farm idiots are cleverer than you? You are mistaken. They know nothing how to do, they can only take away and divide, under it the legislative base is delivered, all is made that any businessman was defenceless before an outrage of an official.


The Parliament, which Alexander Grigorievch elected, solves problems of such nature: "How should a collective-farm field be sown: lengthways or across?" And problems, which concern us with you, nobody can ask there, Vasily, we are introduced there.


If you, Vasily, say that we should not be engaged in policy, it means, Vasily, that you agree that people are lead up to such a condition when they “do” in trousers. Again you Vasily, are not right, in normal democratic countries such as you active people are encouraged they have all conditions for business, their interests in the parliament and government are introduced by somebody. They, Vasily, these collective-farm idiots, do not know and do not understand our problems and they do not want to know them, they want that you should be not engaged in the policy and they would have an opportunity to turn out your pockets at any moment.


Well, let’s see Vasily: in Warsaw you did not allow the gangsters to rob yourself and here you are agree with the robbery, no Vasily, I can not are agree with you in this! We with you should be engaged in the policy, our policy is that in this country a man can feel that he is a man not a collective-farm cattle. They say that we do not want to pay taxes, it not the truth, you, Vasily, would pay and more only if provided that nobody would approach to you and would not count yours crannes and it is not expedient for them, that then tens thousand of supervisors will do and now they have what to do – they fine you and you feel constant fear – it is the policy, Vasily!


Yours faithfully.


The neighbour on the trade place


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